ECT TLO comes to TOL

Totton Linnet

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What should be more important for the Christian to understand and to seek it, intimacy with the Father of Jesus and Jesus Himself or have his temporal needs met?

This is a totally FALSE dichotomy, the gospel is

Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all your temporal needs will be added unto you.

It was not those furthest away from Christ who received their temporal needs but those who pressed through.

My message to folks with needs is press through....

Don't be chasing blessings, chase God...then His blessings will chase YOU



2,000 years ago Jesus Christ spoke to your need, He spoke with His own body when they strapped Him to the cruel whipping post, He was speaking to your need.

The soldier took a torture instrument called the cat of nine tails although actually it was a flail of 13 straps, at the end of each strap was a piece of bone. And with all his might that soldier laid it across the bare back of Jesus Christ, God's Son.

Not once, not twice but three times until the bible says His back was like a ploughed field and the words of the prophet came to pass.

He was wounded for our transgression
He was bruised for our iniquity
the chastisement for our peace was upon Him
and by His stripes we were healed.

God was speaking to our needs. He had no sin, He bore our sin
He had no sickness, He bore our sickness
He had no death only life, He took our death, He died for us.

This revelation has to be birthed in you even as the revelation concerning Him bearing our sins was birthed. When the revelation came you arose to walk in righteousness and new life. When this revelation if birthed in you, Himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases you will arise to walk in health and new life.

Outta context



My prosperity n healin pastor.
Name is elder pipesmoke

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Jesus was a prosperity preacher for He said "Give and it shall be given you again, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men put into your bosom"

Paul was a prosperity preacher for he said "he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, he who sow bounteously will also reap bounteously"

Some Christians give God their leftovers...put God FIRST do like Paul says and each week put aside what you have decided to give to God's work, SEE if God does not multiply your resources bye and bye.

Paul calls it a partnership of giving and receiving.

Some like their money too much to give.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus was a prosperity preacher for He said "Give and it shall be given you again, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men put into your bosom"

Paul was a prosperity preacher for he said "he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, he who sow bounteously will also reap bounteously"

Some Christians give God their leftovers...put God FIRST do like Paul says and each week put aside what you have decided to give to God's work, SEE if God does not multiply your resources bye and bye.

Paul calls it a partnership of giving and receiving.

Some like their money too much to give.

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Well-known member
Jesus was a prosperity preacher for He said "Give and it shall be given you again, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men put into your bosom"

Paul was a prosperity preacher for he said "he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, he who sow bounteously will also reap bounteously"

Some Christians give God their leftovers...put God FIRST do like Paul says and each week put aside what you have decided to give to God's work, SEE if God does not multiply your resources bye and bye.

Paul calls it a partnership of giving and receiving.

Some like their money too much to give.

You aren't just talking about money, I'm assuming. I should read back, but I wanted to say "hey" anyway. :wave:


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I just edited out the mess. There's still some bugs in the forum software.