ECT uh oh Another verse where Paul says he destroyed the church of God !

john w

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The resurrection is a lot of places in the OT. I assume people who post here know how to operate software like Finding it as a theme maybe a bit tricky, but that's where the NT comes in. Oh, that reminds me, I'd guess John is with the club on this where you are not allowed to let the NT think or say anything about the OT; you have to get it direct from the OT. So we can't use Ps 2, 16 or 110 like the apostles did. And Ps 24 would never in the world be about the ascension and the Res, and Eph 4 is nothing but bombast quoting Ps 68. In fact, many in the club only know Ps 83 because that's where Israel trounces everyone else.

I agree that the doctrine/concept of resurrection is woven throughout the OT. But that is not what the deceiver is arguing, i.e., he asserts that because the "word" baptisms, is not in the OT, that the concept of immersions/washings/sprinklings, was not part of the law...It was, and I showed him that the doctrine/concept is/was, chapter, and verse. By his satanic, deceptive "argument," "God the Father" was never in the OT, nor was resurrection, nor the "word" is not there.

Show some guts, for a change, and challenge him on this point. You won't, as both of you are punks.

I know for a fact that you didn't, because the word "baptize" was not only not part of the Law of Moses, it's nowhere to be found in the Old Testament.
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john w

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The Law of Moses was given in the OT, not the NT.

Made up. Matthew-John, early Acts-the law was preached, followed.
If Baptism cannot be found in the OT, it wasn't part of the Law of Moses.

It is-you were shown, chapter, verse, sweetie. Your daddy just tells you to deny it.

The words "God the Father...resurrection...." cannot be found in the OT. Thus, you deny that "God the Father" was/is part of the OT, as is the resurrection.

You can't be this demonic.Wait..

Tell someone, Craigie the Catholic/Church of Christer, that they must ne water baptized, to be saved, because, obviously, it is part of the NT, according to you.
Go ahead, sweetie...Need help getting out of the ditch? Where is your wife/kids, at 12:30 ET?

john w

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The Law of Moses was given in the OT, not the NT.

If Baptism cannot be found in the OT, it wasn't part of the Law of Moses.

Same thing for Hanukkah.

Hanukkah was not part of the Law of Moses. Hanukkah cannot be found in the OT.

Hanukkah is a holiday created by the Jews. God had nothing to do with it.

Show us "the word(s)" "God the Father," "resurrection," "Christ," in the OT. I have more, little chin/effeminate one.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree.

I was just trying to make a point to Little Johnny W about baptism not being part of the law.

Here's one example of the resurrection in the OT:

(Isaiah 26:19) Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

BTW, the above verse says the resurrection takes place when Christ Jesus' body is raised from the dead. That supports Preterism.

No word "resurrection" there, sweetie.

Drunk tonight?
I know for a fact that you didn't, because the word "baptize" was not only not part of the Law of Moses, it's nowhere to be found in the Old Testament.

Show us the word "omniscient

," as pertaining to God, in the OT. Do be a dear, Craigie. Teach us, wimpy.

I know for a fact that you didn't, because the word "baptize" was not only not part of the Law of Moses, it's nowhere to be found in the Old Testament.

1 Cor. 10 KJV
1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;

2 And were all baptized unto Moses
in the cloud and in the sea;

Craigie: Darby....Bullinger....

Tell us, again,Craigie, that the doctrine of "baptisms," "washings," "mikveh's," was not an OT concept/doctrine, and that in Matthew-John, everyone was clueless as to the concept, and it was strictly a NT concept/doctrine. Go ahead, biblical idiot, and prove that, once more, you've not studied/surveyed the details of the OT.And tell everyone to get this allegedly strictly NT water baptism, to be saved.
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john w

New member
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Tell someone, Craigie the Catholic/Church of Christer, that they must ne water baptized, to be saved, because, obviously, it is part of the NT, according to you. Water baptism, according to you, is part of the NC, not the law, so everyone must be water baptized, to be saved.

Go ahead, sweetie...Need help getting out of the ditch? Where is your wife/kids, at 12:30 ET?

john w

New member
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I didn't say they were.

You said baptism was part of the law.

That's not true. Baptism was never part of the law, which is why the word "baptize" cannot be found in the OT.

Yes, baptisms/washings were part of the law, and I showed you, chapter, verse, dung mouth, and you, you "argued" that baptisms were not washings, because:
I know for a fact that you didn't, because the word "baptize" was not only not part of the Law of Moses, it's nowhere to be found in the Old Testament.

