The problem with the Tea Party is that it supports right-wing Washington politicos,or non-politicians who are wannabees, who are much,much worse than Obama,whatever his undeniable flaws and mistakes ,and who would NOT be in any way good for America.
Like so many Americans, the Tea Partiers delude themselves into thinking that if our government just keeps reducing taxes as much as possible, deregulates business totally, and the whole conservative agenda, general prosperity will somehow miraculously reuslt.
Boy are they wrong !
Being concerned about government and inefficiency is entirely legitimate, but the government must not go so far as to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Defunding NPR,PBS and the National Endowment For The Arts is NOT a good way to do this, because it would barely save peanuts. There are plenty of other wasteful things which could be eliminated. And furthermore, this would only eliminate a lot of jobs. These things are job creators,for Pete's sake ! I don't care if you think NPR etc have a liberal bias. They're good for America economically. and in many other ways,such as fostering the arts, which are so beneficial to the economy. Conservatives forget that America can't function without taxes.
Like them or not,they are absolutely necessary,and just reducing them does nothing but hurt a lot of people in America in many ways. Reduce taxes too much and the entire nation would literally collapse !
All this talk of "limited government","smaller government", and "getting the government off our backs" sounds great to gullible conservatives, but this won't make government smaller, just far less efficient. It won't create wealth,but destroy it,and destroy opportunity for many people in America.