Trump's emotional insability and its consequences

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Hall of Fame
Trump's emotional insability and its consequences.

Another 17 more dead due to Trumps nutty policy of letting those with known mental issues have access to guns. And Trump did the just to spite Obama.

Yep ... his watch, his responsibility. Unfortunately, this is what happens when the *leader* (chosen by Putin) bases his policies on resentment and greed.



How terrible. Let us focus on that instead of Obama's Secret Police who violated the civil rights of many citizens of the USA.

After all, the turnover rate in Trump's administration is of extreme importance compared to what happened under Obama and His Secret Police who used KGB tactics!!

"Jerry Shugart" and the President has been watching too much FOXNEWS - the "conspiracy" network!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

According to a report by Ms. Tenpas, Mr. Trump’s 34 percent turnover rate in his first year is more than three times as high as President Barack Obama’s in the same period and twice as high as President Ronald Reagan’s, which until now was the modern record-holder. Of 12 positions deemed most central to the president, only five are still filled by the same person as when Mr. Trump took office.

Business Man.
He might even see turnover as a good thing.


America is now once again great. We can walk out as free human beings and not have to worry about the global pc idiots trying to subvert the greatest land of opportunity ever known since the dawn of man. Thank you President Trump and thank you to all you magasakahs that voted for him. 2018 looking great.

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Why is it that 95 out of a 100 men by the time they reach 65 do not reach financial prosperity in this great land of opportunity that the world has ever known? Simple, they conform. And the problem is that they follow the wrong unproductive people, the Democrats. They follow the followers.

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The Barbarian

Business Man.
He might even see turnover as a good thing.

What Does a High Turnover Rate Say About Management?

Bad Supervisory Practices
Micromanagement drives many workers from their jobs. Many people resent having supervisors monitor their every move and criticize every effort they make.

Favoritism and Nepotism
If a family-run company employs outside workers, there is a danger that workers who are not part of the family either believe they do not have an equal opportunity to advance within the company, or actually face these limitations. In companies that are not family owned, real or perceived favoritism breeds resentment among other employees.

Overwork and Poor Workload Distribution
Many government agencies, such as child welfare departments, traditionally experience high employee turnover rates due to burnout and heavy workloads, according to the Child Welfare Information Gateway. During times of economic stress, private companies outside of the nonprofit and government arenas often expect employees to handle a heavier workload than they would otherwise.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Trump's mental instability makes it impossible for him to run an organization with a stable workforce.


New member
Business Man.
He might even see turnover as a good thing.

Yeah, Bernie Made-off with $Billions was also trusted as "a successful businessman who knows business inside and out."

Don't know much about running a business; do you?

A continuing high employee turn-over in is one of the key signs a business is headed for failure if it does not somehow solve for the problem.

And being that Trump's entire business life has been one surrounded by drones and corruption, and buying his way out of his messes; its not like one can honestly say that his high-turn over problem in DC is "because he is draining the swamp."

But you fools must cling to your self-deceptions.

These people are firing him; not the other way around.

The man is as incompetent as he is corrupt and completely blinded by his own lies.

Such rats fear incompetent corruption, not the corruption.

Their motto being "Nixon's mistake was that he got caught."

Trump's repeatedly same mistake over and over, throughout his corrupt business life.

And the fact is, that in all walks of life - from running a laundromat to marriage and raising a family, and every other endeavour in life - politics is ever an aspect of life, and one that ever requires a cross between a highly skilled Politician and an equally highly skilled Diplomat.

One that requires knowing when to just shoot from the hip and when to keep a stiff upper lip.

Trump is a massive failure in that.

The man is infamous for his many failures at both.

And for his ever resorting to deception and blaming the other guy for his ever endless mis-steps.

I suspect we have yet to see the end of all there is to know about what a fraud he has been all along, and continues to be.

If pointing all this out rubs you self-deluded false idol worshippers the wrong way; then so be it.

That just shows how shallow each of you actually are - no matter what your claims of some sense of a Christian morality might be.

Each "your glory is in your shame."

The Barbarian

50% approval ratin’ what a joy to be an American!

Sort of says it all when Trump supporters rejoice at being told that only 50% of Americans like Trump.

But it's never been that high. The number comes from a republican polling organization that predicted Romney would beat Obama in a landslide. :)

How is our somewhat unstable president doing right now?
All polls average, 41.2% approval. That includes the Rasmussen poll that has him at 50%.

And it's been declining for over a week, just as his disapproval rate is going up.


Sort of says it all when Trump supporters rejoice at being told that only 50% of Americans like Trump.

But it's never been that high. The number comes from a republican polling organization that predicted Romney would beat Obama in a landslide. :)

How is our somewhat unstable president doing right now?
All polls average, 41.2% approval. That includes the Rasmussen poll that has him at 50%.

And it's been declining for over a week, just as his disapproval rate is going up.


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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, the two things Trump hates the most. Muslims and the United States Constitution.

You cannot seem to post the simple "truth?" Your comment above that, "Trump hates the Constitution" is an "out and out lie." I'm gonna have to report you to the 'Upper Echelon' in Rome. Good Catholics, such as yourself ought not to be spreading outlandish lies. Or, is that just one of your "Little white lies?"



You cannot seem to post the simple "truth?" Your comment above that, "Trump hates the Constitution" is an "out and out lie." I'm gonna have to report you to the 'Upper Echelon' in Rome. Good Catholics, such as yourself ought not to be spreading outlandish lies. Or, is that just one of your "Little white lies?"

"Little white lies?" is the phrase used by former WH Communications Director Hope Hicks when asked by the House Intelligence Committee if she had ever been told to lie by this President!

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Ah, the two things Trump hates the most. Muslims and the United States Constitution.


That woman has lived her whole life in fear of that nut husband I can see it in her eyes.

Understandable. One of Trump's wives has already accused him of raping her.

The Barbarian

Trump’s first wife Ivana questioned about allegations he raped her during interview on marriage
Former model made rape allegation in 1991 during couple's divorce

He became infuriated with her, and rape was his way of expressing his aggression, according to her deposition.

The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually.

Trump’s first wife Ivana questioned about allegations he raped her during interview on marriage
Former model made rape allegation in 1991 during couple's divorce

Trump is not a very stable person.
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