TOL user caught on camera during inauguration

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
oh, that reminds me - no mention at all on the cbc of the mention of assassination by one of the canadian women who were protesting trump for .... well, for whatever they were whining about :idunno:

elect someone they like and the left gives him a nobel prize for having doing nothing

elect someone they don't like and they march in protest for his having done nothing

it amazes me that we allow these retards to vote :dizzy:

The Horn

Ok Doser, what is there to like about Trump ? Absolutely nothing. Aside from the fact that he's a totally unqualified narcissistic sociopath , pathological liar , a ruthless power-hungry demagogue ,
totally clueless about what a President needs to know and do , a complete and utter phony, con man, fraud , etc , his personal conduct in life has been horrendous .
Trump's conduct in private life has been atrocious . But he gets away with it because he's Donald Trump. He has absolutely no control over his raging libido and treats women atrociously . But he's Donald Trump, one of the most rich, powerful and famous people in America .
What has he done to deserve being President ? Absolutely nothing . If he weren't rich and powerful he would be in jail by now , he might be in jail for many,many years for raping at least one 13 year old girl. There is creditable evidence showing he has done this .
Trump is a piece of work !
Like him or not, Barack Obama is an infinitely better human being than Trump will ever be, but no o one in America has ever been so unfairly reviled and lied about in US history , with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton .
Obama is a good guy . Everything Trump isn't . He's kind, decent , compassionate , dignified , highly intelligent, sober, thoughtful. level-headed, unfailingly polite , never cals his political names in public at least , was highly competent as president, knew exactly what to do and what America needs . But he's been called every name in the book, been the victim of vicious racist attacks , called "an ape and a monkey ", a Marxist and communist and a Muslim, none of which he is,
has been falsely accused of being born in Kenya, which is ludicrous, and so forth .
Unlike Trump, he never whined and complained in public , behaved like an overgrown toddler who can't get his way , and was called a "narcissist" even though TRUMP is the real narcissist.
Nobody ever complained about Presidents playing golf before Obama, but the right wouldn't even let him do this . Presidents need time off for recreation from the toughest job on earth, but Obama was blasted for doing this and supposedly taking too much time off on vacation .
In fact, Obama spent far less time on vacation and golfing than previous GOP Presidents, especially Dubya, who spent about 5 or six times more times golfing than Obama and took far more vacation time.
Conservatives were always complaining about his executive orders, even though this is a president's prerogative . He made far fewer than previous presidents in fact.
Trump is already starting to make them, but hypocritically, nobody on the right is complaining.
Trumpie loves to play golf, too . But conservatives won't complain when he starts doing this throughout his presidency , because they are contemptible hypocrites !




