Originally Posted by aSeattleConserv
In other words, I'll leave the salvation of others to Ministers of God. I'm fighting a culture war, a war that will decide whether Christians can openly express their faith, or if they'll have to do it hiding in a basement with a "lookout" at the window.
Make no mistake. My parents named me Joshua for a reason, and I will go to war against ANYONE attacking Christ.
Get started, time is running out (only two of many examples showing you what is happening outside the world of TOL):
Making fun of atheists online is hardly warfare.
This is entertainment for me. Can't a guy have a little fun now again without being judged by those that compare Mormonism with atheisim and satanism?
Do you know that most folks have you on ignore?
You have way too much time on your hands. Spending the time to find out that "most" of the 12,938 registered users on TOL have me on ignore is to put it mildly: "borderline pathetic".
Wait, maybe you're talking about your ATHEIST friends? Well then, if that's the case, then thank them for me.
How are you helping bring souls to Christ by alienating yourself? I 100% agree we should not allow them to think we are okay with their mockery of Christ, but maligning them is doing no good.
If I knew that your atheist friends were so close to accepting Christ as their Savior, I'd gladly back off of them. Perhaps you could send me a list?
Seriously though, militant atheists (i.e. proud atheists) like that pathetic little whiiiiiiiiner they call Granite, only puts up with people like you because they know you don't pose any kind of threat to their lifestyle and agenda. In other words Deets: they patronize you by patting you on the back and whispering to themselves "Now be a good little Christian and pray for me, but don't go changing my lifestyle or agenda by legislating Christian laws."
Great, I hope you befriend all kinds of atheists and they see the wisdom of Christ. How many converts do you have under your belt thus far Deets?
Jeremiah 9:23&24
"Thus says the LORD:
“ Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the LORD."[/quote]
And I recall hearing in church recently (forgive me for not being one to recite Scripture at the tip of a hat) where God will bless those that are punished/ignored/chastized for standing up for His Word.
While I'll gladly befriend someone that is confused about Christian doctine and has a DESIRE to learn more about it, hoping that he or she will convert to Chrisitianity, I will NOT befriend a "proud atheist" that mocks the Word of God through their moral relativist faith.
Nor would the Pharisees befriend a prostitute.
Nor would Jesus for that matter (the words "Go and sin no more", allowing her to leave because no one came forward and said who she had sexual relations with, doesn't necessarily make Jesus and the prostitute "friends").
It appears that the rest of your post has turned into Scripture posting.
I'll leave it to my pastor to educate me as to what Scripture really means.
Besides, there are way too many atheists on TOL, and if I were to take up your valuable time, think of all the souls that could be saved that won't be.
Wait, I forget your priority list:
1) Mormons first
2) Atheists and satanists later