ECT To be conservative


There are different ways of understanding the word conservative.

We can talk about conservative values. These are the things that matter to those who believe in God and believe the Bible.

From morals to personal convictions. From life as a Christian to meeting spiritual needs in Christ in the public sphere.

God desires that we impact the lives of others.

What matters to you most? Where do your values come from?


New member
There are different ways of understanding the word conservative.

We can talk about conservative values. These are the things that matter to those who believe in God and believe the Bible.

From morals to personal convictions. From life as a Christian to meeting spiritual needs in Christ in the public sphere.

God desires that we impact the lives of others.

What matters to you most? Where do your values come from?

Being conservative politically should have nothing to do with ones religion.

It was Reagan allowing the 'moral majority' to co-opt his campaign and to prostitute to them to win their votes that has pretty much destroyed conservatism and the Republican Party in this country... so we have liberals on the left and no one to take seriously on the right because they are either pandering to what is left of the right wing religious whack jobs or wall street.

We need to take the Republican party back and get a true conservative party back in America... and get the religious whack jobs to shut their mouths and take the boards out of their eyes first.

What matters me most is to get freedom from the Government... be free to pursue the American dream as an individual. It's getting to the point where we are all going to have to identify with some sort of political group and that identification will determine what you can do, where you can go, and how much you can make.

You have to remember, Jesus was a radical liberal in his time. He ate with tax collectors and prostitutes... he associated with the lowest of the low and ministered to them. Conservatives seem bent on associating with the kings of industry and riding their coat tails to wealth.

Shouldn't this be in the politics tab?


Being conservative politically should have nothing to do with ones religion.

It was Reagan allowing the 'moral majority' to co-opt his campaign and to prostitute to them to win their votes that has pretty much destroyed conservatism and the Republican Party in this country... so we have liberals on the left and no one to take seriously on the right because they are either pandering to what is left of the right wing religious whack jobs or wall street.

We need to take the Republican party back and get a true conservative party back in America... and get the religious whack jobs to shut their mouths and take the boards out of their eyes first.

What matters me most is to get freedom from the Government... be free to pursue the American dream as an individual. It's getting to the point where we are all going to have to identify with some sort of political group and that identification will determine what you can do, where you can go, and how much you can make.

You have to remember, Jesus was a radical liberal in his time. He ate with tax collectors and prostitutes... he associated with the lowest of the low and ministered to them. Conservatives seem bent on associating with the kings of industry and riding their coat tails to wealth.

Shouldn't this be in the politics tab?
Are you talking about conservative Christian values?

I believe you are saying you view conservative as a political item not a religious one.


Correct.... Religion should be divorced from politics, especially in this country.
If I post in Politics you would say it was not a religious post then?

I spoke of being conservative or conservative values stemming from God and the Bible.

I see no problem with religion in politics, but I don't think this thread was supposed to be in the Politics forum, though you have seen something of politics in what I posted apparently.

I am talking about what Christians believe and bringing those beliefs to bear, even verbally, in regard to those we meet or come into contact with even outside the church... meaning potentially unbelievers. The church is composed of believers, but we also have to recognize that those who are not believers need the gospel as much as we do.


New member
If I post in Politics you would say it was not a religious post then?

I spoke of being conservative or conservative values stemming from God and the Bible.

I see no problem with religion in politics, but I don't think this thread was supposed to be in the Politics forum, though you have seen something of politics in what I posted apparently.

I am talking about what Christians believe and bringing those beliefs to bear, even verbally, in regard to those we meet or come into contact with even outside the church... meaning potentially unbelievers. The church is composed of believers, but we also have to recognize that those who are not believers need the gospel as much as we do.

Historically, Conservative values did not stem from the Bible at all.... many republicans warned about the coming end of the party if it got in bed with the religious right.

Believe it or not, true conservatism would be much like the liberal left right now, except its focus would be on providing the best possible services to the public and help put them in positions where they could get educated and excel in society.... it would be quite a lot like the democratic party right now, except it would not be providing services to purchase votes as they blatantly do.

I think the government should provide health insurance and keep health costs down.. I think it should provide higher education through college as cheaply as possible and I think it should provide day care for any family or single person that wishes to get educated or has to work a job.

And nothing in the above is socialism... its about empowering the individual... whereas socialism is trying to make everyone equal.


Historically, Conservative values did not stem from the Bible at all.... many republicans warned about the coming end of the party if it got in bed with the religious right.

Believe it or not, true conservatism would be much like the liberal left right now, except its focus would be on providing the best possible services to the public and help put them in positions where they could get educated and excel in society.... it would be quite a lot like the democratic party right now, except it would not be providing services to purchase votes as they blatantly do.

I think the government should provide health insurance and keep health costs down.. I think it should provide higher education through college as cheaply as possible and I think it should provide day care for any family or single person that wishes to get educated or has to work a job.

And nothing in the above is socialism... its about empowering the individual... whereas socialism is trying to make everyone equal.
I wasn't speaking of politics at all. Just Christians living out their faith.

