That's a bit of a straw man argument as I hardly think any OVer believes this. As to the Arminians. they can speak for themselves.
Many have misrepresented the doctrine of Total Depravity and it’s clear that even those who are posting here haven’t taken the time to really investigate what this doctrine says and instead argue against a misrepresentation of Total Depravity.
The Calvinistic doctrine of total depravity is nonetheless completely wrong, just as all the 5 points are.
Total depravity teaches that man is unable to seek God, excepting those individuals whom God predestined to do so and gave the necessary grace.
Not even this is a fair treatment of the doctrine. Total depravity teaches that man is universally unable/unwilling to seek God. God’s sovereign election is the basis for regeneration which takes a spiritually dead person and makes them alive
so that they can seek after God. The conundrum that both the Arminian and the OVer faces is, “how does a spiritually dead person regenerates himself or herself so that he or she can seek after God?”
When we point out such scriptures as Deut 4:29
Take the time to actually look at that verse in context, you’ll find that it doesn’t help your case as much as you want it to.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that you will soon utterly perish from the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess. You will not live long in it, but will be utterly destroyed. 27 And the LORD will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the LORD will drive you. 28 And there you will serve gods of wood and stone, the work of human hands, that neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. 29 But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. 30 When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the LORD your God and obey his voice. (Deuteronomy 4:26-30 ESV)
Look at verse 26!
Moses calls heaven and earth as a witness that they won’t consistently seek God, and as a result won’t abide in the land but will perish from it and the Lord will scatter them among the people leaving them to serve idols as few in number among the nations.
And that, incidentally, is exactly what happened when the Assyrian Empire came and carried away the northern tribes and the Babylonian’s came and carried away the southern tribes.
Then, in the
later days, they will return to the Lord God and obey His voice.
You don’t even realize that this verse
in context completely disproves your point. Why, because God has not given them hearts to understand, eyes to see or ears to hear (Deuteronomy 29:4).
So what is so different between those in the later days who do return to the Lord and seek him and those in the former days who strayed from the Lord refusing to seek him?
Hmmm, maybe this has a lil something to do with it.
And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, (Ezekiel 11:19 ESV)
When God
gives them a new spirit, and removes the heart of stone from their flesh, and gives them a heart of flesh,
then they will seek Him, know Him, obey him. So it is clear that man is responsible to consistently seek after God but it is also clear that Moses had no confidence that they would.
Why do you think that was?
Maybe it had something to do with their hearts of stone?
Could it be that those hearts of stone rendered them unwilling and incapable of seeking after God like Paul says is the case in Romans 3:11.
Again, if you look at the verse in context you will see that they God won’t be found by them
until the 70 years of exile had passed (see Jeremiah 29:10) and it is principally because after those 70 years, God promises to visit them, and restore them. Furthermore, I would argue that even this restoration is preparation for the New Covenant in which God writes his laws on their hearts and causes them to walk in His law.
Where Paul points out that mankind is responsible for seeking after God which is not the same thing as say that each and every person is rendered spiritually able to seek after God and it is abundantly clear that not every single person is given equal opportunity to hear about Christ which makes Acts 17:26 a lot less friendly to the Arminian and Ov adherent.
illustrating basic principles that man should seek God and God is willing to be found by man, the reply is usually that this only applies to those whom God has predestined.
Mankind should seek God. Agreed. That is not the same thing as saying that mankind, which is dead in trespasses and sins, is spiritually able to seek God.
Which is not a trifle disingenuous on God's part if it is true. After all, why would God say that he is willing to be found when he in effect has already chosen them?
But praise the Lord that everyone can read the Bible and see for themselves the obvious and fair principle that God is willing to be found by anyone who seeks him.
That’s right!
Now everyone take your sharpies and black out Proverbs 1:28, Psalm 18:41, 1 Samuel 8:18, Jeremiah 11:11 Ezekiel 8:18!
This aspect of God's character glorifies God because it shows God is fair and generous.
Fair? You don’t want God to be “fair.” If God were acting based on what is fair, you would be thrown into hell with no chance of redemption and the man Jesus would have lived forever on earth. Fair means that the Righteous one lives and the sinner dies.
That's not how it went down, is it?
We sin, Jesus died.
What about that sounds
fair to you?
God’s “fairness” only earns us damnation and gives the man Jesus His just rewards.
God’s generosity means that some are spared from God’s fairness and are led to repentance. God was under no obligation to save any single one of us, aren't you glad that you are the an object of His generosity rather than His fairness?
The idea that God is only willing to be found by those who he selected in advance in itself is bad enough but to then go around telling people that all they have to do is seek him with all their heart is the pits.
You can impugn the character of Almighty God all you like, you will have to answer to Him for it.
I will start my evaluations from scripture and reason outward rather than impose a fallen human understanding of what a “fair” God should do and then project that understanding onto scriptures contorting the meaning of inspired words in order to make them fit.
Total depravity had to be invented to support predestination so that Calvinists could say that everyone deserved damnation anyway.
Total depravity is the observation that sin affects the whole person, bodily and spiritually. Mind, reason and emotion are all affected by sin and as such the unregenerate man does not have a truly free will for his will is in bondage to sin.
Perhaps you think it is fallacious to assume that everyone deserves damnation. If you do, perhaps you would be so kind as to list a few people other than the perfect Son of God, who do not deserve damnation because they have earned their place in heaven and are not in need of saving grace.
A short list will be fine, 5 or 6 people will suffice.
I have often said (see my signature on irresistible damnation) that in Calvinism, the vast majority of humanity cannot by any means whatsoever obtain salvation and the unique response I have received from Calvinists is that none of these people would ever want to be saved anyway.
Totally true.
Is it just me or did I really a moment ago hear Calvinists proclaiming that our wills are not determinative of our eternal destiny?
Is it just me or does the prospect of God leaving our eternal destinies up to a sin infected heart of stone and a spiritually dead faculty of will not sound like good news?
Perhaps you think that you are just naturally better, or smarter or more spiritual than your lost neighbor, so that you have some reason to brag but as for me, I am absolutely sure that salvation is not of myself. It is truly a gift, therefore I cannot boast. God didn’t find me faithfully seeking after him, He found me and saved me while I an enemy, hostile in mind and doing evil deeds.
How about you?
And yet here they are backtracking to get themselves out of trouble by elevating the role of the human will to a core pillar of their doctrine!
Straw man. The sovereignty of God over salvation has always been the core pillar of Calvinistic doctrine. It’s not “backtracking” to point out that people who are dead in trespasses and sins don’t naturally choose to follow the paths of righteousness in and of themselves, it is, and has always been, a key observation of Calvinism.
Now, I suppose that some Calvinists are duped by the essentially bankrupt argument that God isn’t being “fair” to choose some and not others. I’m not.
The only answer to why God chooses some and not all is Romans 9:20.
Nevertheless, it’s just disingenuous to argue that some will go into hell with the objection that they wanted to seek God they just couldn’t.