Trump has dirt on Comey


You guys have a vivid imagination.

Can't deal with him in reality and so you make him into something of your own making that reveals more about you than Trump.
Are we discussing the same Donald Trump who, along with the "birthers," spend 8 years deliberately trying to undermine Barrack Obama's authority to serve as a President!

When all is said and done, Comey stared the White House down - and the President blinked!



"Lying" Ted Cruz

"Little" Marco Rubio

"Crooked" Hillary Clinton

"Nut Job" Director Comey

"Trump hater" Mexican judge

Why does "The Donald" try to "demonize" anybody and everybody with whom he has an adversarial relationship!
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Greatest poster ever
Why does "The Donald" try to "demonize" anybody and everybody with whom he has an adversarial relationship!

Because it works, obviously. Trump has created a cult of personality for himself. He can't stoke his own image without simultaneously ridiculing anyone he perceives to be getting in the way of whatever he wants, hence his temper tantrums. But he is starting to eat his own in the process, for example:

Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney General Jeff Sessions


'Looks to me like Comey is an ideologue who didn't think he had a boss and could do whatever he thought was right.

He wasn't elected, he had a boss. His boss wanted him to act like the employee that he was, and Comey stuck to his ideology instead, so President Trump had to let him go.



'Looks to me like Comey is an ideologue who didn't think he had a boss and could do whatever he thought was right.

He wasn't elected, he had a boss. His boss wanted him to act like the employee that he was, and Comey stuck to his ideology instead, so President Trump had to let him go.

The FBI Director is appointed to uphold the Constitution - it is not a narrow boss/employee relationship where they are compelled to blindly following self-serving dictates of a president!

FBI Directors are appointed to 10 year terms for the express purpose of insulating them from political interference - Presidents are within their executive powers to replace them, in the full knowledge that they will also be subject to the firestorm and Congressional investigations that ensues!


'Looks to me like Comey is an ideologue who didn't think he had a boss and could do whatever he thought was right.

He wasn't elected, he had a boss. His boss wanted him to act like the employee that he was, and Comey stuck to his ideology instead, so President Trump had to let him go.


Comey's allegiance was to the Constitution, 5 USC 3331. Look it up.
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Liberals devouring liberals? Your point is DJT is a liberal....gotcha. I will take that brand of liberalism anyday over the kind you and Rusha defend here daily.

I'll gladly debate you on the topic of Donald Trump's long history of liberalism, which extends to his presidency.

Shall I start the thread or do you want to?


I wouldn't expect much, my belief is it will be uneventful, not substantive in any way. We will see for sure but, I am going to laugh when it is a big flat zero for the marxist left, & their surrogate media counterparts.

Since Faux News isn't reporting the truth about Trump's ties to Russia, who should those who aren't playing partisan politics look to?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll gladly debate you on the topic of Donald Trump's long history of liberalism, which extends to his presidency.

Shall I start the thread or do you want to?

His long history of liberalism is getting along with the power structure so that he can do business. I realize you're too brain dead to see that.

Thank you for acknowledging that Donald Trump is indeed a liberal and that it's business as usual (i.e. the same ole Establishment is running the country) under Trump.

But then, if Donald Trump were a true conservative, you wouldn't have voted for him.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since Faux News isn't reporting the truth about Trump's ties to Russia, who should those who aren't playing partisan politics look to?

Comey says there are none. His delicate sensibilities barely allowed him to say as much, though.

And here I thought Robert Mueller's investigation had only just got started.

I was hoping that a Trump lemming would come forward and attempt to refute this information.


Care to be the first to attempt to do so?