Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Is the government wrong to ban harmful substances?


Potentially harmful chemicals that were banned from children’s teething rings and rubber duck toys a decade ago may still be present in high concentrations in your child’s favorite meal: macaroni and cheese mixes made with powdered cheese.

The chemicals, called phthalates, can disrupt male hormones like testosterone and have been linked to genital birth defects in infant boys and learning and behavior problems in older children. The chemicals migrate into food from packaging and equipment used in manufacturing and may pose special risks to pregnant women and young children.

I wonder how far the right is on keeping the Federal government out of free enterprise. Should it ban this chemical in Mac & Cheese? Or is it Fake News?


New member
Hall of Fame
MSM is ridiculing the laying on of hands for Donald Trump. Proving again that they have lost touch with America
The CNN video wasn't that bad, just questioning if there was an underlying motive behind it. The other video I didn't watch because it wasn't MSM.

I did read an article on Vox about this though, and about his recent interview with Pat Robertson. I think they were making too much of it but I do think there are some views in evangelical circles that aren't good. It saddens me to see evangelical leaders support Trump so enthusiastically. I can understand Christians voting for Trump out of a political calculation and in that case they are using Trump as much as Trump is using them, but I don't get Christian leaders who love Trump and think he's some crusader. :nono:


Well-known member
Russia didn't "help Trump win" - that's a left wing urban legend

Its the right who started to embraced Putin that helped Trump win. Georgia was invaded by the Russians when W was president. Nothing really came of that. Then Putin invaded Ukraine when Obama was president and it made Obama look weak. That is the clarion call for the right. So Putin began to be praised. Giuliani was one of the first to sing the praises of Putin saying "unlike Obama, Putin is what you call a leader". Trump with his financial connections to Russian oligarchs and as the poster child of the birther movement, he praises Putin continually. So the party of Ronald Reagan calling Russia "the evil empire" in one generation completely changed the mindset of many on the right. It is really amazing when you think about it. So it was Obama's fault because of the right's intense hatred of Obama that "helped Trump win" and not without Russia's further aid and abetting.

I thought you were going to avoid this topic until it blows over?


Well-known member

Putin hatred of Hillary in 2011 because she called his election into question. Putin: “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs”

And then there was the invasion of Iraq and the Arab spring and nation building and "spreading democracy because they don't start wars". The white man's burden.

It is karma for sure.


Well-known member
Shouldn't the Russians resist and prevent foreign powers from interfering with their elections?
I agree they should. But that really isn't the point. They returned the favor. And now we are upset..maybe if we learn not to meddle in others affairs, this thing may not happen.

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Well-known member
I agree they should. But that really isn't the point. They returned the favor. And now we are upset..maybe if we learn not to meddle in others affairs, this thing may not happen.

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I fully agree. We have pissed off a lot of other countries and meddled particularly with Islamic powers (Got terrorism?).

When Trump said America First I interpreted that as getting out of other's affairs. He bombed Syria. He sided against Qatar and is buddying up to various powers. I thought we would become more like Switzerland. The Founding Fathers stated we should not stick our noses in foreign nation's businesses to avoid entanglements. So much for that.

patrick jane

Its the right who started to embraced Putin that helped Trump win. Georgia was invaded by the Russians when W was president. Nothing really came of that. Then Putin invaded Ukraine when Obama was president and it made Obama look weak. That is the clarion call for the right. So Putin began to be praised. Giuliani was one of the first to sing the praises of Putin saying "unlike Obama, Putin is what you call a leader". Trump with his financial connections to Russian oligarchs and as the poster child of the birther movement, he praises Putin continually. So the party of Ronald Reagan calling Russia "the evil empire" in one generation completely changed the mindset of many on the right. It is really amazing when you think about it. So it was Obama's fault because of the right's intense hatred of Obama that "helped Trump win" and not without Russia's further aid and abetting.

I thought you were going to avoid this topic until it blows over?
It's already blown over. No crimes, no charges
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