Trump increasingly agitated

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The Barbarian

Sources close to President Trump said he has grown increasingly "agitated" as he realizes the Russia isn't ending soon.

The sources believe that agitation spilled over onto Twitter over the weekend, when Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller for the first time.

The sources said that several recent developments, including the Trump organization subpoena and the meeting between his lawyers and Mueller's team last week, are indications that the probe is nowhere near its end.

"(The legal team) created the expectation that the probe was going to be done in December," the sources said. But the latest developments contradict what the legal team has been saying to Trump, the sources said.

The Barbarian

Is he watching Nat Geo and eating two scoops of ice cream too? A tad overweight and and out of shape? If he cured cancer you'd complain about the loss of money for doctors and hospitals.

He's an amoral narcissist, who is in way over his head, and increasingly desperate to do something to stop the ongoing investigation.

Not a good thing at all.



Trump increasingly agitated

Despite all the advantages available to a billionaire residing in the White House, Stormy Daniels and her lawyer have repeatedly outmanoeuvred him at every turn!

Despite the best efforts of his personal lawyer, the President has been forced to tweet that he is the "David Dennison" named in the unsigned nondisclosure agreement and the $20 million lawsuit!

If it can be proven that "Donald J" and/or his personal representatives threatened Ms Daniels, that alone would void the agreement and open the "floodgates" for others to come forward with their own stories!

The Barbarian

This nonsense has been going on since day one. Who in their right mind wouldn't be sick of it?

Time to put on your common sense cap, isn't it?

Common sense says that Trump's character disorder has been noticeable for a long time. Getting elected president, as his pal Howard Stern predicted, was the worst thing that could have happened to him. He's getting crazier by the day.

And for whatever reason, as Mueller gets deeper and deeper into his connections with the Russians, he's getting more and more frantic.

For quite a while he managed to keep from overtly trying to impede the investigation. Now, he's attacking Mueller, his lawyer is demanding the investigation stop, and many republican allies are warning him that he could bring down his presidency by trying to fire Mueller.

It's not good for anyone. As Trey Gowdy warned him, if he's innocent, he should welcome a complete and thorough investigation.



Well-known member
Common sense says that Trump's character disorder has been noticeable for a long time. Getting elected president, as his pal Howard Stern predicted, was the worst thing that could have happened to him. He's getting crazier by the day.

And for whatever reason, as Mueller gets deeper and deeper into his connections with the Russians, he's getting more and more frantic.

For quite a while he managed to keep from overtly trying to impede the investigation. Now, he's attacking Mueller, his lawyer is demanding the investigation stop, and many republican allies are warning him that he could bring down his presidency by trying to fire Mueller.

It's not good for anyone. As Trey Gowdy warned him, if he's innocent, he should welcome a complete and thorough investigation.


When the polls are saying 70% of the population thinks Trump should fire Mueller.....I guess the Dems might want that so it would create a constitutional crises. Of course, they said the same when Clinton was impeached.

The Barbarian

When the polls are saying 70% of the population thinks Trump should fire Mueller.....

Seventy-six percent of the people who responded to a poll on the right-wing Drudge report said Mueller should be fired. So not very convincing is it?

Another poll has 96.38% saying Mueller should not be fired.

Nice try, though.

Neither of these unscientific polls are valid measures of anything but partisanship at different websites. However, a real poll conducted by Pew shows this:


So Trump and his partisans are pretty much out on a limb.

I guess the Dems might want that so it would create a constitutional crises.

Like most Americans, they just want the investigation to continue.

Of course, they said the same when Clinton was impeached.

I remember when the special counsel accepted a cushy job from a Clinton-hater. That caused a major firestorm that led to him losing the job.



When the polls are saying 70% of the population thinks Trump should fire Mueller.....I guess the Dems might want that so it would create a constitutional crises. Of course, they said the same when Clinton was impeached.
The current White House lawyer threatened to resign rather than fire Mueller, and key Republicans have warned President "David Dennison" that his Administration would be endangered if he went that route!

There are now rumors that Trump's legal advisors Dowd and Cobb are on there way out because this President is now refusing to take their advice and has in effect become his own lawyer!

