Trump Approval Rating Higher than Obama

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Despite the mainstream media and a $40 million war chest David Brock's network is using to wage a propaganda war against President Trump, the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll reveals Trump's approval rating to be 48% - four percent higher than President Obama's rating at the same point in his presidency.

The dems haven't yet figured out that America has been rejecting the loonies on the far left (who control the Dem party) for quite some time. Obama's legacy is that NOW the Republicans control the congress of 32 states and have 33 governors. Besides that, the dems have gone from controlling both houses of the US congress and the Presidency to now controlling none of them.

A total wipeout! It couldn't have been any worse!

And the good thing about it is that they are too dumb to change!



Time magazine has described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group."

The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster."

John Zogby said that Scott Rasmussen has a "conservative constituency."

The Center for Public Integrity listed "Scott Rasmussen Inc" as a paid consultant for the 2004 George W. Bush campaign.

The Washington Post reported that the 2004 Bush re-election campaign had used a feature on the Rasmussen Reports website that allowed customers to program their own polls, and that Rasmussen asserted that he had not written any of the questions nor assisted Republicans.

Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls. Asking a polling question with different wording can affect the results of the poll;[93] the commentators in question allege that the questions Rasmussen ask in polls are skewed in order to favor a specific response.

Talking Points Memo has questioned the methodology of Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index, which takes into account only those who "strongly" approve or disapprove of the President's job performance. TPM noted that this inherently skews negative, and reported that multiple polling experts were critical of the concept.

A New York Times article claims Ramussen Reports research has a "record of relying on dubious sampling and weighting techniques."

Founder Scott Rasmussen is the author of a conservative book[96], and was a featured guest on a cruise by the conservative media outlet The National Review, along with other conservative luminaries.

Despite its conservative bias, this Rasmussen Poll indicates that more Americans are strongly opposed to Trump than support him - something the OP failed to mention!
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patrick jane

Despite its conservative bias, this Rasmussen Poll indicates that more Americans are strongly opposed to Trump than support him - something the OP failed to mention!
Stick with your fake polls that show how great the liberal dems are doing. Serving American citizens by obstructing, demanding illegals getting amnesty, no wall money, no military support, no budget approvals, 57 genders, Trannys in the bathrooms and taking your guns away. Stick with your favorite polls, like liberal biased snopes.

The Barbarian

Well, let's look at where Rasmussen fits in the polls...

Real Clear Politics average of all polls for Trump

Rasmussen, which predicted a landslide win for Mitt Romney:

So they're performing abut as expected.

If you want an apples to apples comparison...

Obama never got as low as Trump (currently on an upswing) is right now. :think:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Despite its conservative bias, this Rasmussen Poll indicates that more Americans are strongly opposed to Trump than support him - something the OP failed to mention!
That means that even more Americans were strongly opposed to Obama than they were Trump, as Trump's rating is higher than Obama's.



That means that even more Americans were strongly opposed to Obama than they were Trump, as Trump's rating is higher than Obama's.

The current realities that the Trump Administration is facing are so grim, that the "deplorables" are forced to invent comparisons from the past to manufacture a "WIN!"
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The current realities that the Frump Administration are so grim, that the "deplorables" are forced to invent comparisons from the past to manufacture a "WIN!"
It's not a 'manufactured' win.

The Barbarian

That means that even more Americans were strongly opposed to Obama than they were Trump, as Trump's rating is higher than Obama's.

Actually, as you learned, Obama's approval at that point in his tenure, never fell to Trump's highest level so far.

Except in Rasmussen's poll. But then, they were predicting a Romney landslide, so...

The Barbarian

All of those other polls picked Hillary to win.

They all predicted that she'd win the popular vote by several million votes. (Barbarian checks)

She did.

Rasmussen had Trump winning the popular vote by several million votes.

He didn't.

All the other polls had Obama beating Romney.
Rasmussen had Romney winning by a landslide.

He didn't.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
They all predicted that she'd win the popular vote by several million votes. (Barbarian checks)

She did.

Rasmussen had Trump winning the popular vote by several million votes.

He didn't.

That proves it. Rasmussen got it right and the others picked wrong!

What counts is the electoral vote and not the popular vote. Only Rasmussen polled certain states correctly while the others didn't.

The Barbarian

That proves it. Rasmussen got it right and the others picked wrong!

Nope. Rasmusson said that Trump would win the popular vote by several million. Instead, Hillary got about three million more votes than Trump.

Rasmusson's prediction about the popular vote was entirely off.

The Horn

Yeah, sure . And Pope Francis is a Buddhist , the late Fred Phelps was a gay rights activist ,
Hitler loved the Jews , Osama Bin Laden was Jewish , and I'm Godzilla . Give me a break !
Trump upsetters are like a bunch of rats on a burning ship who are too dumb to scurry off of it .

The Barbarian

All those other polls were wrong.
Thank GOD.

All the other polls predicted that Clinton would win the popular vote by several million votes. (Barbarian checks)

She did.

Rasmussen had Trump winning the popular vote by several million votes.

He didn't.

All the other polls had Obama beating Romney.
Rasmussen had Romney winning by a landslide.

He didn't.

All the other polls show that Obama was much more popular with Americans at this point in his presidency than is Trump.

Rasmussen doesn't.

Rasmussen was wrong about that,too.