The strange thing about Donald Trump supporters is that is irrefutably self-evident that there is obviously something profoundly wrong with them. Given that Mr. Trump self-destructs in public, his lemmings cannot even mount the arguably plausible claim that the press is misrepresenting him, and that he is, in reality, actually competent. But that "get out of jail free" card has been taken away as day after day, this orange-hued petulant adolescent self-immolates before the cameras. Those of us whose heads have not been sucked up into our rectums draw some hope from reports showing that his popularity is waning. Fair enough. But even if only 20% of Americans supported this man, think about what this means - one out of five Americans has one or more of the following characteristics:
- mental incapacity
- moral defect (e.g. racism, xenophobia, desire to "stick it to them libtards" even at the cost of national well-being)
- inability or unwillingness to assess new evidence (while voting for him in 2016 might not be definitive proof of having a mental or moral defect, supporting him now is).
Thankfully, short of him creating an effective vaccine himself, I see no way for Trump to win in November. Here is why: True, the hardcore Trump devotees will not budge even if the man deflowers a virgin on national TV. But the same intransigence is present on the other side. Even if Mr. Trump were to suddenly morph into a competent President, we who have come to revile him will think it is all an act. In short, both sides are "baked in" to their positions - almost nothing will change before November. And that means, thankfully, "one down (Trump), one to go (coronavirus)".