TOL Sinners, Flase Christians and Childs of the devils


Well-known member
We are the church, the temple of God. The problem comes because we now have man made doctrines with no room for God to give us additional knowledge. Once we think we have it all then we become blind. Doctrine is a blind fold.

In the New Testament, the elders would come together to discuss any new knowledge and see if it was true. We can see that this is the way to truth, the Berean way.

Yet how many really grasp what that means, Luke 17:20-21 in another elephant in the room veiled by secular based doctrine/cultural programming, until Galatians 1:12 is experienced the double minded nature of traditional spirituality prevails, which has one foot in this worlds system and fooled into thinking the religious foot/emotion isn't caught in the same mire of deception, ruled by intellectual theology and superstition controlled by this worlds dialectic of problem reaction solution. Children of death seeing most professing Christians are card/ID carrying Babylonian servants sold into slavery through afterbirth personas generated by paper fooled into voluntary servitude.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This message is for you unholy, 2nd and 3rd marriages, beer drinking, cigarettes smoking, unmarried sex , Trinitian, Lutheran, Muslim the whole world of religion. You are going to hell and to the lake of fire , if then and only if God open your eyes to the truth about Him.

Holiness, Regeneration by baptism, and the infillment of the Holy Ghost. Glory to God, Scriptures say only a few will find it.

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

You people that fight against the truth of God by my text, you deny God. You are not worshipping God, that baptist church you go to, that synagogue you attend , that mosque you attend, that 7 day advist church, Pentecostal church , false Apostolic church , Moron church, that lutheran church, especially catholic church and any other church and also the entire world of religion. Them churches and people attend there are not worshippers of God, you worship not God. The Scriptures say you worship WHAT YOU KNOW NOT.!! The true worshippers of God worship in Spirit and in truth.!! You people don't have the Spirit of God nor do you have truth.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


You people are blasphemous , blasphemers , disobedient , killers of the prophets and apostles ( your ancestors ) liars, to some it up TOL IS FULL OF SINNERS, that are blind and the devil is laughing at all of you. Laughing at you saying " yeah don't believe baptism in the name Jesus" yeah "don't believe in the Holy Ghost evidence of speaking in tongues" "yeah don't believe in one God , say it's three in one" the devil has your mind and will continue to have it unless God want your mind to be free. You can speak against me all you want, when the day of judgement come remember this.

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

For all of you false Christians, YOU PEOPLE ARE SINNERS to the Most High. The devil is your god, because that is the gospel you believe.

looks like letsargue finally wore out the "!!!!!!!!" and "(((()))" keys


New member
I don't agree with my pastor on all things. :idunno: I told him where we disagreed. It wasn't a hill to die on. He loves the Lord and preaches the word. :poly:

Exactly. You're not going to agree with everything that the preachers says. If it's not a deal breaker, you just get past it. If there are some doctrines we disagree on, it's not a reason to not go. If the pastor were teaching works salvation or some other egregious false doctrine, I wouldn't go. If I don't agree with the pastor on the timing of the rapture, for instance, it's not a deal breaker. People just want excuses.


New member
How did you inherit eternal life?

I believed on Christ, i.e. His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death on the cross, and resurrection.

Jesus did all the work. I just believed it. That's all one needs to do to be saved.

John 3:16, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:8-9,


Exactly. You're not going to agree with everything that the preachers says. If it's not a deal breaker, you just get past it. If there are some doctrines we disagree on, it's not a reason to not go. If the pastor were teaching works salvation or some other egregious false doctrine, I wouldn't go. If I don't agree with the pastor on the timing of the rapture, for instance, it's not a deal breaker. People just want excuses.
I agree.

If my pastor were to reject church discipline as laid out in Mt 18, I'd leave. We're too late in the day to be playing church (Mt 25:6). :banana:

In The Midnight Hour ~ Roxy Music

"There are some things we shouldn't be dogmatic about. There are other things that we should be bulldogmaitc about." ~ Adrian Rogers

"III. How to Exercise Church Discipline (18:15–20)
A. The procedure (18:15–17)
1. If your brother sins against you, go to him in private, and attempt to reconcile the matter (18:15).
2. If this fails, take someone with you (18:16).
3. If this fails, bring the matter before the church (18:17a).
4. If this fails, dismiss the unrepentant brother (18:17b).
B. The promise (18:18–20): The authority of heaven itself will support this kind of church decision." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Mt 18:9–20). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
This message is for you unholy, 2nd and 3rd marriages, beer drinking, cigarettes smoking, ................ You are going to hell and to the lake of fire , if then and only if God open your eyes to the truth about Him.
I could go for a Miller Light, and a smoke, after reading the above "argument."

Forever justified saint(memorize that, all you Cains, like the "thread" starter)John W.



You probably shouldn't even come back, for real. You're inevitably going to flame out, they are all going to mock you, and you'll be a martyred internet warrior.


Well-known member
How did you inherit eternal life?

The inheritance, whilst we are in this flesh is receiving the holy spirit, he is the eternal life. I leave what happens to me after I die in Gods hands, as even Jesus said to the mother of James and John, it wasn't his place to say where they were to be, but the fathers in heaven.

First we must be baptised into his death, and drink from the cup that he drank from, and partake in his sufferings, this is to deny ourselves and bare our cross. Lay down our lives and become a servant, bringing the love of God and his word, and the life of Christ to others.

It's not my place to say where I'm going. I leave that in the fathers capable hands. I just know that I'm to do what's right before God now, and Jesus has showed me the way.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The inheritance, whilst we are in this flesh is receiving the holy spirit, he is the eternal life. I leave what happens to me after I die in Gods hands, as even Jesus said to the mother of James and John, it wasn't his place to say where they were to be, but the fathers in heaven.

First we must be baptised into his death, and drink from the cup that he drank from, and partake in his sufferings, this is to deny ourselves and bare our cross. Lay down our lives and become a servant, bringing the love of God and his word, and the life of Christ to others.

It's not my place to say where I'm going. I leave that in the fathers capable hands. I just know that I'm to do what's right before God now, and Jesus has showed me the way.

Do you consider yourself to be a member of "The Body of Christ?" Have you heard The Grace Gospel and placed ALL your faith faith in Christ as your Savior? Have you been sealed, indwelt and baptized (not by water) into The Body of Christ by The Holy Spirit?