Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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BAD: Chuck and Nancy's empty seats

"Patrick jane" conveniently omits the fact that hours before the scheduled meeting "The Donald" trashed "Chuck and Nancy" in a tweet - concluding that he didn't expect any areas of agreement!

When you disrespect one's guests immediately prior to a visit, it should come as no surprise that they stay at home!

patrick jane


"Patrick jane" conveniently omits the fact that hours before the scheduled meeting "The Donald" trashed "Chuck and Nancy" in a tweet - concluding that he didn't expect any areas of agreement!

When you disrespect one's guests immediately prior to a visit, it should come as no surprise that they stay at home!
He probanly knew they had a ploy in the works. Can't trust Chuck and Nancy.



Trump did not dishonor Indians for calling out Warren on her deception.
And he most certainly did not condone any raping of Indian women; that's absurd.
And Poahontas is not a slur against Indians.

Would "Tambora" have us now belief that when "the Donald" refers to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas," its meant as a compliment and not a slur?

Footnote: Does the conservative spelling of "Pocahontas" omit the "c"?


The portrait of Andrew Jackson in the background was a nice touch - just another example of just how much this President respects native Americans!
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The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
I imagine there is an army of prominent men who are sweating about now.

If there are more, then I hope so; they deserve it, and they deserve what they get if and when they do get it.

It looks like a case of "nobody thought it was that big a deal back then." But it was a big deal for most of these women.

I do worry that complaints of less serious harassment might cause a reaction that reverses the change we've seen lately. While asking a subordinate to "twirl" is out of line, it is an entirely different thing than fondling 14-YO girls,grabbing a woman's breasts, or sexually assaulting women by grabbing them by the genitals.

I hope no one thinks that the former is the equivalent of more serious abuse.


New member
Hall of Fame[FONT="]

Let’s not forget that the original insult to Native Americans came from Elizabeth Warren herself. Applying for a job as a Harvard professor, she claimed to be a Native American. Harvard eagerly accepted her claim— they could tick off two boxes to show diversity: female and minority.[/FONT]

That headline is misleading. It says she lied but it shows nothing of the sort.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Would "Tambora" have us now belief that when "the Donald" refers to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas," its meant as a compliment and not a slur?
False narrative.
She was referred to as Pocahontas because she lied about being Cherokee Indian.
Everyone knows that except the stupid left.

The portrait of Andrew Jackson in the background was a nice touch - just another example of just how much this President respects native Americans!
Another false narrative.
Abe Lincoln was also an Indian fighter.
Jackson was a President of the United States and his heroism at driving back the British in the Battle of New Orleans makes him worthy of having his portrait in the Oval Office.




... Another false narrative.
Abe Lincoln was also an Indian fighter.
Jackson was a President of the United States and his heroism at driving back the British in the Battle of New Orleans makes him worthy of having his portrait in the Oval Office.

Is it expecting too much from this President and his basket of "deplorables" to demonstrate even a cursory knowledge of American history - were they all AWOL when the Presidency of Andrew Jackson was the topic od study?

The WW2 Navajo Code Talkers may have been honoured in the Oval Office, but apparently there is no one in the Trump Administration that understands the historical insensitivity of placing a painting of President Andrew Jackson in the background.

Jackson is remembered, by First Nations people, as the President who signed The Indian Removal Act of 1830, opening 25 million acres of native occupied land to European settlement by the relocation of more than 60,000 Native Americans from Georgia to Oklahoma.

The 1000's of Native Americans that died while undertaking this forced march west is often referred to as the “Trail of Tears!”

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New member
Hall of Fame

Is it expecting too much from this President and his basket of "deplorables" to demonstrate an even cursory knowledge of American history- were they all AWOL when the Presidency of Andrew Jackson was introduced?

The WW2 Navajo Code Talkers may have been honoured in the Oval Office, but doesn't anyone in the Trump Administration possess an once of understand as to the historical insensitivity of placing a painting of President Andrew Jackson in the background.

Jackson is remembered, by First Nations people, as the President who signed The Indian Removal Act of 1830 opening 25 million acres of native occupied land to European settlers by relocating more than 60,000 Native Americans from Georgia to Oklahoma

The 1000's of their ancestors that died while undertaking this forced march west is often referred to as the “Trail of Tears!”


Should we act like elizabeth warren and apropriate that culture? Why does that not bother you?

Its the dems keeping them from owning property and in squalor on reservations while claiming she cares for them.



Who says they placed it there?

No one its been there forever. Liberals hate things called facts(or rather they ignore them (facts) for propaganda instead)[/QUOTE

Trump as the New Andrew Jackson? Not on Old Hickory’s Life
What Jackson was to America in the 19th century, Donald Trump hopes to be in the 21st. Fat chance.
January 29, 2017

Donald Trump has decided to summon the spirit of Andrew Jackson as support for his neo-populist approach to politics; he recently chose a portrait of Jackson to grace the Oval Office, and his chief strategist Steve Bannon called his inaugural address “very Jacksonian.” Presumably the new president doesn’t mean to claim for himself—at least not openly—the attitudes and policies for which Jackson is often excoriated today: his unquestioning acceptance of slavery and the racism on which it was based, and his harsh treatment of Indian tribes. Rather, it is Jackson’s connection to the ordinary people of America that makes the seventh president appealing to the 45th. What Jackson was to America in the 19th century, Trump proposes to be in the 21st.

Far be it for me to educate "Patrick jane" and "Angel4Truth" as to the preferences of his own favourite politician, but apparently Andrew Jackson is the one president with whom "The Donald" most closely identifies.

It was the President, himself, who chose to have Jackson's portrait hung in the Oval Office.

For someone who admires Jackson, one would have thought that Trump would have realized that the portrait of the president responsible for signing the Indian Removal Act that led to the "Trail of Tears" would represent an inappropriate background when honouring Native American veterans - either he doesn't know or he doesn't care!

How would WW2 American veterans respond if they were being honoured in front of a portrait of the Japanese general responsible for the "Bataan Death March?"

Footnote: Although Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma had commanded that prisoners be treated humanely, his subordinates failed to honor his orders, and as commanding general he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and executed by a firing squad on April 3, 1946.

Generals Hideki Tōjō, Kenji Doihara, Seishirō Itagaki, Heitarō Kimura, Iwane Matsui, Akira Muto and Baron Kōki Hirota, were also found guilty for the maltreatment of American and Filipino POWs and were hanged on December 23, 1948.
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I see the America hating left is trying to trash another American President.

Apparently revisionist conservative history in the People's Republic of Trump denies that Andrew Jackson was responsible for the Indian Removal Act that resulted in the "“Trail of Tears!”

Although our conservative "friends," like Trump, are always first in line to flaunt their patriotism by wrapping themselves in the flag, not only are they ignorant when it comes to American history, but they are wilfully ignorant!
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