toldailytopic: Are school voucher systems a good idea or bad idea?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 3rd, 2012 09:50 AM

toldailytopic: Are school voucher systems a good idea or bad idea?

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New member
Any competition is always a good thing... it's a shame our schools are pretty much governed by state and federal government these days.


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It's a bad idea. It will start out OK, but will quickly turn into the golden rule 'he who supplies the gold, makes the rules' Then all schools will be gov't schools.

The Barbarian

It's a bad idea. It will start out OK, but will quickly turn into the golden rule 'he who supplies the gold, makes the rules' Then all schools will be gov't schools.

True. If you accept a hand-out, there are always strings attached. Government money always comes with government controls.


Hall of Fame
Good ... with some reservations.

For those who wish to send their children to private school, it would be financially helpful.

Though as Barbarian pointed out, there may be some strings attached.


I identify as a Christian
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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 3rd, 2012 09:50 AM

toldailytopic: Are school voucher systems a good idea or bad idea?

Bad..You're still mooching off the government for your education. It isn't the government's job to educate kids.

Start passing out vouchers--then the government will again have say in what schools the kid can attend.

Education should be the responsibility of the parents or the churches. Government needs to keep its grimy paws out.

The Barbarian

It isn't the government's job to educate kids.

The Founders decided it was:
After the formation of the Union, the English tradition of reserving land for the public schools was incorporated into the Land Ordinance of 1785 written by Thomas Jefferson.
The Land Ordinance of 1785 was designed to encourage westward expansion into the area west of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of the Great Lakes, and it provided for the survey and sale of land *in this area known as the Northwest Territory. The ordinance adopted the "rectangular survey system" which has as its basic unit of measurement an area six miles square designated a township. Townships are subdivided into 36, one-mile square sections. Sections in a township are numbered consecutively with section number one *in the northeast comer of the township. Numbering runs east to west across the first row of sections, then west to east across the second row, and thereafter alternating so that section number 36 is in the southeast comer of the township. The Land Ordinance of 1785 " reserved the lot no. 16, of every township, for the maintenance of public schools within said township...." In each township, lot or Section Sixteen falls in the third row of sections and is the third section from the west side of the township, placing it near the center of the township.

It's the American Way. It's not that way in some other nations. I suppose that part of being American doesn't vex you sufficiently to move to some other country.


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: Are school voucher systems a good idea or bad idea?

Bad idea. Why not just let the parents keep more of their money so they can use it to send their kids to the school of their choice?