Truster is a liar


New member
He saved a liar
a foul mouthed blasphemer
a fornicator
a drunk
a druggie
a dealer
an adulterer
He saved a crooked man
a deceiver
a lazy man
and a glutton
he saved a man
who hated
who was embittered
a striker
a schemer
a dreamer
He saved a murderer
He saved me
and I was
all these men
and more...

quit bragging!


New member
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I don't hear your cries and neither will Yah Veh Elohim in the evil day that you are being hardened for.

"Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:"​


New member
The chaotic mind of Truster is a product of the defunct Reformed gospel where God damns indiscriminately and saves for no apparent reason. God saves those who believe in him and this is said over and over and over in scripture. God implants a seed of faith into every human being and with some it grows and with others it withers and dies. God doesn't damn anyone, men damn themselves like Truster who has fallen away into chaos.


Well-known member
This message is hidden because Epoisses is on your ignore list.

I don't hear your cries and neither will Yah Veh Elohim in the evil day that you are being hardened for.

"Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:"​

:mock: Bluster