Trump assails Mueller; republicans rebuke him.

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The Barbarian

LBJ makes Trump look like a choir boy!

No one has connected LBJ to sexual assault, nor did LBJ brag about getting away with sexual assault. Unlike Trump, he seems to have had no problem getting women to agree to have sex with him.

LBJ never had to pony up millions to get out of a fraud trial.

LBJ never had to pay of a porn actress to keep quiet about sexual favors she gave him.

LBJ knew better than to lie about things that were obviously lies.

LBJ never had to sign a consent decree over racial discrimination.

So you're definition of "choir boy" seems a little skewed, Jerry.



According to the guidelines of the FBI even an appearance of a conflict of interest must be avoided and by choosing Mueller to investigate the FBI ignored their own guidelines because of Mueller's close friendship with Comey.

The whole investigation has been nothing but a witch hunt and it would never had been given life without the fake dossier paid for by crooked Hillary.

Both Comey and Mueller have also been registered Republicans - if they had been registered Democrats, that alone would have Trump and his surrogates demanding that they be disqualified!

"Jerry Shugart" needs to get his story straight, it was Trump advisor "George Papadopoulos" who confided to an Australian diplomat in a London wine bar that the Russians had "dirt" available on Hillary Clinton - the FBI was contacted and it started the investigation!

We know that Trump and his Campaign had no second thoughts about using illegally hacked DNC emails from the Russians, but "crooked Hillary," to her credit, refrained from using material from the Steele Dossier during the 2016 Election!
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Never Trumpers from the Republican end of the Swamp. We've got swamp dwellers, too.

If all federal government employees, who are Democrats and/or Republicans who disapprove of President "David Dennison," are going to be disqualified - who would be left?

Instead of just "demonizing" individuals, Trump and his surrogates have now graduated to attacking whole departments and agencies of the federal government - rather than contesting the facts, "Donald J" has decided to undermine the American public's confidence in the fact gatherers!


Well-known member

If all federal government employees, who are Democrats and/or Republicans who disapprove of President "David Dennison," are going to be disqualified - who would be left?

Instead of just "demonizing" individuals, Trump and his surrogates have now graduated to attacking whole departments and agencies of the federal government - rather than contesting the facts, "Donald J" has decided to undermine the American public's confidence in the fact gatherers!

The FBI is responsible for McCabe's ouster. I'm not sure why you can't see that.

The Barbarian

Trump's frantic and increasingly desperate attempts to undermine the Russian influence investigation suggests, as Trey Gowdy said, that he's guilty.

"If your client is innocent, act like he's innocent."

Gowdy is a former prosecutor. He knows the behaviors.
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