"Yossarian? What kind of name is Yossarian?" —— "It's Yossarian's name, sir."
Definitely one of the classics, and one of my personal favorites too.
"You can't demote Major Major Major, sir, the army's only got one and they'd hate to give him up." —— "No sir, you can't promote him either."
As you'll have a noticed, I'm an atheist, Zimfan; a disbeliever, not a denier. If God ever does tell me He was the one responsible for the origins of species, I'll take His word for it. But I don't think it'll happen. St. Thomas is one of my heroes, someone who refused to take fundamental truth on faith, instead demanding incontrovertible evidence. I've asked any god willing to step up to the plate to give me the same proof, but so far, I'm still waiting.
Evolution gets forced into religious discussions where it doesn't really belong, in my own humble opinion. It's nothing more, and nothing less, than a search for natural explanations. It doesn't so much deny the existence of a creator, it just looks to see what can be seen. If the supernatural doesn't wish to sit still and be measured, we can't blame scientists for not taking notes. Nor am I going to demand that a supernatural being obey our commands.
Thank you for your polite and graceful concession. But understand it wasn't meant personally, but more to correct a common misconception. Here's hoping you'll return the favor and correct one of my own misconceptions sometime.
I generally avoid any movie that's been made from a book I've read. It's an exercise in frustration and disappointment, I've found over and over again.
In peace.