

If Trump won the debate on Sunday night, why did the highest ranked elected official, House Speaker Paul Ryan, tell his caucus on Monday morning that he was severing ties with Donald Trump and that they should take whatever steps they deemed necessary to get re-elected?

At present 28% of the elected of Republicans in the House and the Senate have announced that they are severing ties with ""The Donald!"

Even, if by some miracle, "The Groper and Chief" were to be elected president - he would inherit a Congress where the House Speaker, the Senate Leader, all Democratic and many Republicans members would oppose any and all legislation proposed by a Trump Administration!


You wouldn't put much stock in a devout Christian? Weird
At least Paul Ryan took a stand that he could not longer support a presidential candidate who, in his own words, was propositioning and sexually assaulting women on a regular basis!

If that wasn't enough for a vice presidential candidate, who claims to be a "devout Christen" to severe his ties with "The Groper and Chief," then he becomes an enabler and forever linked to Trump's lack of moral compass!

patrick jane

At least Paul Ryan took a stand that he could not longer support a presidential candidate who, in his own words, was propositioning and sexually assaulting women on a regular basis!

If that wasn't enough for a vice presidential candidate, who claims to be a "devout Christen" to severe his ties with "The Groper and Chief," then he becomes an enabler and forever linked to Trump's lack of moral compass!
The Trump video is old news. America is past that and on to Hillary's lies and crimes -


1. The FBI has stated publicly that these wikileaks are coming directly from Russian government sponsored hackers.

2. There is no debate that the timing and nature of these Russian controlled leaks are designed to help one, and only one presidential candidate - Donald Trump!

3. We have no guarantees that the Russians have not altered all or some of these leaked documents to serve their own agenda.

4. "Patrick Jane's" sarcastic comments are actually designed to deflect attention away from this Putin-Trump connection.

5. If these leaks were benefiting the Democrats, we all know that "The Groper and Chief" and his conservative supporters, like "Patrick Jane" would be screaming from the rooftops that the "LEFT" is nothing more than a tool for Putin's propaganda! When its the Republicans that are benefiting from these leaks, however, they are strangely silent or attempt to trivialize the the connection and Putin's sinister intention to influence an American presidential election.


The Trump video is old news. America is past that and on to Hillary's lies and crimes -
If America considers the Trump video as "old news" why can't Hillary's "lies and crimes," real or imagined, be considered even "older news?"

Trump and his supporters won't let these go because that's all he has - to continue reinforcing to his base that as bad as he may be, Hillary is somehow worse.

Trump has no real conservative platform, no legislative agenda, no real specifics as to how he is going to make "American Great Again," just the constant demonizing of his opponent - stating openly that he would have her jailed!

He has alienated the current Speaker of the House and the Senate Leader and many sitting members from both Parties, so how does he expect to have a budget or legislation passed through Congress - even if the Republicans were somehow able to retain reduced majorities in each?

What "The Donald" should be really worried about is the prospect of being jailed himself!
The behavior described in the video constitutes sexual assault and if these women that he has propositioned, groped and worse, over the years, decide to get together (as in the case of Bill Cosby), Trump could be facing jail time - or at the very least so disgraced that the business community and general public would boycott all his enterprises!
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patrick jane

If America considers the Trump video as "old news" why can't Hillary's "lies and crimes," real or imagined be considered even "older news?

Trump and his supporters won't let these go because that's all he has - to continue reinforcing to his base that as bad as he may be, Hillary is somehow worse. There is no real conservative platform, no specifics, as to how he is going to make "American Great Again," just the constant demonizing of his opponent - stating openly that he would have her jailed!

