Trump says if the GOP doesn't treat him with a certain amount of decorum and respect AND as the front runner that he is, he will break the pledge.
Good. The republicans don't deserve a win either.
Carl Rove has been wrong for a decade already. Why is his name even considered?
Unless republicans come out and call Obama what he is - a sleeper cel president that is enabling radical Islamic extremists to operate in the world, the republicans are a bunch of homos not willing to stand up and fight.
The idea that acting "presidential" is going to be a sign of strength is so 1970's. Look what happened to Romney Ronald McDonald. What a loser idiot he was. These fools are supposed to represent the people. How would you feel if you were the parent of the Benghazi heroes when you saw that weak puke candidate hold his tongue and not tell Obama what's what?
Instead of representing those families we get idiot weak sucks.
Props to Trump
He doesn't need commander n chief experience. Rubio. That's what we have five star generals for. All we need is for a white dude with the hutzpah to tell the jesse jacks and farakan charlatans to "tell it walking"
No more weak domesticated white presidents too afraid to be proud of themselves. Too polite and giving towards minority races. I say screw em.
I'm a half breed and I could care less. This country is a blessing. I was on skid row at 16. Today I've made millions of dollars. I've always looked at other races as my equals. Especially their women.