Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the aircraft carrier groups always have a nuclear powered attack sub or two along as escort

maybe he was talking about them :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hmm, what would it actually look like if there wasn't the war on drugs?

the slope of the following line would be larger?



New member
Remember when Trump supporters were chsnting "lock her up" about Hillary because she had classified emails on her personal server? Now Trump just blurts out classified information on TV and no one seems to care?


Hall of Fame
Remember when Trump supporters were chsnting "lock her up" about Hillary because she had classified emails on her personal server? Now Trump just blurts out classified information on TV and no one seems to care?

Silence. Deafening.


From the Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday, President Trump held a telephone conversation with the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte’s government has been gunning down drug suspects in the streets, by the thousands.
No arrests. No trials.

While affairs in the Philippines are not the business of the U.S. federal government, it is nevertheless very degrading to us Americans to find out that our President actually heaps praise on such ruthless brutality.

Trump Heaps Praise on Ruthless Duterte

The news about the contents of the Trump/Duterte conversation came from the Philippines media - not the White House.

This is a reoccurring theme - the Russian media has offered to provide a transcript of Trump blurting out secret Israeli intelligence to their ambassador and foreign minister in the Oval Office.

If a Democrat had been involved in either of these incidents, our conservative "friends" would be first in line demanding "LOCK HIM/HER UP!


Originally Posted by God's Truth
Trump stopped payment for foreign abortions.

And abortions here in the US? (You've heard of the US, it's the country Donald Trump was elected President in and promised amongst other things to defund Planned Parenthood and appoint SCOTUS Judges to overturn Roe v Wade).

How's that coming along?


New member
Originally Posted by God's Truth
Trump stopped payment for foreign abortions.

And abortions here in the US? (You've heard of the US, it's the country Donald Trump was elected President in and promised amongst other things to defund Planned Parenthood and appoint SCOTUS Judges to overturn Roe v Wade).

How's that coming along?

Cutting aid for foreign abortions. Good or bad?


the solution of the retarded liberals: throw more money at it

Strange how the "solution is not to throw more money at it" argument never seems to apply when conservatives are seeking funds for their own political campaigns!
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Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Trump has been all over the map on the abortion issue - including threatening young women with jail time!

What the country needs is millions of young women incarcerated to further swell a prison population that is already bursting at the seems!

International studies have shown that even if Roe v Wade was overturned tomorrow, young women will continue having abortions by one means or another!
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