I remember back when Bush 2 was President and had, (I think it was), Condoleezza Rice call a dinner meeting with all of the so-called "prophecy experts", before invading Iraq, under the guise of making sure we did not "accidentally instigate Armageddon", (lol). Jack Van Impe glowed about his participation several different times in several of his telecasts about how he told the President everything he knew about WW3 and Armageddon, and possibly helped the US avoid "the end of the world scenario", (lol). They are all nothing more than a bunch political hacks applying Bible prophecy to the modern world stage to deceive the masses; and they themselves, the so-called prophecy experts, are being used by the true power elite within world governments to help in deceiving the masses, and most of them do not even realize it, such as people like Jack Van Impe who spilled the whole "plan" to the President of the most powerful nation on earth, (or at least to his subordinates). If there is a WW3 it will no doubt "fulfill prophecy", (as it has been misinterpreted by the so-called prophecy experts and continuously fed to the masses), and no doubt a new world order will come of it: but there will not be any real biblical prophecies fulfilled in the slavery which WW3 will bring about, (if people do not wake up and it is allowed to happen).