Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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New member

I'm not aware of any reason to believe that the Clinton campaign or the DNC failed to file any required disclosures related to the dossier. And, I have pointed out many many times, the Steele Dossier has not been discredited just because a bunch of right-wing media outlets have made the claim that it has.

But sure, keep assuming that the entire upper echelon of the FBI is corrupt simply because it suits your politics. Maybe you can call them the Mainstream law enforcement.

patrick jane

Another FBI official removed from Mueller's team amid Andy McCabe's announcement to retire in 90 days (that's so he gets a full pension).


I'm not aware of any reason to believe that the Clinton campaign or the DNC failed to file any required disclosures related to the dossier. And, I have pointed out many many times, the Steele Dossier has not been discredited just because a bunch of right-wing media outlets have made the claim that it has.

But sure, keep assuming that the entire upper echelon of the FBI is corrupt simply because it suits your politics. Maybe you can call them the Mainstream law enforcement.
There are misspellings throughout the dossier. Whoever wrote it didn't know how to spell the topics of which he writes.

It was made from Never-Trumper money; aned then Hillary and the DNC used money to make it. It is a bipartisan smear.

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

For instance, Mr. Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, produced his passport to rebut the dossier’s claim that he had secret meetings in Prague with a Russian official last year.


New member
There are misspellings throughout the dossier. Whoever wrote it didn't know how to spell the topics of which he writes.

I don't think that's terribly interesting or relevant. And if what? That doesn't discredit the document. Also...where did you get that idea?

It was made from Never-Trumper money; aned then Hillary and the DNC used money to make it. It is a bipartisan smear.

It was opposition research. The key is that opposition research is intended to be true, not fabricated. There's simply no evidence that it's a smear job.

Republicans paid for it. Then the Clinton Campaign. If they wanted a simple fabricated smear, why hire a spy? Why spend so much on it? No one needs to pay that much for a fabrication.

patrick jane

I don't think that's terribly interesting or relevant. And if what? That doesn't discredit the document. Also...where did you get that idea?

It was opposition research. The key is that opposition research is intended to be true, not fabricated. There's simply no evidence that it's a smear job.

Republicans paid for it. Then the Clinton Campaign. If they wanted a simple fabricated smear, why hire a spy? Why spend so much on it? No one needs to pay that much for a fabrication.
Looks like the shoe is on the other foot. :chuckle:


I don't think that's terribly interesting or relevant. And if what? That doesn't discredit the document. Also...where did you get that idea?
It shows a lack of knowledge about the topic being written about.

It was opposition research. The key is that opposition research is intended to be true, not fabricated. There's simply no evidence that it's a smear job.
As if Trump never had the goal of smearing the last Secretary of Capitalism Hillary.

Republicans paid for it. Then the Clinton Campaign. If they wanted a simple fabricated smear, why hire a spy? Why spend so much on it?
What spy? The never-trumpers had something in common Hillary and the DNC evidently. That's a scandal.

rex said:
No one needs to pay that much for a fabrication.
But they did. And Mueller is not the only one investigating Trump. I don't care if he gets fired now. If he would have admitted to using it as a guidepost, he wouldn't have to face being discredited. There is no reason to defend the dossier.


New member
It shows a lack of knowledge about the topic being written about.

Nope, don't see it. And it doesn't count as "discredited". Proofread, maybe.

As if Trump never had the goal of smearing the last Secretary of Capitalism Hillary.

I'm sure he did. And so...?

What spy?

Christopher Steele. You know...Steele.

The never-trumpers had something in common Hillary and the DNC evidently. That's a scandal.

No it's not, it makes perfect sense. Trump faced 16 opponents in a primary, and that lead all of them to try to stop him. Then he faced Clinton in a general election, and she had the same interest. It's not a scandal or hard to understand.

But they did. And Mueller is not the only one investigating Trump. I don't care if he gets fired now. If he would have admitted to using it as a guidepost, he wouldn't have to face being discredited. There is no reason to defend the dossier.

Why would he say anything in any direction about the dossier? His job is not media relations.


Nope, don't see it. And it doesn't count as "discredited". Proofread, maybe.
It is sloppy, and we are supposed to take Steele's word for it. I don't think so.

I'm sure he did. And so...?
I be as fictional as this. Pissing by someone on a bed which Barry and Michele made love, and then Trump making love on it with-- I think a Russian prostitute-- it's definitely fiction.

Christopher Steele. You know...Steele.
Steele has been lying for money, because it was British intelligence which funded the dossier.

No it's not, it makes perfect sense. Trump faced 16 opponents in a primary, and that lead all of them to try to stop him. Then he faced Clinton in a general election, and she had the same interest. It's not a scandal or hard to understand.
It isn't hard to defeat Rockefeller Republicans and RINOs in the primaries and caucuses these days. The RINOs were desperate.

Why would he say anything in any direction about the dossier? His job is not media relations.
Because he should apologize for using it in the first place. It is no surprise that he will be fired for not doing so.

The Barbarian

It’s ‘Painfully Obvious’ Trump Will Be Charged by Mueller, Says President’s Ally Roger Stone
One of President Donald Trump's longtime allies is foretelling doom for the commander in chief, who is embroiled in multiple controversies that threaten his office.

Political strategist Roger Stone said it's only a matter of time before special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe and the Trump sexual misconduct allegations that number well into the double digits catch up to the president.