What "The Donald" should be really worried about is the prospect of all these women that he has propositioned and sexually assaulted over the years getting together, as they did with Bill Cosby, and taking there cases all the way to the Supreme Court (if necessary) to convictions - including jail time.
You have paid about as much attention to what Trump says as you have a backgammon game, so your opinion is useless. I have listened to both candidates and Trump has better plans and policies.

patrick jane

The media controls our elections. NBC apparently held on to the video for weeks and months to release at the time of the most electoral impact. Now the news media outlets are suddenly coming forward with groped women. It's a scam on America, likey perpetrated by the Democratic party -


One of the "alleged" gropings happened 30 years ago? C'mon man
They are not alleged - on the video, Trump has openly bragged and described them in detail.

It defies logic that Trump only started this kind of behavior at age 59 - or that he suddenly decided to stop in 2005.

There are new allegations that Trump deliberately walked into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants, including teens, unannounced so that he could catch them undressed. His excuse was that since he owned the rights to these pageants, he had the right to go where he wanted, when he wanted!

You can bet that in the next month the Democrats will be investigating every indiscretion Trump has made in his adult life - without the aid of Vladimir Putin!


The media controls our elections. NBC apparently held on to the video for weeks and months to release at the time of the most electoral impact. Now the news media outlets are suddenly coming forward with groped women. It's a scam on America, likey perpetrated by the Democratic party -
Trump supporters can use private emails that the FBI says were hacked from the Democrats by the Russians - and then get all self-righteous when NBC happened to find a video of Trump incriminating himself in his own words.

If the Republicans were to find such a similar video of a Democratic presidential candidate, does anyone doubt that "Patrick Jane" would be first in line defending the GOP's right to use it?
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There is NO Putin Trump connection
That's what Putin is saying - so "Patrick Jane" would have us now believe that Americans should accept the word of a Russian leader over that of the FBI!

The FBI has stated publicly that the emails were hacked by the Russian government and given that they all reflect negatively on the Democrats, the leaks are designed to help only 1 side - Donald Trump.

"Patrick Jane" can exercise all the will-full ignorance he wishes by deliberately refusing to connect the dots, but all Americans should be concerned that Vladimir Putin is attempting to influence this presidential election.

If Trump is willing to set the precedent of willingly exploiting leaked Democratic emails for this election cycle, the Republicans will be in no position to complain if Putin decides to provide damaging leaks that adversely affects their side in 2018 and 2020.

Under American law, someone who accepts and benefits from stolen goods, and these hacked confidential Democratic emails were stolen, is considered to be an accomplice to the crime - thus the Putin/Trump connection!


United States Code (U.S.C.), section two of title 18:

(a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
(b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal.

Where the term "principal" refers to any actor who is primarily responsible for a criminal offense.

For a successful prosecution, the provision of "aiding and abetting" must be considered alongside the crime itself, although a defendant can be found guilty of aiding and abetting an offense even if the principal is found not guilty of the crime itself.

In all cases of aiding and abetting, it must be shown a crime has been committed, but not necessarily who committed it.
(The FBI has stated publicly that it has proof that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party's emails)

It is necessary to show that the defendant has wilfully associated himself with the crime being committed, that he does, through his own act or omission, as he would do if he wished for a criminal venture to succeed.
(Trump Campaign deliberately used the Democratic leaks to their political advantage, an that these actions resulted in the leaking of more illegal leaks on a daily basis. Donald Trump is on the public record during one of his speeches encouraging the Russians to provide more leaks.)

Under this statute, anyone who aids or abets a crime may be charged directly with the crime, as if the charged had carried out the act himself.
(Although the GOP and the Trump Campaign did not hack the Democratic Party emails, they benefited from stolen property by using then to their own political advantage. In addition, their actions assisted the "principals," Vladimir Putin and the Russian government, in achieving their own intended goals - directly influencing the outcome of an American presidential election.)


Donald J. Trump encouraged Russia at a news conference on Wednesday to find Hillary Clinton’s missing correspondence.

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails
July 27, 2016

DORAL, Fla. — Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Mr. Trump’s call was another bizarre moment in the mystery of whether Vladimir V. Putin’s government has been seeking to influence the United States’ presidential race.

His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which American intelligence agencies have told the White House they have “high confidence” was the work of the Russian government.