So stuff your sophistry, deception, you piece of trash.

And the word/phrase "God the Father," by that satanic argument of deception, the word resurrection, the word Christ............... was never part of the law, cannot be found in the OT.

Tell everyone to be baptized, in water, to be saved, troll, as it is part of the NC, per you. Go ahead, Catholic.


New member
Show us "the word(s)" "God the Father," "resurrection," "Christ," in the OT. I have more, little chin/effeminate one.

Hey retard resurrection is in the OT you are to much of a heretic to understand or SEE it.

Psa 16:10
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

Jesus is in the OT also heretic I doubt you will see Him there or anywhere with your spiritually dead self.


Here's one example of the resurrection in the OT:

(Isaiah 26:19) Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

BTW, the above verse says the resurrection takes place when Christ Jesus' body is raised from the dead. That supports Preterism.
I understand that the Resurrection commences when He rose, He is the Firstborn, but everybody will follow Him in rising, some to the new heaven and new earth, hopefully and prayerfully, everybody who falls asleep from now on.


Well-known member
Hey retard resurrection is in the OT you are to much of a heretic to understand or SEE it.

Psa 16:10
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

Jesus is in the OT also heretic I doubt you will see Him there or anywhere with your spiritually dead self.

John W. was referring to the word 'resurrection' not the concept.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey retard resurrection is in the OT you are to much of a heretic to understand or SEE it.

Psa 16:10
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

Jesus is in the OT also heretic I doubt you will see Him there or anywhere with your spiritually dead self.
You missed the argument, devil teen-he said "the word" is not in the OT, so it is false.


Get saved, teenage wolf.


Well-known member
I didn't say they were.

You said baptism was part of the law.

That's not true. Baptism was never part of the law, which is why the word "baptize" cannot be found in the OT.

The word 'baptism' is used in the Septuagint Greek, Philo and Josephus.

The term, though evolving through time, was not unknown apart from John the Baptist.

The Pharisees were obviously familiar with the practice.
They didn't ask John, "What th' heck are you doin' with that water?"
They knew what he was doing.
Their question was, "Why are you doing it?"

Joh 1:24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees.
Joh 1:25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet?


New member
dan, your observations are heretical and you sound like a heretic !

Act 2:47
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

You claim to know more than God who it is said added daily to the "church" daily such as should be saved, and all before Paul ever became a Christian and added to the SAME church.

The word church is an English word that is not a translation of the original Greek word Ekklesia.

At Antioch the disciples were first called Messiants and not christians.

Paul never added anyone to the ecclesia and in this matter who better to quote than Paul:

"I have planted, Apollos watered; but Elohim gave the increase."

john w

New member
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Again, nowhere does any Bible say "millennial reign". That's a phrase invented by Dispensationalists.

Caught, in more lying, hypocrisy. The no chin/little arms weasel lies so much, he can't keep his lies straight...

Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now...Those who have faith in Christ Jesus are the bride of Christ( "post" 1041)...the gospel of the New Covenant....

"nowhere does any Bible say "the bride of Christ," "gospel of the New Covenant. That's a phrase invented by satanic Preterist/AD 70-ists-Russell/pope/Josephus followers.

nowhere does any Bible say "millennial reign"


Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now...

You lie, more than you blink, dung boy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

JW's only problem is he needs to get saved and follow Jesus not Bullinger and Stam.

Quit using my directive, plagiarizing me, teen wolf.I am forever saved, you wicked teenage wolf, devil child, and you are grinding your teeth, as you read this, Gomer. You're no former Marine, you poser-YOU LIED.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
They treat these things as 'trademarked' titles. BOC. Another is the Great Tribulation. This 'hardens' the concept in to one time, which would be OK if it were the right one. But he said he was talking about things in that generation, and another equally good translation would be 'enormous turmoil.'

Make up your mind. Do we harden, or do we fracture?


Matthew-John, early Acts-the law was preached, followed.


The law was preached until John the Baptist. Then it was the Kingdom of God that was preached, NOT the law.

(Luke 16:16) "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.

patrick jane

Quit using my directive, plagiarizing me, teen wolf.I am forever saved, you wicked teenage wolf, devil child, and you are grinding your teeth, as you read this, Gomer. You're no former Marine, you poser-YOU LIED.
He lied about being a Marine Veteran. We should call some real Marines and see what they want to do about it