toldaily topic: Should Sara Palin run for office in 2012?

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New member
Hall of Fame
It's also superficial and pretty flaky. Especially for a smart guy like you. Whether or not a leader makes us warm and fuzzy is irrelevant, and when it's all they seem to be selling--as seems to be the case with your Alaskan crush--that doesn't bode well.


the fact that she's such a preening arrogant self-obsessed fool

...that is all deep, factual, and void of "how it makes you feel" as well, right?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the real question here is

would you actually vote for Obama if Sarah was the other choice?

now answer it


Well-known member
And Mr Vance nailed it....

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. . .
Posted by Laurence Vance on October 21, 2010 04:21 PM
. . . and don’t expect the Republicans to do anything if they regain control of Congress in the upcoming election. Republicans are upset about the elimination of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy if it will result in the allowing of gays in the military. But when the Republicans controlled the presidency under Bush and held an absolute majority in Congress for over four of the Bush years, why didn’t they get rid of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and go back to an absolute ban on homosexuals in the military as existed up until the Clinton presidency? I am not arguing for or against either position, but am just trying to point out, for the thousandth time, what a joke the Republican Party is. When they were in total control of the government and had a golden opportunity to do something good—anything—they only made things worse. No wonder the late Sam Francis called Republicans the Stupid Party.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now that I have my tomato-proof suit on, I have an announcement:

I have started a new Social Group here on TOL. It is called Sarah Palin 2012.

It isn't only for those who would vote for her and no one else. It is a place for those who wish to (positively) discuss her views, her comments, her life, and her chances for the presidency.

It is for fans.

Please join if you wish.

Just goes to show you: some people will do anything for one of those handicap stickers and a shot at decent parking. :plain:


Just goes to show you: some people will do anything for one of those handicap stickers and a shot at decent parking. :plain:

I felt bad only giving you a ball of lint for Christmas counselor.

Here's a little something else so that you can go out onto a street corner and make yourself useful.



New member
2020 - "Who's Sarah Palin?"

"Oh, yeah! That one reality TV star from back in the day, I remember her! What show was she on again? Wasn't it Survivor?"


New member
She is currently reviewing her options. At present it would be difficult for her to win. In 2012 any thing can happen and a lot can change.


Should she run? yes
Should she win? yes
Should Obama win, instead? yes
Did I just contradict myself? yes
Should you care? yes
Should I stop asking questions for now? yes
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