Trump Shatters All Prior GOP Fundraising Records – 2.1 Million Small Donations in 90


google - it's your friend:

On Friday, they filed a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal without prejudice.

‘Jane Doe’ Plans to Re-File Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Trump With ‘Additional Witness’

Does that mean that when they refile the child rape suit against the guy who was once on the cover of the SMUT Playboy magazine and joked with radio SMUT jock Howard Stern about the different women that they could have, that there will be 3 witnesses?

BTW, I noticed that you and your good buddy (they go way back) Patrick jane didn't comment on Trump stealing money from his charities to pay off fines.

I once knew a guy who stole from a charity that helped sick and dying children. Do you think that Donald Trump would go that low?


Surely you're not saying that Donald Trump supporters consist of alcoholics and junkies?

Judge millions of Americans because of their support of someone you don't like :think:

Every group of supporters for whoever will have their share of unlikable people. There are Hillary supporters who are ridiculously sheepish, and there were conservative supporters who were extravagantly naive.

Guess where I place you, aCW :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Judge millions of Americans because of their support of someone you don't like :think:

Every group of supporters for whoever will have their share of unlikable people. There are Hillary supporters who are extravagantly sheepish, and there were conservative supporters who were ridiculously naive.

Guess where I place you, aCW :plain:



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Surely you're not saying that Donald Trump supporters consist of alcoholics and junkies?

Judge millions of Americans because of their support of someone you don't like :think:

Every group of supporters for whoever will have their share of unlikable people. There are Hillary supporters who are ridiculously sheepish, and there were conservative supporters who were extravagantly naive.

Guess where I place you, aCW :plain:

Pay attention the thread, it was the author who wrote the following:

This tells me the people who are supporting trump is much larger than what the polls are telling us. These are the forgotten people of America. They used to be the backbone of America and now deemed to be deplorable and irredeemable. They are not politically correct and them MSM media has reduced them to homophobic, islamophobic....etc phobic rubes that deserve the date they find themselves in. The fact that many of them have given up and are living on disability and dying from alcohol abuse and heroin, doesn't elicit the smallest smidgen of compassion from our nation's elite class....only condemnation and condescension. These facts alone suggest a massive voter uprise in November that has not been detected in the polls yet. These people dont have lives condusive to bring polled and when they are polled, don't want to be labelled a bigot by the elitest pollster..... probably a fantastic looking younger 20's social justice warrior.

Donald Trump is without a doubt a populist. Not only is he popular with alcoholics and heroin users (as the OP stated), but hebephiles, adulterers, homosexuals, abortionists, pornographers, misogynists, etc. etc. etc.

Yep, Don the degenerate attracts quite the following.


A populist is someone who cares about the interests of ordinary people.

Such as?

The Founding Fathers were populists.


Do you have any idea what these Christian men would have done to someone like pro abortionist, pro homosexual, pro pornographer, adulterer Donald Trump?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you have any idea what these Christian men [the Founding Fathers] would have done to someone like pro abortionist, pro homosexual, pro pornographer, adulterer Donald Trump?

Stop using Christianity as a crutch to avoid accounting for your judgemental crap.

Let's just say that pervert Donald Trump would have had a pillory with his own name on it.


Donald wouldn't have liked Tom Jefferson's ways:

"In 1776, Thomas Jefferson and a group of other Virginian legislators drafted a revision of law, certainly in view of independence. In large part, they consulted ancient English Common Law, which was to a large degree based upon biblical law. At other points, however, Jefferson noted that they specifically departed from biblical principle and gave way to “public sentiment.”

This departure is clear in regard to sexual crimes. In regard to sodomy, Jefferson and “public sentiment” apparently called for torture and maiming. Section 14 of “crimes and punishments” proclaims:

Whosoever shall be guilty of rape, [polygamy,] or sodomy with man or woman, shall be punished; if a man, by castration, if a woman, by boring through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one half inch in diameter at the least."


New member
Such as?


Do you have any idea what these Christian men would have done to someone like pro abortionist, pro homosexual, pro pornographer, adulterer Donald Trump?

Do you know what these men would do with a person like you who demands people live according to an impossible standard but refuses to live that way himself? You sound more like Meshak everyday.


Do you know what these men would do with a person like you who demands people live according to an impossible standard but refuses to live that way himself? You sound more like Meshak everyday.

What "impossible standard" is that? Not committing adultery and not taking money from your charitable foundation and using it to pay off fines? Be specific.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Donald wouldn't have liked Tom Jefferson's ways:

"In 1776, Thomas Jefferson and a group of other Virginian legislators drafted a revision of law, certainly in view of independence. In large part, they consulted ancient English Common Law, which was to a large degree based upon biblical law. At other points, however, Jefferson noted that they specifically departed from biblical principle and gave way to “public sentiment.”

This departure is clear in regard to sexual crimes. In regard to sodomy, Jefferson and “public sentiment” apparently called for torture and maiming. Section 14 of “crimes and punishments” proclaims:

Whosoever shall be guilty of rape, [polygamy,] or sodomy with man or woman, shall be punished; if a man, by castration, if a woman, by boring through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one half inch in diameter at the least."

acw gushes over his hero:

Heroes. I am very grateful for the Christian based Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers gave us, it's too bad that there aren't enough good men and women throughout this country to keep it.

you talking about randy tom who, not content to own slaves, made a practice of raping them? :darwinsm:

Wait, are you saying that Donald Trump raped Thomas Jefferson? (and here I thought that Donnie was only into raping vulnerable 13 year old girls).

You've been drinking the liberal/Libertarian kool aid too long res:

The question of whether Thomas Jefferson fathered one or more children by his slave Sally Hemings is an issue about which honorable people can and do disagree. After a careful review of all of the evidence, the commission agrees unanimously that the allegation is by no means proven; and we find it regrettable that public confusion about the 1998 DNA testing and other evidence has misled many people. With the exception of one member, whose views are set forth both below and in his more detailed appended dissent, our individual conclusions range from serious skepticism about the charge to a conviction that it is almost certainly false.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, i spose i should take some comfort in the fact that you're not trying to deny the fact that he owned slaves :idunno:

rah-rah - go hillary!

