Trump assails Mueller; republicans rebuke him.

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The Barbarian

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Sunday abandoned a strategy of showing deference to the special counsel examining Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, lashing out at what he characterized as a partisan investigation and alarming Republicans who feared he might seek to shut it down.


The attack on Mr. Mueller, a longtime Republican and former F.B.I. director appointed by a Republican president, George W. Bush, drew immediate rebukes from some members of the party who expressed concern that it might presage an effort to fire the special counsel. Such a move, they warned, would give the appearance of a corrupt attempt to short-circuit the investigation and set off a bipartisan backlash.

“If he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency, because we’re a rule-of-law nation,” Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an ally of the president, said on “State of the Union” on CNN.

Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, a sharp critic of Mr. Trump who appeared on the same program. “People see that as a massive red line that can’t be crossed,” he said. He urged Mr. Trump’s advisers to prevail on him not to fire Mr. Mueller. “We have confidence in Mueller.”
Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, said if the president was innocent, he should “act like it” and leave Mr. Mueller alone, warning of dire repercussions if the president tried to fire the special counsel.
“I would just counsel the president — it’s going to be a very, very long, bad 2018, and it’s going to be distracting from other things that he wants to do and he was elected do,” Mr. Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Let it play out its course. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible.”
The House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, issued a statement likewise warning Mr. Trump to back off.

The Barbarian

Trump's in a bit of a dilemma. Mueller's probe is getting closer and closer; he might already have enough to secure an indictment. But his own party is telling him that firing Mueller would be the end of his presidency.

Rock and a hard place.


New member
There will come a day when Trump regrets running. And then, much later, there will come a day when most of his supporters are ashamed to admit to having supported him. But not for a while. Nixon still has his supporters.

patrick jane

There will come a day when Trump regrets running. And then, much later, there will come a day when most of his supporters are ashamed to admit to having supported him. But not for a while. Nixon still has his supporters.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
According to the guidelines of the FBI even an appearance of a conflict of interest must be avoided and by choosing Mueller to investigate the FBI ignored their own guidelines because of Mueller's close friendship with Comey.

The whole investigation has been nothing but a witch hunt and it would never had been given life without the fake dossier paid for by crooked Hillary.


New member
According to the guidelines of the FBI even an appearance of a conflict of interest must be avoided and by choosing Mueller to investigate the FBI ignored their own guidelines because of Mueller's close friendship with Comey.

The whole investigation has been nothing but a witch hunt and it would never had been given life without the fake dossier paid for by crooked Hillary.

1. The FBI didn't choose Mueller. Rod Rosenstein did.
2. Comey isn't directly the subject of Mueller's investigation.
3. The fact that Mueller and Comey have had a constructive relationship in the past doesn't amount to a conflict of interest. Whether or not they are "friends" isn't a settled question, but it also isn't especially relevant.

The Barbarian

There will come a day when Trump regrets running. And then, much later, there will come a day when most of his supporters are ashamed to admit to having supported him. But not for a while. Nixon still has his supporters.

Heh, most of the Nixon fans I knew from those days, now deny they ever liked him. I expect you'll have a hard time finding a Trump supporter in 10 years.

patrick jane

1. The FBI didn't choose Mueller. Rod Rosenstein did.
2. Comey isn't directly the subject of Mueller's investigation.
3. The fact that Mueller and Comey have had a constructive relationship in the past doesn't amount to a conflict of interest. Whether or not they are "friends" isn't a settled question, but it also isn't especially relevant.
Nothing is relevant except impeaching the President, isn't that the bottom line?


New member
Nothing is relevant except impeaching the President, isn't that the bottom line?

Nothing matters in this investigation besides getting to the truth and ensuring that those who have done wrong are punished. I think impeachment is where it ends if it's allowed to run it's course, and based on his behavior, I suspect that that is where Trump thinks it's heading too. So far, it has yielded 19 indictments (that we know of) and 5 guilty pleas (that we know of). That's a pretty solid start.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Nothing matters in this investigation besides getting to the truth and ensuring that those who have done wrong are punished.

Then why is the evidence concerning the fake Trump dossier which Hillary paid for being ignored?

There is real evidence that the Hillary campaign colluded with the Russians about that.

patrick jane

Nothing matters in this investigation besides getting to the truth and ensuring that those who have done wrong are punished. I think impeachment is where it ends if it's allowed to run it's course, and based on his behavior, I suspect that that is where Trump thinks it's heading too. So far, it has yielded 19 indictments (that we know of) and 5 guilty pleasure (that we know of). That's a pretty solid start.
guilty pleasure :chuckle:

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The fact that Mueller and Comey have had a constructive relationship in the past doesn't amount to a conflict of interest. Whether or not they are "friends" isn't a settled question, but it also isn't especially relevant.

Evidently you do not even know what the word "appearance" of a conflict of interest means.

The Barbarian

Then why is the evidence concerning the fake Trump dossier which Hillary paid for being ignored?

No one ignored it. It's just that it was not the reason the investigation began. You know that. And of course, no one has shown that it's fake. Parts of the dossier (which was begun by a conservative republican group) have since been confirmed. Would you like me to show you again?

There is real evidence that the Hillary campaign colluded with the Russians about that.

Show us that, Jerry. As you know, Trump's people had a meeting in Trump tower, with Russian agents, for the purpose of getting dirt on Clinton.

What have you got to match that?


Hall of Fame
There will come a day when Trump regrets running. And then, much later, there will come a day when most of his supporters are ashamed to admit to having supported him. But not for a while. Nixon still has his supporters.

Compared to Trump, Nixon looks like a saint. There has never been a more reprehensible and DANGEROUS individual occupying the WH.
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