"It’s painfully obvious Mueller will bring charges," Stone told Vanity Fair. "The theory is Mueller will indict him on some process-related matter.... The only people who don’t seem to know it are [Trump lawyers] Ty Cobb, [John] Dowd, and the president."

Also, Stone said it's telling that members of Trump's cabinet, including Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, seem to be turning against him. During a Sunday interview on CBS's Face the Nation, Haley said the 19 women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault "should be heard" and "dealt with." Two unidentified sources later told the Associated Press that the president was angry about her comments—as he should be, Stone told Vanity Fair.

“Nikki Haley stuck a knife in his back," he said.

Stone said he has been compiling anecdotes about the political strife that has punctuated Trump's presidency into a book to be called The Fall of Trump, reportedly the first in a series he'll publish with Skyhorse Publishing. Stone said he's been adding to the book "as we go along" in Trump's presidency.

patrick jane

[h=1]President Donald Trump's Accomplishment List:[/h]

Trump supporters are proud of the job President Trump has done so far. He has achieved many of the campaign promises he made despite the lack of help he’s received from the Republican Party and the obstructionists in Congress. With just 1 year in office Trump’s accomplishment list is growing and growing yet you wouldn’t know that if get your news from the “Main Stream Media”.

How long do you see Pro Trump news stay in the headlines?

It’s almost like seeing a shooting star, you have to be in the right place at the right time and then it’s over just as fast as it began. MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy by archiving and listing his accomplishments. Much of the positive Trump News gets under reported or in many cases, not reported at all. There is one thing that the establishment Republicans, Democrats and the establishment Media all have in common… They want President Trump to fail.

The establishment Republicans, who are basically Democrats at this point, are refusing to implement the MAGA agenda. The Democrats don’t have an agenda that they can say out loud without getting completely rejected so they are just in obstruct mode. The establishment Media has become a political arm. All of the journalists have left the building and we are left with political operatives telling you how to think about their slanted stories.

They are all trying their hardest to paint a picture of failure and disaster and we can’t let them succeed in doing that. If we don’t capture and archive what’s really going on, we’re leaving it up to the MSM to define Trump’s Presidency and his Legacy.

If you feel as passionate as we do about making sure that President Trump gets the credit he deserves then please consider helping us out.


Bookmark this Amazon Link and use it anytime you are going to Amazon to make purchases.
BTC: 1fTtk6P84ZjfNgJoBoQ7rfrRi5zVpLaNN
Most importantly, Share this site with your friends and spread our President’s accomplishments!



Another FBI official removed from Mueller's team amid Andy McCabe's announcement to retire in 90 days (that's so he gets a full pension).

The nation will need "all hands on deck" to prevent more of Putin's meddling in the 2018 Midterms - but instead of preparing for the Russians, our "Great Leader" responds by undermining the credibility of the FBI!

It would be "poetic justice" if Putin were to decided that "The Donald" has outlived his usefulness, and that, instead of Hillary, it will be Trump's turn to be "thrown him under the bus" with damaging revelations from WikiLeaks!

The Barbarian

It would be "poetic justice" if Putin were to decided that "The Donald" has outlived his usefulness, and that, instead of Hillary, it will be Trump's turn to be "thrown him under the bus" with damaging revelations from WikiLeaks!

That looks increasingly likely...

The sanctions bill targets Russia's mining and oil industry and aims to punish the country for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election as well for its military aggression in Ukraine. In announcing that he had signed the bill, Trump made his most definitive statement yet about Russia's interference in the election.

"I also support making clear that America will not tolerate interference in our democratic process and that we will side with our allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilization," he said...Russian President Vladimir Putin has already announced retaliation for the sanctions: The U.S. has to cut its embassy and consulate staffs in Russia by 755 people by Sept. 1.

"It's impossible to endlessly tolerate this kind of insolence toward our country," Putin said of the sanctions at a news conference on July 27.

Putin is not the kind to forget that sort of double-cross.

patrick jane

President Donald Trump's Accomplishment List:

Trump supporters are proud of the job President Trump has done so far. He has achieved many of the campaign promises he made despite the lack of help he’s received from the Republican Party and the obstructionists in Congress. With just 1 year in office Trump’s accomplishment list is growing and growing yet you wouldn’t know that if get your news from the “Main Stream Media”.

How long do you see Pro Trump news stay in the headlines?

It’s almost like seeing a shooting star, you have to be in the right place at the right time and then it’s over just as fast as it began. MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy by archiving and listing his accomplishments. Much of the positive Trump News gets under reported or in many cases, not reported at all. There is one thing that the establishment Republicans, Democrats and the establishment Media all have in common… They want President Trump to fail.

The establishment Republicans, who are basically Democrats at this point, are refusing to implement the MAGA agenda. The Democrats don’t have an agenda that they can say out loud without getting completely rejected so they are just in obstruct mode. The establishment Media has become a political arm. All of the journalists have left the building and we are left with political operatives telling you how to think about their slanted stories.

They are all trying their hardest to paint a picture of failure and disaster and we can’t let them succeed in doing that. If we don’t capture and archive what’s really going on, we’re leaving it up to the MSM to define Trump’s Presidency and his Legacy.

If you feel as passionate as we do about making sure that President Trump gets the credit he deserves then please consider helping us out.


Bookmark this Amazon Link and use it anytime you are going to Amazon to make purchases.
BTC: 1fTtk6P84ZjfNgJoBoQ7rfrRi5zVpLaNN
Most importantly, Share this site with your friends and spread our President’s accomplishments!
I love the new Trump Coin.
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