And Trump takes another beating in Pennsylvania. Conor Lamb brings down Trump's chosen candidate in a district that Trump won by 20 percent last election.
Second major interim election in which Trump's intervention backfired.
Oh, and the Biden picture?
You guys got suckered again. You're way too easy.
You and your mom had a photo of Bill Clinton?
Bill wanted coke and some chocolate
I think it tragic that this quote is never looked at by the left in context. I hate to say this, I've a few liberal extended family members, but this IS a hallmark of liberalism: Emote first, ask questions later. Me? I try to look up things that don't quite look right.![]()
I try to live a good life where I don't have to ask God for forgiveness ...
Why do I have to repent?
Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you're not making mistakes?
- Donald Trump 22/07?/2016
Do you know what ELSE he said, during this interview? I'd suggest it is very important for anyone in this kind of conversation, to read the entire interview as well as later back-up questions regarding it. What Donald Trump said was important. It isn't poor theology by any means. A partial quote, however IS poor theology. You HAVE to know what he said in entirety and why he said it in entirety. I don't think President Trump and I see theology eye to eye, but I do think he has scriptural support for his position. Read 'WHY' I think that? Just a thought. One WORTH investigating."Donald J's" comments concerning his failure to grasp the need to ask for God's forgiveness from sin, a fundamental requirement for any Christian, were made just 20 months ago during the 2016 Presidential Campaign!
A liberal one, apparently too, or in replace of :think: Look at the cartoon again:Once again "patrick jane" is resorting to a classic conservative tactic - make unsubstantiated assertions as a means of redirecting attention away from an issue on which you don't want to comment and then frustrate your opponent by engaging in DENIAL - DENIAL - DENIAL!
Notice in some ways, the 'cartoon' is an infraction upon almost every rule for what it wrongfully attempts to do:1. Thou SHALL NOTSpoileruse profanity or insinuated profanity on this forum. Crass potty humor is also discouraged here at TOL.
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3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemous or unnecessarily disruptive. Emphasis on "unnecessarily disruptive." We will ban you if you are presenting yourself as an unneeded distraction (yes this is subjective - live with it). Be mindful of the spirit of the discussion.
4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause. Appropriately identifying the wicked is not only allowed but encouraged. Again, TOL is a right-wing Christian forum and therefore our bias is not hidden.
5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.
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..... Notice in some ways, the 'cartoon' is an infraction upon almost every rule for what it wrongfully attempts to do:
It profanes our Savior. It profanes that which actually IS sacred. It marginalizes unfairly ("NO" was the answer to every question, accused in the cartoon). It might make you feel good to read the remarks of others in a cartoon and the left certainly ISN'T above lying, marginalizing, and misrepresenting, but YOU Jgarden, HAVE TO REFRAIN from doing it yourself on TOL. It isn't allowed.
My encouragement:
1) Don't suck up lies. Just believe what is true. You don't have to marginalize the opponent wrongfully. If you do, you MIGHT be on the wrong side! :noway:
2) Don't post something from an initial knee-jerk gut reaction. Post because YOU have verified that it is true else you CAN be held accountable for illegally marching in the street OR for posting against TOL rules
3) Try to be truthful. Marginalizing for the sake of marginalizing is imho, MORE wicked than that which is accused. IOW, it is MORE wicked to be wrongfully accused of adultery imho, than it is to be guilty of said crime. Don't get me wrong, the crime is bad enough. We are talking about two things that make accusation worse: 1) It makes the claim wrongly and 2) hurts the person worse than 'adultery' would have in the first place.
So Trump has an idea about being Evangelical and 'lying...' I like that, whether either is right, at least it shows familiarity with evangelical Christianity. Like other quotes, however, I want context. :up:Spoiler![]()
Sometimes. I'm very pleased, for instance, to see you making commentary rather than just the political comics. They often are worse than exaggerations. I 'get' that people think evangelicals love Trump. A good many do. I'm not that enamored by him, BUT I like him a LOT more after he came to office than before. I did appreciate him asking people to pray for him, mentioning asking his wife for forgiveness, and saying he needed to do some things right for God. The good thing? He said all of that. Nobody reported him saying such. He just said them and I remember him saying them. It gave me a bit of hope as he edged past the other candidates. I ALMOST wanted Hilary in there instead of him :noway: I've been pleasantly surprised and do pray for him.1. Trump Keeps Winning - This whole thread is based upon a gross misrepresentation of reality but due to the right-wing bias of TOL, Trump critics are held to a different standard than their conservative counterparts! I only post material that I believe to be true, usually research my comments and often provide references!
Well, no, not if they believe 'fake' news. The liberal spin is NOT the historical spin. The historical matter CANNOT be wholly liberal or wholly conservative or it would be a disservice to history. Thus, history will be neither kind nor unkind IF it is actually history.2. History will not be kind to those American evangelical Christians who have extended their unquestioning support to a President whose professional and personal life appears to be the antithesis of everything they supposedly believe!
I'd have to read it a bit more. Do you sense 'moral outrage' at you? I'm not even that out-of-sorts over what is poorly portrayed by political cartoons. It wouldn't be a 'cartoon' if someone was serious BUT if a liberal gets a hold of it, like you and thinks "This is GOSPEL!" then it is worth taking a moment to post to you over it on TOL. These are caricatures, Jgarden. Be careful! If anybody takes them seriously, they've gone WAY too far. In this case, you are lately choosing cartoons that BREAK some of the Ten Commandments (and TOL commandments as well).[3. Some conservatives, like "Grosnick Marowbe," have been given the freedom to openly question the Christian faith of those individuals who don't share their political support of this President - where is "Lon's" sense of moral outrage?
Don't go too far with my post. I simply said before to give commentary. Realize too, I'm not giving you too much correction over your words, BUT your cartoon choices. They are supposed to be funny. Honestly, to me? It looks like THESE cartoonists don't know what that means. They aren't meant to be much but 'mean' and 'offended' and 'offensive.'4. I'm not the only one making extensive use of cartoons and images - there are also those conservatives who have stated openly that they're not prepared to read more than a few lines!
OR a lying cartoonist! Go ahead, call me an adulterer if I voted for JFK :noway: See? "Guilty-by-association."[5. Those cartoons with a religious overtone reflect American society questioning of the "unholy alliance" that currently exists between Trump and evangelical Christians. If this group is unhappy as to how they, and their relationship with God, is being portrayed to the public, they have nobody to blame but themselves!
Your Mom was a dealer?
Prostitute. Crack head.
And the mother of bill Clinton illegitimate negro child.