What are conservative Christian values?
What are conservative values?

What does it mean to be a Christian? What are the values and convictions a Christian holds to? If you believe in God and the Bible, is it a religious belief?

What is the difference between a conservative Christian, conservative Christians, or conservative Christianity (where values are based on the Bible), all meaning religion, and then politics (which was not intended)?

Sharing the gospel with someone does not need to be considered politics. It is religion. It should be allowed.

By public sphere I mean outside the church, where Christianity meets the world... the people God has called us to love.

I can move this to politics if it can be accepted from within the framework of religion or in its being religious as it pertains to God and the Bible and how Christians live and share the love of God with others.

I have not spent much time in politics (the politics forum here) before.

This thread is in the Exclusively Christian Theology forum not only because it is religious but because it pertains to what Christians believe and how we live our lives.

We have yet to discuss what those values are. We have just or only described that as Christians we have values and that these values can be shared with others, even to be life changing for those we come into contact with.


New member
Being conservative politically should have nothing to do with ones religion.
holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

I believe a person's religious beliefs should be the primary force driving a person's political stances on the following issues:
  • Abortion
  • Affirmative Action
  • Death Penalty
  • Economy
  • Education – vouchers & charter schools
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Energy
  • Euthanasia & Physician-assisted suicide
  • Global Warming/Climate Change
  • Gun Control
  • Healthcare
  • Homeland Security
  • Immigration
  • Private Property
  • Religion & Government
  • Same-sex Marriage
  • Social Security
  • Taxes
  • United Nations (UN)
  • War on Terror/Terrorism
  • Welfare


New member
Neither govornment, nor religion will ever bring the world together in their fractured states. Not only should government be based in Truth and Faith, but there should only be one governing/ religious body for the world. Of course the hierarchy of said system would have to get enforced equal treatment in order to prevent corruption.



Each of us can live our lives with a conservative attitude. When our religion (Christian) is conservative, it means that our values are strong. Is does nothing to say others are not saved who do not hold to the same view. But it may strengthen others when we live our lives to the glory of God.


Well-known member
Being conservative politically should have nothing to do with ones religion.

It was Reagan allowing the 'moral majority' to co-opt his campaign and to prostitute to them to win their votes that has pretty much destroyed conservatism and the Republican Party in this country... so we have liberals on the left and no one to take seriously on the right because they are either pandering to what is left of the right wing religious whack jobs or wall street.

We need to take the Republican party back and get a true conservative party back in America... and get the religious whack jobs to shut their mouths and take the boards out of their eyes first.

What matters me most is to get freedom from the Government... be free to pursue the American dream as an individual. It's getting to the point where we are all going to have to identify with some sort of political group and that identification will determine what you can do, where you can go, and how much you can make.

You have to remember, Jesus was a radical liberal in his time. He ate with tax collectors and prostitutes... he associated with the lowest of the low and ministered to them. Conservatives seem bent on associating with the kings of industry and riding their coat tails to wealth.

Shouldn't this be in the politics tab?

The idea that Jesus was a radical liberal in his time is ridiculous. The options were secret revolt (ie terrorism) against the federal occupying power or complicity within your allotted space inside that federal power. The zealots were liberal; and they were the liberal wing of Judaism but all of Judaism was conservative. Jesus was not a zealot; he actually risked his reputation picking ex zealots from Galilee (no less) to work in his mission. They were internally-changed of course by being with him; many of his remarks in Luke attack the zealot mind head on. His "temple clearing" was so small that no troops were deployed from the Antonia, which had a clear view of the open courts of the temple. (Hengel, JESUS AND THE ZEALOTS).

He never got in trouble with Rome. Luke-Acts was partly written to show that Paul was not suggesting trouble with Rome, although he was on a campaign in which individual people in the Roman admin should be more concerned with righteousness and the kingdom of God. (Vespasian was persuaded to try to outlaw adultery; little success). Luke-Acts showed that Paul was not with the zealots.

Hillel was a bit liberal within Judaism, and Jesus was similar. But they were both more conservative sexually than Shammai (the conservative leader).

"The constitution cannot work unless there is a degree of godliness and reverence in the population; indeed, it might even destroy the country without it."--founding father. I don't like the options of limited government when the population is so morally confused as to have a website that enables sexual cheating; weren't there 31M users? But in general, it should be limited to providing economic transportation and to defense. It should not be in education, social welfare, medical service delivery. The darkest day of the US was the day Johnson sent around staff all over the country to make sure single women knew they could get government help even if no father was in the picture. That was the tipping point of liberalism and Jesus would never.

[I have a master's partly in NT background, history, and translation of the Jewish War materials]


Conservative in regard to my Christianity. Christian views and values are not always seen as conservative. But does the existence of liberal Christian Theology mean there is conservative Christian Theology? Because I am identifying with being conservative to my approach on life, and the Christian religion here in these United States.