Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Good news is I saw a few independent candidates making up some ground. I haven't had much time to look into them though. Heck, I don't even remember their names. :eek:
Read an article the other day that claimed 1/3 of Americans would seriously consider an independent candidate and party at this point. If this is the best the two party system can produce it's time to try that movement again.

Saw your latest with CC.
That is one perspective, a misguided one to be sure, but a perspective none the less.
That's CC all over. Deep seated intellectual insecurities that will absolutely surface in any conversation where she's contradicted using objective data and/or met with a reasoned counter.

Too frequently, you could distill her hostile lamentations to this sort of thing:
Lord, your ignorance is stunning....Thanks to're a race-baiting liar. Youi spread fear, and pervert...Don't talk down to me...I have forgotten more than you'll ever know.
It's impossible to not talk down to someone lying in a gutter, argumentatively. Or, she's her own worst enemy and best rebuttal, really. :plain:
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New member
Read an article the other day that claimed 1/3 of Americans would seriously consider an independent candidate and party at this point. If this is the best the two party system can produce it's time to try that movement again.
I have said it once, and I will say it again: a moderate republican that expands their understanding of social justice and inequality would run away with this election.

That's CC all over. Deep seated intellectual insecurities that will absolutely surface in any conversation where she's contradicted using objective data and/or met with a reasoned counter.
Par for the course given where we are. :eek:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
....That's CC all over. Deep seated intellectual insecurities....

LOL. You're such a pinhead. Let me tell you something: Abraham Lincoln had common sense, a sharp wit, and a grounded sense of right and wrong. He was not, however, an intellectual. He learned law without going to school. I admire him greatly.

Its worms like you who use their faux-intellectualism to find ways to justify vile evils. Many leftwing extremists consider themselves to be, and are considered to be, intellectuals. They are lower than dirt. That's your ilk.

I'll take honest Abe and his morals and sense of God & country over you perverse wannabe-intellectuals any day of the week.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
LOL. You're such a pinhead.
You did it again. :eek:

Let me tell you something: Abraham Lincoln had common sense, a sharp wit, and a grounded sense of right and wrong. He was not, however, an intellectual. He learned law without going to school. I admire him greatly.
Let me educate you: that's how most lawyers managed it in his day and position, with an apprenticeship and individual study. He was learned in the law, an avid reader and thinker, aka, an intellectual.

You attempt to elevate your misconception of Lincoln because then you don't have to fail an objective litmus, don't have to worry about the thing that appears to gnaw at you and you're free to think and inferentially declare yourself the equal or better of those who have more than their self-generated opinion.

Its worms like you who use their faux-intellectualism to find ways to justify vile evils.
It's really something to watch you go. Also, what evils? Or is that just more of the same declarative, untethered nonsense?

Many leftwing extremists consider themselves to be, and are considered to be, intellectuals.
I'm sure many are, though it really isn't about what you think of yourself. It's also not about whether you're a capitalist or a communist. Both have had their share.

They are lower than dirt. That's your ilk.
Which, were it true, would still give you the problem I noted with your "moron" business. :) But given I'm neither leftist nor communist, you've got more troubles than an Amish man or woman at the Moulin Rouge.

I'll take honest Abe and his morals and sense of God & country over you perverse wannabe-intellectuals any day of the week.
Except you're not really talking about Abe and you're not in a position to gauge intellectualism. No, you're really talking about you, and that's the sad heart of this this. You, who are the fit judge of who is or isn't something you can lay no objective claim to being...remarkable really.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why am I certain CC has an issue with intelligence? A sampling from today's posts:

LOL!! You are such an IDIOT...he is is an independent thinker with far more intelligend than you'll ever have.
LOL. You're such a pinhead. Its worms like you who use their faux-intellectualism...lower than dirt. That's your perverse wannabe-intellectuals any day of the week.
your dumb income tax snivelling.
is an imbecile. Pick a subject, any subject... ...he is clueless about them all.
You're ALL a bunch of pinheads.
my pot shots at your stupidity entertain me.
Pointy-heads like TH are good at that.
I guess you're cool with that too half-wit?.
Palin is a helluva lot smarter than you obviously.
Oh Lord... ...another tax return pinhead.
Me, I'm saying your a moron plainly.
...they are evil to the core, "useful idiots" of Satan.
Lord, your ignorance is stunning...Thanks to morons like you... Learn how to speak English you imbecile.

