Truster is a repentant liar.
All men are liars. All men are evil. All men, including regenerate men, are tainted with sin and the effects of sin. As Paul declared that he often found himself doing that which he willed not to do, because of sin living in him that does the evil.
Therefore I can declare that I am in my flesh evil and that in my flesh no good thing dwells.
I can also declare that I will to do good, but I cannot be 100% sure of my intentions for doing so.
Under the law, I would be condemned for every thought that falls short of the benchmark set, but I am not under law. I am a blessed man unto whom Yah Veh doth not impute iniquity.
Withholding truth is a lie and I sometimes withhold the truth. I often meditate on this when it happens, because it seems as if I have been struck dumb. I have come to the conclusion that The Eternal did not wish nor will that I should deliver the truth that sets men free to the particular person.
I sometimes find that I have deceived myself and deceit is a lie. I sometimes make myself a promise and don't keep it. "For the good (intention) that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." Praise Elohim that the intention to do good is sufficient and is acceptable in the face of the Eternal Father for the sake of The Eternal Son.
I confess my need of sanctification and know for an absolute fact my prayer is heard and that He will lead me in the paths of justness for His Names sake.
As a man who has been set free by the truth, I hate every false way. I hate it when doctrine is twisted to suit the teachings of denominations, creeds, statements of faith and so-called tenets.
I despise so-called reverend doctors who pussyfooting around the truth in an attempt not to offend as if they are embarrassed by the behavior of the Eternal Almighty and they feel the need to justify His will.
The Eternal Almighty is intrinsically GOOD all that comes from Him, and that is everything, is GOOD, because He is GOOD.
Covering this GOODNESS and all His attributes is His HOLINESS there is no need to justify HIM or apologise on HIS behalf. He is working all things unto His glory and is a law unto Himself.
Anyone who opposes His truth is an unrepentant liar.