PROVERB: "A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client!"


Well-known member
The current White House lawyer threatened to resign rather than fire Mueller, and key Republicans have warned President "David Dennison" that his Administration would be endangered if he went that route!

There are now rumors that Trump's legal advisors Dowd and Cobb are on there way out, because this President refuses to take their advice and has in effect become his own lawyer!

Rumors abound. Don't you know that there are Republicans who are just as much a part of the swamp as many of the Democrats are? Of course they don't want the boat rocked. They are used to Washington playing by their own set of rules. We voted for Trump to shake the hell out of that place...and he is. He has more supporters among the Republicans than he does adversaries, and none of this surprises me. There are too many cowards on the hill.

The Barbarian

We voted for Trump to shake the hell out of that place...and he is.

That's true. Record number of presidential appointees indicted, fired, or forced to resign. It's a kindergarten without any adults.

He has more supporters among the Republicans than he does adversaries

Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer republicans, these days...

Is Trump Scaring Voters? Republican Affiliation Dips in Year Since Election, Poll Shows
Published on Monday, the poll showed 44 percent of people identified as Democrats or Independents who were leaning toward voting Democrat, while 37 percent of people said they identified as Republican voters—a five percentage point drop from 2016 that appears to give Democrats an edge over their opposition going into the 2018 midterm elections.

There are too many cowards on the hill.

Looks like there will be fewer of them in a few months.



Rumors abound. Don't you know that there are Republicans who are just as much a part of the swamp as many of the Democrats are? Of course they don't want the boat rocked. They are used to Washington playing by their own set of rules. We voted for Trump to shake the hell out of that place...and he is. He has more supporters among the Republicans than he does adversaries, and none of this surprises me. There are too many cowards on the hill.

The Trump Administration's Cabinet is filled with an unprecedented number of millionaires and billionaires - its not in their best interests to "drain the swamp!"

A President who refuses to release his tax returns, forces his staff to sign nondisclosure agreements, cheated on all 3 of his wives and resorts to the alias of "David Dennison" to silence porn stars like Stormy Daniels, is hardly a "poster boy" that can be trusted to lead a moral crusade against corruption in Washington!
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Well-known member
The Trump Administration's Cabinet is filled with an unprecedented number of millionaires and billionaires - its not in their best interests to "drain the swamp!"

A President who refuses to release his tax returns, forces his staff to sign nondisclosure agreements, cheated on all 3 od his wives and resorts to the alias of "David Dennison" to silence porn stars like Stormy Daniels, is hardly a "poster boy" that can be trusted to lead a moral crusade against corruption in Washington!

I say he can be trusted to drain the swamp. A lesser man would have given up before this time.

Law and Order is the name of the game here.....not a "moral crusade", as you call it.

The Barbarian

"Bring God back to the WH" -Trump

Except his church attendance, except for publicity, has been close to nonexistent:

There’s also the question of Trump’s church attendance as president. On the morning of his inauguration, Trump and his family attended a service at St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House and then participated in an interfaith prayer service that Saturday at the National Cathedral. He also appeared at the National Prayer Breakfast in early February.

On Sunday, Trump went to Easter services at the Bethesda-by-the-Sea Church in Florida, where he and his wife, Melania, were married in 2015.

But there’s no public knowledge of any other church services Trump has attended, and if he has, it has been without the knowledge of White House pool reporters.

The White House did not respond to questions about whether Trump has been attending church as president.

And his insistence that he doesn't need to ask God for forgiveness, and his assertion that adultery is not a sin, suggests that whatever God he worships, is not the God of the Bible.

His frequent bursts of temper indicate a man who has not put his trust in God, and is now slowly crumbling as events close in on him.

President Trump has been described by advisers and confidents as angry over the probe into possible ties between his campaign and Russia, yelling at television sets at the White House with coverage of the probe, according to an Associated Press report Friday.

Trump has been insisting that he is the target of a conspiracy to discredit and possibly end his presidency, according to the report.

The president has publicly lamented the Russia probe in recent tweets, calling it a "witch hunt" in various tweets.
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