I have an understanding... ....that you're a race-baiting liar. You spread fear, and pervert Trump's words to mean something they never meant. Don't talk down to me dude, I have forgotten more than you'll ever know.

As for polls and Trump of late:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leadsRepublican rival Donald Trump by 12 percentage points among likely voters, her strongest showing this month, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.​

The Aug. 18-22 poll showed that 45 percent of voters supported Clinton, while 33 percent backedTrump ahead of the Nov. 8 election.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know, right? I saw you doing the same thing to a couple of others and thought the trend would be easy enough to find. . . find, it was in almost every post in the day.


Your lacey pink panties got that wadded up
Ah, an internet tough guy. Well, that's almost as impressive as actual courage.

that you had to research every snarky comment I've made lately?
Nope. Supra. I just did a quick search on today and it was harder to find something else. You are self-evidently consumed with the consideration and I've stated why I think that is.

Grow a pair, loser.
Grow up, kid (well, let's hope that's the reason).

On the upside, at least a post associated with you had the word reason in it. :think: So that's a move in the right direction.


New member
Hall of Fame

LA Times Poll: Trump Takes Half a Point Lead over Clinton

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times “Daybreak” poll for the first time since Aug. 3 — the last day he had an edge on the former secretary of state. Although the race remains too close to call, Trump is roughly half a point in front of Clinton, 44.2 percent to 43.6 percent.

If the U.S. presidential election were held today, Democrat Hillary Clinton would win the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia and have a 95 percent chance of beating Republican Donald Trump to become America’s first female president, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

:mock: Trump
:mock: Trumpers

Not that I put much stock in polling right now. At least wait until the first debate.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
....That's CC all over. Deep seated intellectual insecurities....
LOL. You're such a pinhead. Let me tell you something: Abraham Lincoln had common sense, a sharp wit, and a grounded sense of right and wrong. He was not, however, an intellectual. He learned law without going to school. I admire him greatly.

Its worms like you who use their faux-intellectualism to find ways to justify vile evils. Many leftwing extremists consider themselves to be, and are considered to be, intellectuals. They are lower than dirt. That's your ilk.

I'll take honest Abe and his morals and sense of God & country over you perverse wannabe-intellectuals any day of the week.

......Let me educate you.......

No, let me educate you: You are a fool and a liar, who uses his intelligence to promote lies and justify evils. You're nothing. I'll say it again:

Abraham Lincoln had common sense, a sharp wit, and a grounded sense of right and wrong. He was not, however, an intellectual. He learned law without going to school. I admire him greatly.

Its worms like you who use their faux-intellectualism to find ways to justify vile evils. Many leftwing extremists consider themselves to be, and are considered to be, intellectuals. They are lower than dirt. That's your ilk.

I'll take honest Abe and his morals and sense of God & country over you perverse wannabe-intellectuals any day of the week.

And I'll repeat one other thing again: Grow a pair, loser.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No, let me educate you:
You can't give what you don't demonstrably possess, but it's game of you to make the attempt. :thumb:

Now do something that really shows that superiority you're shooting for. Wow me with argument, stun me with illustration, flabbergast me with depths of objective data and keen analysis.

You are a fool and a liar
Or you could just do that. :plain: Anyone can. It only takes wind, fingertips and a lack of upbringing.

You're nothing. I'll say it again:
Don't sell yourself short, you'll say it dozens of times, the alternative being you'd have to come up with something substantive in rebuttal.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yes yes yes, chop chop chop... ...the only way you can deal with me is slice and dice my posts. You can't handle the cold hard truth all in one gulp, that your a pathetic liar who embraces both stupid and evil ideas, then tries to justify them with your faux-intellectualism. The man voted for Obama folks, what more proof do you need of his LACK of intelligence? Go grow a pair then talk to me when you actually a man.