Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Maybe one of the things the Lord told him not to reveal was that He changed His mind about the number or date.

A good false prophet always leaves himself some wiggle room to hide behind.

God's Truth

New member
Maybe one of the things the Lord told him not to reveal was that He changed His mind about the number or date.

A good false prophet always leaves himself some wiggle room to hide behind.

This is what Michael said in the chatbox. Remember though that what one says in the chatbox can be edited at anytime and it not say it was edited. I thought MC said it would happen in a month. I am not saying he added the words 'or so away', but if he did, it would give him some wiggle room.

18-07, 01:24 MichaelCadry
I guess I was too vague the last time I left words here. What I was trying to tell you is that our wait is about over. Armageddon is a month or so away. Is that clear enough, now?? If someone wants to be sarcastic about this, go for it.


Well-known member
Maybe one of the things the Lord told him not to reveal was that He changed His mind about the number or date.

A good false prophet always leaves himself some wiggle room to hide behind.


Benny Hinn pulled that one. WAY back when, I had a cassette that was secretly recorded at a Hinn service in 1989, just before New Years 1990. IIRC, Hinn said that by 1999, or maybe '95, God would wipe out all queers in America. Hinn was literally quoting "the Holy Ghost" during all of this, talking in tongues, "God tells me that ______," the whole act.

When it didn't happen, I think someone said Hinn was asked and said enough people in California had repented, staying God's hand.

Yes, they will always have an out, right up to the point their mouths are shut before they are cast into the Lake.


Well-known member
Ah, here's the transcript.

"The Lord also tells me to tell you, In the mid-90's--about '94 or '95--no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America (applause). But He will not destroy it with what many minds have thought Him to be. He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed.

Here comes LA to say "Touch not God's anointed, shut up your big mouth!"


Well-known member
Dear All,

Okay, I'm done. This is getting out of hand and my days of prophesying the way I used to are passed. I had 1,260 days to prophecy. I was allowed rain, and storms, and snowfalls, and earthquakes, and even a volcanic eruption to happen on my behalf. They happened because God was showing His displeasure with Satan and the people believing him. I don't need to tell you anything more, if you can read it in my book. I don't want to retype it all here again. Can you understand that? Of course, you can't.

The problem here Michael is that at the end of your "1260 days" you apparently did not die like you were supposed to according to the passage you are referencing, (Rev 11). Or perhaps that is all in your book too? No thanks, if you are going to make such claims in an open forum then you should have no problem answering questions in the same open forum, by explaining, to those who would like to know, how it was that you were slain by "the beast" that rose up out the abyss and slew you when your 1260 days were fulfilled. That way everyone can see and hear how you were slain, and how your carcass was strewn about the broad place of the great city for three days and a half, and how you were then raised up in Messiah, made to stand while your enemies watched, and then called up to the heavens by a voice; so that everyone may know whether or not you speak truth. :)


The problem here Michael is that at the end of your "1260 days" you apparently did not die like you were supposed to according to the passage you are referencing, (Rev 11). Or perhaps that is all in your book too? No thanks, if you are going to make such claims in an open forum then you should have no problem answering questions in the same open forum, by explaining, to those who would like to know, how it was that you were slain by "the beast" that rose up out the abyss and slew you when your 1260 days were fulfilled. That way everyone can see and hear how you were slain, and how your carcass was strewn about the broad place of the great city for three days and a half, and how you were then raised up in Messiah, made to stand while your enemies watched, and then called up to the heavens by a voice; so that everyone may know whether or not you speak truth. :)

Dear daqq,

I am so pleased with this Thread. That way, you can all eat crow. I mean, that's what you're trying to do, right?? It does say that AFTER their 1,260 days, they shall be killed. Well, it is 1,260 days in the past and it does not say how long AFTER those 1,260 days that I would die. Just that I would finish my days and be killed sometime after those days. You all think you understand God's word, but you don't know anything.

Let us all see what happens. Right??!!

It's Okay. I Expected This,



Did he get that from Omega?

Of course, he is a plant by enemies of the cross for the purpose of discrediting Bible believers.

Dear Nick,

I expected to hear from you long before any of this. I know that you don't agree with me and that you haven't in the past. I've tried to befriend you before this and you ignored my efforts, so I get the message that you are against me. The only plant I am is an Olive Tree. I grieve that Jesus had to die on the cross, but if He didn't, I wouldn't be able to do what I was born to do. His total life is an example to me and I would not have made it this far without His words and His Life.

Do you think it's been easy for me to do what I've had to do? You don't know the half of it. Just wait and see what happens, Nick, before you judge me.

Much Obliged,



In the Old Testament, if a prophet made a prophecy that did not come true, he was stoned to death by the people.

Dear Robert,

In the New Testament, the adulteress was forgiven by Jesus instead of being stoned to death by the people. Things have come a lot further than the Old Testament. God is much more forgiving now. Give Him some credit.

I Respect You And Wish You A Safe Journey To Heaven,



Maybe one of the things the Lord told him not to reveal was that He changed His mind about the number or date.

A good false prophet always leaves himself some wiggle room to hide behind.

Dear Tambora,

I forgive you for what you say. In the future, you will see me sitting on the left or right hand of Jesus. I may not know left or right, but I know it will be. I'll go where He is and where the Lord God is. I know where that is at. None of you know anything about that.

Also, for one thing, Hell is the bottomless pit. God calls it that because it is in the center of the Earth. The Earth has no bottom because there is a center and also a top. Everyone thinks they live on the top of the Earth because of gravity, and they are right. So there is no bottom for anyone, thus bottom-less pit. Do you understand what I am saying here? It is very hot in the center of the Earth, and God shall send the devil into this HOT place for a long time {over a thousand years}. It burns hot with lava and magma, but it is not as hot as the sun.

There is also a Lake of Fire. Hydrogen and Helium. The Lord told me that this is our Sun which burns with a Greater Heat and that it is the Lake of Fire. That is where the antichrist and false prophet will be cast into. I know who the antichrist and false prophet are also. But I keep quiet. Now, here you have some prophecy and truth coming straight from me and I bear witness that the Lord said so. Now you know where the bottomless pit is and also the Lake of Fire. It is where Satan shall be cast into also. Even when our Sun explodes, it will still be a lake of fire. Thanks, Tambora!!

Much Love, In Christ{'s Example},



Well-known member
I had to give Van Impe some credit for denouncing TBN kicking him off the air over doctrine, but he was in love with that dead pope. So that kinda canceled it out.


Well-known member
I remember back when Bush 2 was President and had, (I think it was), Condoleezza Rice call a dinner meeting with all of the so-called "prophecy experts", before invading Iraq, under the guise of making sure we did not "accidentally instigate Armageddon", (lol). Jack Van Impe glowed about his participation several different times in several of his telecasts about how he told the President everything he knew about WW3 and Armageddon, and possibly helped the US avoid "the end of the world scenario", (lol). They are all nothing more than a bunch political hacks applying Bible prophecy to the modern world stage to deceive the masses; and they themselves, the so-called prophecy experts, are being used by the true power elite within world governments to help in deceiving the masses, and most of them do not even realize it, such as people like Jack Van Impe who spilled the whole "plan" to the President of the most powerful nation on earth, (or at least to his subordinates). If there is a WW3 it will no doubt "fulfill prophecy", (as it has been misinterpreted by the so-called prophecy experts and continuously fed to the masses), and no doubt a new world order will come of it: but there will not be any real biblical prophecies fulfilled in the slavery which WW3 will bring about, (if people do not wake up and it is allowed to happen).
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