Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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patrick jane

It was a foregone conclusion that there would be San Francisco players taking a knee during the anthem - Trump and Pence were counting on it to divert public attention away from Secretary of State Tillerson referring to this President as a "MORON!"
Nobody but the liberal media and their brainwashed liberal audience care what Tillerson may or may not have said. Old news and not even newsworthy. I don't care if he cussed Trump up and down, nobody does.


Well-known member
Just curious [MENTION=203]PatrickJane[/MENTION], what can Trump do to stop your almost worshipping the man?

What would it take for you to say, Mr. Trump, you do not have my support?

patrick jane

I have before.....when he ran for President ole Rand said some really stupid things.

Define "seriously hurts the country."
It would have to be something so obviously wrong and bad for the majority, something that's worth being upset about and not the weak diarrhea that spews from the mouths of liberals and the MSM.


Well-known member
It would have to be something so obviously wrong and bad for the majority, something that's worth being upset about and not the weak diarrhea that spews from the mouths of liberals and the MSM.


Curious though. Your use of the word majority. So as long as the majority isn't hurt, but some people are, that's ok.

So...what would have to be something so obviously wrong and bad for you to say Mr. Trump, I will not support you in this.

patrick jane


Curious though. Your use of the word majority. So as long as the majority isn't hurt, but some people are, that's ok.

So...what would have to be something so obviously wrong and bad for you to say Mr. Trump, I will not support you in this.
It's hard to say, but I'll know it if it happens. You will be the first one I tell.


Well-known member
Would breaking what the US Constitution says be one of those "would have to be something so obviously wrong and bad?"


Well-known member
I loved Trump when he criticized the embarrassing state of our crumbling infrastructure.

I loved Trump when he called out the media for its dishonesty, and made the term “fake news” a rightful way to describe the media.

I loved Trump when he was the first person running for office since before World War II to declare that we should take care of America’s many problems first.

I loved Trump when he blasted those of a foreign policy bent on nation building and actually said the truth about the waste of trillions of dollars on senseless wars.

I loved Trump when he spoke about illegal immigration. About ending the h1b visa's program. Talking about families whose lost loved ones due to illegal immigrants. All that was good.

I loved Trump when he spoke about vaccines and austism.

He promised to audit the Federal Reserve....that was great.

I loved Trump when he called out corrupt politicians...crooked Hillary as an example.

And the best campaign slogan of all time...."Drain the swamp." Man Trump had the gonads to say it...Good on him...

But now.....he is a pathetic shell of a man that he was.....

Come to find out, he used you and his supporters like pawns....masterfully.


Well-known member
Trump, we hardly knew ye

His waffling on every issue finally forced his supporters to recently begin burning their “Make America Great” hats in protest of his seeming consideration of amnesty for Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program, designed to protect the “dreamer” children of illegal immigrants.

Trump has unfortunately proven to be exactly what his detractors claimed he was; immature, egotistical, unprincipled, vain, elitist. This certainly doesn’t make most of his critics any less offensive than they are. Indeed, that is the lone redeeming value of Trump’s administration; he continues to have all the right enemies. The threats of violence, even assassination, from every pillar of the establishment almost make one want to continue to defend him. Almost.

At this point, the only question I have left in my mind is whether or not Trump ever had any sincerity, or whether he ever meant anything he said during his campaign. I think it’s virtually a certainty that we will never see that vaccine-autism commission, an audit of the fed, a massive infrastructure rebuild, an end to DACA or any other aspect of our mindless immigration policy, an end to our reckless foreign adventurism, or a draining of even the shallowest part of the swamp.


New member
Trump works for Putin, and Putin is not your friend. Putin's interest is to disrupt a strategic enemy, the United States, and he will support anyone that helps him do it. There is no ideology behind this, only a need for Putin to protect his power to avoid ever being driven from power or held accountable for his own crimes. The only thing that makes Trump unique is his gleeful corruption and his ability to appeal to the stupidest people in America. Trump is Putin's butler. Putin funds Trump, and he funds BLM, and he tricks Neo-Nazis to hold pubic rallies while also funding antifa groups, and he organizes anti-immigrant rallies, and he supports Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, and he funds secessionist movements in the states no matter how crazy they are. He will help, he will fund, anything that makes Americans hate each other more, no matter what it is, not because it advances any moral agenda, but because it damages an enemy. This is why Trump is always injecting his toxicity into issues unbidden. He doesn't care even a little bit about the flag, or patriotism, or the troops, who he routinely insulted during the election. These are things he only just barely managed to pretend to pay lip service to in the campaign. But he knows that it provokes strong, opposing reactions from different groups of Americans, and that serves the larger goal of dividing the country. Because that's what his paymaster wants.

And we're all falling for it.
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patrick jane

I loved Trump when he criticized the embarrassing state of our crumbling infrastructure.

I loved Trump when he called out the media for its dishonesty, and made the term “fake news” a rightful way to describe the media.

I loved Trump when he was the first person running for office since before World War II to declare that we should take care of America’s many problems first.

I loved Trump when he blasted those of a foreign policy bent on nation building and actually said the truth about the waste of trillions of dollars on senseless wars.

I loved Trump when he spoke about illegal immigration. About ending the h1b visa's program. Talking about families whose lost loved ones due to illegal immigrants. All that was good.

I loved Trump when he spoke about vaccines and austism.

He promised to audit the Federal Reserve....that was great.

I loved Trump when he called out corrupt politicians...crooked Hillary as an example.

And the best campaign slogan of all time...."Drain the swamp." Man Trump had the gonads to say it...Good on him...

But now.....he is a pathetic shell of a man that he was.....

Come to find out, he used you and his supporters like pawns....masterfully.
:rotfl: You ARE dr Dumbley !!!!

Got any more Fake News left wing talking points?
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