Today, I am grateful for.....


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....The new born babies that arrive safe each and everyday.

.....The TOL members who are blessed with new babies in their families.

.....Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.​


New member
Today I am thankful that I live in a country where as a believer in Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, I can simply say that taking the life of an innocent baby is wrong.......and I can have insults cast at me, be persecuted, and all kinds of evil spoken against me falsely, on account of Him.....for great is my reward in heaven.

Matt 5: 11-12

also for simply saying that homosexuality is a sin......

also for simply saying to worship Allah, is not the same as worshiping the God of the Bible.

Yes I am thankful for my country, for the "rewards" I receive, for saying these three things!

The Barbarian

My last child graduated from high school, and all her sibs came home to celebrate with us.

And she's healthy and going to a good school, and she'll be playing for her college.

Thank you, Lord for my family; I would be miserable without them.


New member
I am grateful for my wonderful daughter who "moved up" today from Kindergarten to 1st Grade! I praise the Lord for her wonder and intelligence and beauty!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Those who toil in the of the day...

.....Those who are on call and work 24/7...

.....For our safety and comfort on these extended periods of hot days.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Those who care for the homeless and hungry.

.....Those who give a cup of water.

.....Those who provide shade in the summer and coats in the winter.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Our green pastures and still waters.

.....A table prepared before us.

.....For the bread of heaven and our daily bread​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Am I grateful? Yes I'm grateful...

.....The blessings that are bestowed...

.....The greatest of them all, that Jesus Christ is Lord!​


New member
*My relationship with God--Always number one..

*God giving me the ability to give and receive love

*Seeing just how much Love really does conquer all

*My faith in God being tested /salted with fiery tests and trials. They all push me closer into the arms of my Heavenly Father and increase my compassion, mercy, and forgiveness towards others.

*God never leaving or forsaking me.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Our children - Tom (Kimberly K.), Patricia (Jeff), and DeWayne (DeAnna).

.....Our Grandchildren - Olivia, T.J. (Tommy), Carrie, Niki, Michael, Toby, Priscilla, Michael A., Travis, Joshua, Emily, Kimberly, Michael K., Monica, Jacob. Lots of Michael's.

.....Our Great Grandchildren - Marie, Kerin, TrishTianna, Jackson, Nichaela, Dominic, Jordon, Gabriella, Olivia, and Damian due June 23.​


New member

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Our children - Tom (Kimberly K.), Patricia (Jeff), and DeWayne (DeAnna).

.....Our Grandchildren - Olivia, T.J. (Tommy), Carrie, Niki, Michael, Toby, Priscilla, Michael A., Travis, Joshua, Emily, Kimberly, Michael K., Monica, Jacob. Lots of Michael's.

.....Our Great Grandchildren - Marie, Kerin, TrishTianna, Jackson, Nichaela, Dominic, Jordon, Gabriella, Olivia, and Damian due June 23.​

Me too! All five children, all thirteen grandchildren, all four great-grandchildren and the little fella that is due in August!
I'm grateful that my second daughter and her dog are staying with me while they wait for their new home deal to be completed.
We are blessed!