A thought, steko - you're familar with the following; correct?
Titus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
There, the Apostle Paul - the supposed "MADs" supposed "pattern" - relates his agreement with, of all things contrary to the extreme of the so called "MADist" - as an extremist - "uh, uh - uh pagan source!"
By Paul's relating that "this witness is true."
Paul's there is what is referred to as being objective.
Obviously, Paul was not endorsing the guy.
He is merely conceding a point the guy's word or witness on that ONE thing Paul found "true."
That right there is where I and some of the so called "MADs" on TOL have long since parted company, due to their one-sided bigotry and ganging up against anyone who does not hold their correct and or incorrect views.
A further observation, Steko...
As in all areas of life, though most people will be found merely having become more of the same in most any area of life, at the same time; they will be found to have grown away from merely more of the same in other areas.
The dad who has become worse as a parent than when he first became one; but who in that same time has made finer and finer distinctions in his work as a mechanic that have allowed him to greatly improve as a mechanic for the better.
I posted that video of Schumer, not out of support for what I view as the witness of "one more crook" but out of my agreement with the witness of many of his observations on THAT video ALONE on how Trump would continue to fare going forward.
Those who have grown more astute in their ability to discern the things that differ in one area of life or another in general, will have perceived that was why I posted that video.
In contrast, those who are ever stuck in black or white extremes will conclude...an extreme.
Few people grow in finer distinctions between things often not at first perceptible as an important an distinction.
The extremist does not.
It is what makes him or her, an extremist.
An extremist recently texted he only reads right wing news.
As you well know, Steko, I have often asserted that opposition to one's own view is actually worth considering.
For its' challenge to one as to where one might be off on one thing or another.
I have continued to refine my distinctions.
That texter has long since stopped.
As in many areas of his life; he is ever stuck in more of the same.
One should ever seek to grow in a finer discernment of things that differ.
In all areas of life.
Including ever being willing to receive critique, first; "with all readiness of mind."
No matter who that critique comes from.
In this, it is no accident that Trump voters and supporters voted and or support him.
He has continued to prove himself exactly like them and vice versa - intolerant of anyone holding any view but his own, ever rationalizing his self-delusions, ever blaming others for what are clearly his failures to discern between things sound and or fair, and things not, and so on.
To his shame - yes, a DC politician like a Schumer had be the one to point out the obvious.
Not surprinsingly, the extremists on TOL...took offence once more.
You can bet I will reflect on this post myself...
...towards learning something else even more helpful in my quest to continue to grow further in my understanding of even finer principles within the principle "discern the things that differ."
All this from just your four words, bro.
For their unintended, but nevertheless resulting further distinctions, when reflected on objectively, thank you, bro, sincerely.