Trump increasingly agitated

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Can you read or is it the fault of the fake news that makes you make such ridiculous charges?

Really? You don't believe Trump lies ALL the time? You don't believe he has no understanding of government or the rest of the world?
So you believe him to be truthful and a good leader of the best and strongest nation on earth? An appropriate leader?

patrick jane

Really? You don't believe Trump lies ALL the time? You don't believe he has no understanding of government or the rest of the world?
So you believe him to be truthful and a good leader of the best and strongest nation on earth? An appropriate leader?
Trump is the most honest President I've ever heard, you're stuck in the summer of 16 with your views. Have you stepped outside since the election or have stayed in your room reliving the past? It's 2018 and America is back on top because of Trump, after 8 years of weakness and stagnation.


Trump is the most honest President I've ever heard, you're stuck in the summer of 16 with your views. Have you stepped outside since the election or have stayed in your room reliving the past? It's 2018 and America is back on top because of Trump, after 8 years of weakness and stagnation.

Really, he lied from day one when he needed the biggestest crowd ever. He hasn't stopped since.
And his ignorance is astounding. He really thinks Putin should be congratulated for his "election"?


Trump is the most honest President I've ever heard, you're stuck in the summer of 16 with your views. Have you stepped outside since the election or have stayed in your room reliving the past? It's 2018 and America is back on top because of Trump, after 8 years of weakness and stagnation.


The Barbarian

The Trump haters are just mad because the President is such a cool customer.

His temper tantrums in the WH are already legendary among his own staff. When someone in the interior department released photos of his inauguration crowd (which was very sparse, contrary to his public claim, he dropped everything and personally intervened to try to locate the person who did it.

That's what an unstable, petty narcissist does.

On his first full day in office, President Donald Trump called the acting director of the National Park Service to dispute widely circulated photos of Trump’s inauguration.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Trump personally ordered park service head Michael Reynolds to produce additional photographs of the previous day’s crowds on the National Mall. The president believed that the photos might prove that the news media had lied in reporting that attendance had been no better than average, the newspaper said.

The Post reported that Reynolds forwarded additional photos to the White House as requested.

Photos taken that day made clear that crowds didn’t extend to the Lincoln Memorial as Trump later asserted and that his claim of 1 million to 1.5 million people in attendance was wrong.


So Trump began crumbling the day he was inaugurated. This kind of meltdown isn't a recent thing. He's slowly coming unglued a little at a time.

The Barbarian

Finally, Trump’s interview with Forbes’ Randall Lane came out, and it contains gems like this one:

Over the course of a nearly one-hour interview in the Oval Office, President Trump stays true to the same Citizen Trump form that Forbes has seen for 35 years.

He boasts, with a dose of hyperbole that any student of FDR or even Barack Obama could undercut: “I’ve had just about the most legislation passed of any president, in a nine-month period, that’s ever served. [He hasn’t — Spoiler Alerts] We had over 50 bills passed. I’m not talking about executive orders only, which are very important. I’m talking about bills.”

He counterpunches, in this case firing a shot at Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly called his boss a moron: “I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.”

Let me stress that each of the excerpted stories above broke in the past 48 hours. The pace is quickening.

What’s next? Ordinary toddlers eventually tire out after throwing a tantrum. But this is when the analogy breaks down. Full disclosure: Trump is not really a toddler, but an overindulged plutocrat who has never had to cope with political failure. With each negative shock or story he faces, his behavior worsens, and that just leads to a new cycle of negative press and disaffected GOP officials. The political effects of this is to weaken his historically weak presidency, making it harder for him to do anything that would counteract this trend. This doom loop means that his behavior is only going to get worse.


New member
The Trump haters are just mad because the President is such a cool customer. They've thrown everything at him and he is unbreakable. A true Patriot.
Trump is not'making America great again'. He is directing America towards Armageddon. He will make America a pariah to the whole world. He is a self absorbed fanatic determined to have his way regardless of the cost


Trump is not'making America great again'. He is directing America towards Armageddon. He will make America a pariah to the whole world. He is a self absorbed fanatic determined to have his way regardless of the cost

Dear BoyStan,

You have no idea what you are talking about! He IS making the U.S.A. Great Again. You just only See what you want to see and you are easily influenced by negative people. Yes, we are close to Armageddon, more than you even know. But WHAT do you KNOW about Armageddon? It's not Donald's fault that Armageddon is upon us. Yes, it is near, but he is just stuck with it because it is God's Will. God wants him there because he is a strong person indeed. He has shown that by all of the bad press he's overcome. How would YOU like to be President during Armageddon?!!

Armageddon is near because God wants it, not because Trump is leading us there. I could tell you a hell of a lot more about it, but I will not. I've said more than enough!!

Have A Nice Weekend,



Dear patrick jane,

You Tell Them All, pj!! You're Spot On!! Trump is one of the best and fruitful Presidents that we've had in a very long time! And wasn't the Stock Market higher than ever before? Just outstanding, I think.

With Care And Agreement,

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