Trump finally fires James Comey


like marbles on glass
HYPOCRITE ! it was perfectly OK with demon rats that Otraitor padded Government positions with Mudslime Brotherhood and favored mudslimes over Americans in every dealing the idiot had with them.


That lying,thieving criminal should be in prison.

You know, when I realized your posts are little more than foam-flecked, rage filled, incoherent screeching, I stopped giving what you said any credence whatsoever.

Rage on, alt-rightist, your Dunning-Kruger president is a fraud and a liar.


New member
You know, when I realized your posts are little more than foam-flecked, rage filled, incoherent screeching, I stopped giving what you said any credence whatsoever.

Rage on, alt-rightist, your Dunning-Kruger president is a fraud and a liar.

From your first post I knew immediately you were a hypocrite and have never placed any credence in anything you have ever said.

You are to hypocritical to ever credit the past panderer and thief for what he is, which is a lying , thieving , and traitorous POS.

Fraud ? The piece of trash you idolize was born in Kenya !


like marbles on glass
From your first post I knew immediately you were a hypocrite and have never placed any credence in anything you have ever said.

You are to hypocritical to ever credit the past panderer and thief for what he is, which is a lying , thieving , and traitorous POS.

Fraud ? The piece of trash you idolize was born in Kenya !

Rage on, alt-rightist, your Dunning-Kruger president is a fraud and a liar.


From your first post I knew immediately you were a hypocrite and have never placed any credence in anything you have ever said.

You are to hypocritical to ever credit the past panderer and thief for what he is, which is a lying , thieving , and traitorous POS.

Fraud ? The piece of trash you idolize was born in Kenya !
- hypocrite/hypocritical

- panderer

- thief

- lying

- thieving

- traitorous

- Fraud

- piece of trash

- comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk"

- involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks

- about 10% of Tourette's patients exhibit coprolalia

- involuntary actions are copropraxia, performing obscene or forbidden gestures, and coprographia, making obscene writings or drawings

- encompasses words and phrases that are culturally taboo or generally unsuitable for acceptable social use, when used out of context

- may repeat the word mentally rather than saying it out loud; these subvocalizations can be very distressing

- involuntary outbursts, such as racial or ethnic slurs in the company of those most offended by such remarks, can be particularly embarrassing
Last edited:


- hypocrite/hypocritical

- panderer

- thief

- lying

- thieving

- traitorous

- Fraud

- piece of trash

- comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk"

- involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks

- about 10% of Tourette's patients exhibit coprolalia

- involuntary actions are copropraxia, performing obscene or forbidden gestures, and coprographia, making obscene writings or drawings

- encompasses words and phrases that are culturally taboo or generally unsuitable for acceptable social use, when used out of context

- may repeat the word mentally rather than saying it out loud; these subvocalizations can be very distressing

- involuntary outbursts, such as racial or ethnic slurs in the company of those most offended by such remarks, can be particularly embarrassing

From the book of First Niggulations

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


like marbles on glass
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.


Hall of Fame
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.s part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

Yep, it just, not surprisingly, came over the news. I am really looking forward to Comey's testimony. :)


Well-known member
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

Good! Shut Down the 'Russia-gate' Farce

It’s bogus, it’s boring, and it’s hurting the country.

No doubt!