Trump News

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Leftist whines: "No fair! Trump's making it harder for us to cheat!"


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Active member
This is very true. The real question is, when the legal system decides it doesn't like you, will you have the fundraising power to fight back?
Ah no, the real question is whether or not you are honest and law abiding. Not someone who decides to attempt to overthrow the results of an election, not someone who decides to keep lots of classified documents and not return them when asked, not someone who manufactures financial information from whole cloth in order to get better rates from lenders.
The only reason trump is not already in the pokey is that he grifts more than anyone and as PT Barnum is alleged to have said "There is a sucker born every minute"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ah no, the real question is whether or not you are honest and law abiding. Not someone who decides to attempt to overthrow the results of an election, not someone who decides to keep lots of classified documents and not return them when asked, not someone who manufactures financial information from whole cloth in order to get better rates from lenders.
The only reason trump is not already in the pokey is that he grifts more than anyone and as PT Barnum is alleged to have said "There is a sucker born every minute"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ah no, the real question is whether or not you are honest and law abiding. Not someone who decides to attempt to overthrow the results of an election, not someone who decides to keep lots of classified documents and not return them when asked, not someone who manufactures financial information from whole cloth in order to get better rates from lenders.
The only reason trump is not already in the pokey is that he grifts more than anyone and as PT Barnum is alleged to have said "There is a sucker born every minute"
First, a disclaimer: I don't like it when people are so evil that a bad person like Trump must be defended as the better person. Because Trump is not a good man, not a good president, not serious about his job (a grifter/hustler from the start), full of himself, doesn't speak well, doesn't use Godly principles to govern, and surrounds himself with advisers worse than he is. I haven't supported him or his campaigns ever and I've never voted for him.

But as Sylvester Stallone's character in Oscar said, "Geez, I'm used to dealing with mobsters, bootleggers, and guns... but you bankers
are scary".

With that out of the way, do you really not know enough about loans to know a financier doesn't use the collateral owner's assessment of his own collateral? In what world would that ever make sense? And you didn't know that independent assessments were made of the properties in question and they were similar to Trump's assessments? That didn't make you curious?

As to keeping secret documents, I haven't looked into that as much. But I do see the justice system using a double standard to commit lawfare against Trump in light of the Biden scandal. You should be afraid of that because even though you may be thrilled the injustice system is currently weighing down on the right - but you aren't in the club either.
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Active member
Lawfare, nice word. The big difference between the Biden docs and Trump docs issue is that Biden cooperated. Trump on the other hand did not and takes the position that he magically unclassified documents. Trump ignored requests and subpoenas, allegedly tried to hide documents and claims he is totally immune from any crime because he was president. He forced the govt to get a search warrant and execute the warrant, not "raid Mar-a-largo". Any AG should have handled Biden, Pence and Trump as they were handled. Both Biden and Pence seem to have said, "Sorry, come check me out and take back what should belong to the govt." What Trump should have done is to say "Sorry, we left in such a rush, we took a bunch of docs by mistake. Here they are, come get them". What should the govt have done? "Thats ok Donny, we know you have classified documents, we are not sure what they cover, but you can keep them because, well you were the president so you get them as keep-sakes and memories of your time in office"
As to the loans. Yes the banks should have done more due diligence, it appears they often took his valuation because of who he was, but they were as greedy as Trump. However, does that excuse Trump's malfeasance? I am unaware of independent appraisals, certainly any for Mar-a Largo would need to discount its value because its use is limited. Also, he golf course north of NYC was apparently appraised as if 7+/- mcmansions could be built but that approval was never obtained. Donny, and da boyz, should have known that but I believe they misrepresented. One question is whether or not heads rolled at some of the lenders and whether they made any internal changes in procedure when dealing with very wealthy people.
There are I suspect many many ways to keep your mouth shut and make lots of $ and live a nice life. Donny is unaware of that and now he may pay the price for being a person who cares only for self promotion and being able to claim he is richer than he is. He is a sad reflection of humanity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Lawfare, nice word. The big difference between the Biden docs and Trump docs issue is that Biden cooperated. Trump on the other hand did not and takes the position that he magically unclassified documents. Trump ignored requests and subpoenas, allegedly tried to hide documents and claims he is totally immune from any crime because he was president. He forced the govt to get a search warrant and execute the warrant, not "raid Mar-a-largo". Any AG should have handled Biden, Pence and Trump as they were handled. Both Biden and Pence seem to have said, "Sorry, come check me out and take back what should belong to the govt." What Trump should have done is to say "Sorry, we left in such a rush, we took a bunch of docs by mistake. Here they are, come get them". What should the govt have done? "Thats ok Donny, we know you have classified documents, we are not sure what they cover, but you can keep them because, well you were the president so you get them as keep-sakes and memories of your time in office"
As to the loans. Yes the banks should have done more due diligence, it appears they often took his valuation because of who he was, but they were as greedy as Trump. However, does that excuse Trump's malfeasance? I am unaware of independent appraisals, certainly any for Mar-a Largo would need to discount its value because its use is limited. Also, he golf course north of NYC was apparently appraised as if 7+/- mcmansions could be built but that approval was never obtained. Donny, and da boyz, should have known that but I believe they misrepresented. One question is whether or not heads rolled at some of the lenders and whether they made any internal changes in procedure when dealing with very wealthy people.
There are I suspect many many ways to keep your mouth shut and make lots of $ and live a nice life. Donny is unaware of that and now he may pay the price for being a person who cares only for self promotion and being able to claim he is richer than he is. He is a sad reflection of humanity
Trump Derangement Syndrome :ROFLMAO:

You really think Trump wouldn't work with the Justice Dept. if they had questions about the documents he had? I'll bet you think Trump is right wing! :LOL:😅😂🤣