Today and every day so far, I am grateful for, among other things, knowing this:
The path to being being saved and delivered.
Most supposed Christian ministries are off course. These are all founded on what Peter and his supposed descendants, delivered and founded and what they continue to come up with and deliver.
Here is an insight.
Peter and Paul preach the same gospel to the unawares (i.e. those who are not 'born again').
However Paul and only Paul was commissioned by God to deliver the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven to those who were 'born again'. The 'born again' have 'the eyes to see', 'the ears to hear' and 'the hearts to understand', Truth. He delivered this message to only the 'born again'.
This is Paul commission to those who are 'born again'. Peter did not get this commission. Only Paul had the God given commission to deliver this information to the 'born again':
We are talking about being saved and delivered here. The only path to same. And this is available only to those who are 'born again'. Only they (the 'born again') have the required actualization to access this (the only) path to salvation and deliverance. This is it, as confirmed by Paul (from actual experience):
God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God (Galatians: 4 verses: 5 to 7). Aren't children of God the saved and delivered?
Children of God are led by the Spirit (Romans: 8 verse: 14).
There are 'children of the flesh' and there are 'children of God' (Romans: 9 verse: 8).
The path through which 'children of flesh' become 'children of God' is given in Galatians: 4 verses: 5 to 7.
Paul reveal that because of one's infirmities one would not know what to do or what to pray for. However if one discern precisely what the Spirit has in mind for one by searching one's heart and is led by same one come into righteousness with God and so becomes a child of God (re. Romans: 8 verses: 26 & 27).
Isn't children of God just like Jesus. They are the saved and chosen. They are Christians (re. Galatains: 4 verse:1).
And isn't it Jesus' prophesy that many will be called but few will be chosen? That is few will become children of God?
The message in Hebrews: 11 are examples of people who, from time to time (sporadically), had precise information and guidance directly from God from the Spirit as discerned through their own individual hearts and they obeyed same unconditionally.
The message in Hebrews: 11 is that this was how Noah was warned by God of the impending flood and how he was told to build the arc, etc.
The idea that the incidents in Hebrews: 11 seeks to convey is that: those in Christ, i.e. the saved and chosen, live this reality routinely in their every day lives on earth, for all (including the smallest to the biggest), of their actions and activities.
The ideas is that every activity which Christians do can and must result from guidance which they got in these same manner as the guidance which led Noah to know about the flood and build the arc. Every action of a Christian can and must result from guidance which comes directly and precisely from the Spirit as discerned within their individual hearts, in real time, every time.
This is what it is to be Christians and nothing else.
All reference verses are from 'The New Testament' of the Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" translated out of the original Greek. Also written on this book is : Authorized (King James) version. The Gideons International 1988 edition.