1. Fail to develop alternate energy sources.
2. Allow Arab groups to nationalize oil fields the West found and developed.
3. Grant dictatorships nation status and voting seats at the UN.
4. Spend time and resources fighting a fake 'drug war' run by the CIA.
5. Allow German Nazis to take over the US government and run our industry.
6. Let big corporations pay no taxes.
7. Sell our technology to foreigners who will give it away to our enemies and use it against us.
8. Buy porn magazines and allow pseudo-Jewish atheist mobs to run our media.
9. Legalize sodomy and homosexual unions.
10. Allow unrestricted immigration when the real solution is impose peace in foreign countries.
11. Ignore our NATO allies when they are overrun by waves of unvetted 'immigrants'.
12. Remove all Biblical references from our government, culture and society.
There, fixed that for ya.