Trump Approval Rating Higher than Obama


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The Barbarian

Each day gets sweeter than the day before

Well, "sweet" probably isn't the word, but yes, the slow train wreck continues:

Trump’s comments about Porter are yet another instance of the White House defending someone credibly accused of abusing women. The evidence against Porter includes a photograph of his first wife, Colbie Holderness, with a black eye she says Porter gave her and an order of protection his second wife, Jennifer Willoughby, sought in a Virginia court.

Holderness says Porter kicked her, choked her, and threw her down when angry with her. Willoughby told the Daily Mail that when she was taking a shower after an argument, Porter dragged her out of the shower by the shoulders to continue yelling at her.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that White House counsel Don McGahn had known about the allegations against Porter for a year, and that chief of staff John Kelly had known for months, although the Daily Mail reported that Trump did not know about them until this week.

Kelly, who might be the last adult in the place, has reportedly offered to resign. I don't think America could afford that to happen.

The Barbarian

Kelly seems to be the brakes on the clown car right now.

There have been better chiefs of staff, but I think you'd agree that no chief of staff ever had to manage the kind of Halloween party that the WH has become under Trump.


New member
Despite the mainstream media and a $40 million war chest David Brock's network is using to wage a propaganda war against President Trump, the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll reveals Trump's approval rating to be 48% - four percent higher than President Obama's rating at the same point in his presidency.

The dems haven't yet figured out that America has been rejecting the loonies on the far left (who control the Dem party) for quite some time. Obama's legacy is that NOW the Republicans control the congress of 32 states and have 33 governors. Besides that, the dems have gone from controlling both houses of the US congress and the Presidency to now controlling none of them.

A total wipeout! It couldn't have been any worse!

And the good thing about it is that they are too dumb to change!

Do you accept Rasmussen polls as "real"? Or when Rassumen has Trump's approval rating below Obama's approval does Rasmussen become "fake"?

I'm asking can we use Rasmussen as a stable point in conversation, or will you just shout "fake!" when it isn't what you want to hear?

The Barbarian

Do you accept Rasmussen polls as "real"? Or when Rassumen has Trump's approval rating below Obama's approval does Rasmussen become "fake"?

I'm asking can we use Rasmussen as a stable point in conversation, or will you just shout "fake!" when it isn't what you want to hear?

That's pretty much it. "Fake News" = "Stuff that's true, that I don't want to hear."



All those other polls were wrong.
Thank GOD.

"The Donald" and the "deplorables" only accept responsibility for the opinion polls and the stock market when they go up - when they drop down into negative territory they're summarily dismissed as "fake news!"

Unfortumately for them, however, most Republican politicians DO pay attention to the polls and are currently deciding whether to sit the 2018 Interims out, or invent ways of distancing themselves from this "lost cause" in the White House!"


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
"The Donald" and the "deplorables" only accept responsibility for the opinion polls and the stock market when they go up - when they drop down into negative territory they're summarily dismissed as "fake news!"

The Barbarian

Unfortumately for them, however, most Republican politicians DO pay attention to the polls and are currently deciding whether to sit the 2018 Interims out, or invent ways of distancing themselves from this "lost cause" in the White House!"

Record numbers of republicans, including many committee chairs, are calling it quits in advance of the 2018 midterm elections. For the reasons you mentioned.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Record numbers of republicans, including many committee chairs, are calling it quits in advance of the 2018 midterm elections. For the reasons you mentioned.

Same for the dems

Apparently not:
If you want to see a political wave forming a year before an election, watch the retirements.

They’re often a leading indicator for which direction a party is headed, and so far, 2018 is shaping up ominously for Republicans, who will be defending twice as many open seats this fall as Democrats. But on Friday, the GOP received some rare good retirement news when Democratic Representative Rick Nolan of Minnesota announced he would not run for reelection. Nolan, who has served for six terms over two stints in Congress, is one of the relatively few Democrats representing a district that President Trump carried by a significant margin in 2016, and Republicans should have a good shot at picking up his seat.

For the most part, however, the retirement trend has pointed the other way. Several veteran Republicans in competitive districts are calling it quits, depriving the GOP of the advantage of incumbency in races that could determine control of the House in 2019. And more retirements may be on the way, as lawmakers make their final decisions about running ahead of their respective primaries.

that's called Draining The Swamp.

Ex-lobbyists swarm Trump administration, despite 'drain the swamp' pledge

You still believe him? Seriously?



Same for the dems, that's called Draining The Swamp.

If the 2018 Interims were projected to be the big GOP success story, as "patrick jane" has so eloquently assured us, Republican incumbents would have no need to be dropping out in record numbers!

Although "The Donald's" name is not on the ballot, make no mistake that the 2018 Interims will be a national referendum on this President - a venue for the American public to express their discontent!

Any Republican politicians, courageous enough to hold public meetings back in their districts, are already learning the hard way that its not in their best interests to align themselves with this President!

patrick jane

If the 2018 Interims were projected to be the big GOP success story, as "patrick jane" has so eloquently assured us, Republican incumbents would have no need to be dropping out in record numbers!

Although "The Donald's" name is not on the ballot, make no mistake that the 2018 Interims will be a national referendum on this President - a venue for the American public to express their discontent!

Any Republican politicians, courageous enough to hold public meetings back in their districts, are already learning the hard way that its not in their best interests to align themselves with this President!
Kinda like the "national referendum" Americans unleashed on the liberal dems? Oh, wait. You'll have to wait for 2018 for that. You better hope Trump gets arrested. :rotfl: The dems are SUPPOSED to win this November, if they don't win it's a shame.



If the 2018 Interims were projected to be the big GOP success story, as "patrick jane" has so eloquently assured us, Republican incumbents would have no need to be dropping out in record numbers!

Although "The Donald's" name is not on the ballot, make no mistake that the 2018 Interims will be a national referendum on this President - a venue for the American public to express their discontent!

Any Republican politicians, courageous enough to hold public meetings back in their districts, are already learning the hard way that its not in their best interests to align themselves with this President!


Don’t even talk bruh. You’re people showed their card. Case closed

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Kinda like the "national referendum" Americans unleashed on the liberal dems? Oh, wait. You'll have to wait for 2018 for that. You better hope Trump gets arrested. :rotfl: The dems are SUPPOSED to win this November, if they don't win it's a shame.

Don’t even talk bruh. You’re people showed their card. Case closed

How accommodating of "Tambors," "patrick jane" and "intohoy" to provide conclusive proof in their own words as to why "the smartest and the best people" don't support "The Donald!"