Thoughts About Johnny Rebel

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Well-known member
So you've said over and over. You reported it. You're not a mod. Let them do their job if they agree with your frivolous whining.

He's posted over 50 times in this thread in about an hour 1/2. It's ridiculous. Shouting about wanting to hear Christian testimony while any comprehension of the thread obviously soared right over his head.


New member
He's posted over 50 times in this thread in about an hour 1/2. It's ridiculous. Shouting about wanting to hear Christian testimony while any comprehension of the thread obviously soared right over his head.

There is no bigger troll on TOL


Well-known member
I'd love to be segregated from the liberals. It's the "attitude". :thumb:

Who's stopping you? If you'd actually love to be segregated from liberals, why in the world do you spend so much of your time on TOL, in threads with liberals? It's not like anyone is making you sit at your computer, every day, for hours, day after day, interacting with liberals, are they? Go be segregated. Be happy. There are plenty of right wing forums and chatboards out there that segregate themselves from liberals.


Well-known member
"I'm not a racist," said Johnny Rebel (who, I am proud to say, is from my state!). "It's the attitude I don't like."

And you'll really see this in his song "It's the attitude, stupid."

Some of Johnny "I'm not a racist" Rebel's lyrics:

Ni**er, Ni**ger by Johnny Rebel

Ni**er, ni**er
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a ni**er goes
(That's how he goes)

They're marching for equality
They'll never be as good as me
We won't let them integrate
We must only segragate
(Keep 'em in their places)

Ni**er, ni**er
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a ni**er goes

Oh, Martin Luther's got to go
That's one thing that we all know
We'll take him ridin' on a rail
And lock him in the county jail

Ni**ers want to change our ways
But taxes they won't ever pay
Monkey lips and kinky hair
Living off that old welfare
(Got their handout)

They might as well give up the fight
No federal judge can make them white
The job is up to you and me
Let's beat the NAACP
(Move 'em north)

Ni**er, ni**er
Tellin' lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way a ni**er goes

That's the way a ni**er goes
That's the way a ni**er goes
That's the way a ni**er goes

Ni**ers Su*k! by Johnny Rebel

Well I don't know why the sky is blue
And why the gums on a ni**er well they're blue too
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know ni**ers su*k!

And I don't know why the world ain't flat
And why the nose on a ni**er is flat like that
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know ni**ers su*k!

I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a jigaboo's lips are thick
But I sure know that
A ni**er ain't worth a lick
And I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a ni**er ain't got no pride
But I know them coons are never
No, they're never satisfied

Well I don't know why the rain comes down
I don't know why a ni**er is black or brown
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
I do know ni**ers su*k

Well I don't know why ni**er stinks
I don't know why jigaboo's hair has kinks
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
I do know ni**ers su*k!

I don't know why night turns to day
And why a ni**er won't work to earn his way
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know ni**ers su*k!

I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a jigaboo's lips are thick
But I sure know that
A ni**er ain't worth a lick

And I don't know, I don't wanna know
Why a ni**er ain't got no pride
But I know them coons are never
No, they're never satisfied

I don't know why a ni**er is kin to an ape
I don't know why spooks wanna integrate
I don't pay attention to all that stuff
But I do know ni**ers su*k!
I do know ni**ers su*k!
Hey, I do know ni**ers su*k!

Ni**er Hatin' Me! by Johnny Rebel

I like sugar, and I like tea
But I don't like ni** siree!
There's two known things that'll make me puke
And that's a hog eatin' slop, and a big, black spook!

You know it...cause I show it
Like a barn-yard rooster I crow it!
And the NAACP
Would sure like to get a-hold of ni**er-hatin' me!

Roses are red, and violet's are blue
And ni**er's are black, you know that's true
But they don't mind, cause what the heck!
You gotta be black to get a welfare check!

And I'm joke
I ain't got a nickel for a coke!
And I ain't black, you see
So Uncle Sam won't help poor ni**er-hatin' me.

Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo...where are you?
I's here in the woodpile...watchin' you
Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo...come out!
No! Cause I'm scared of the white man's a-way down South

You know it!...cause I show it.
Stick your black head out and I'll blow it!
And the NAACP
Can't keep you away from little old ni**er-hatin' me!

Mirror, mirror...on the wall
Who is the blackest of them all?
A man named King, and there ain't no doubt
That he's causin' lots of trouble with his baboon mouth.

Brewin'...he's a doin'
It's caused by the trouble he's a-brewin'
And the NAACP
Can't win if the white men stick with ni**er-hatin' me!

Hey! Mr. President! What do you say?
When are we whites gonna have our day?
The ni**er's had there's such a long, long time
I'm white, and it's time that I had mine!

You know it...cause I show it!
Stick your black head out and I'll blow it!
And the NAACP
Can't win if the white man sticks with ni**er-hatin' me

In Coontown by Johnny Rebel

If you smell something funny
When you walk down the street
You're in Coontown.
You look and see garbage
All over the street
You're in Coontown.

Up and down the street
There ain't nothing but trash.
Ni**er girls trying to get
A ni**er boy's cash.
Then you even see a spook
With a big moustache
In Coontown.

On the corner there's a ni**er
With a drink in his hand.
That's Coontown.
Trying to bum a nickle
From whoever he can
In Coontown.

And don't be surprised
You can make a bet.
If you go back tomorrow
He'll be there yet.
He's trying to get drunk
And drunk he's gonna get
In Coontown.

Ni**ers never bother
About going to work
In Coontown.
They seem to think
That work is for jerks
Out of Coontown.

He don't do nothing
But sleep and doze.
He don't wake until his eyes
Are tired of being closed.
It's half a day's work
For him to scratch his toes
In Coontown.

It amazes me
To see the way they live
In Coontown.
They do all the taking
While we have to give
To Coontown.

The white man worries,
The ni**er don't care
Cause at the end of the month
His check will be there.
Every ni**er earns his living
Off the old welfare
In Coontown.

Every ni**er earns his living
Off the old welfare
In Coontown.

Ain't Nothing But Ni**ers by Johnny Rebel

They call them coons, they call them toads
They call them darkies but heaven knows
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

We pay our taxes, they get a check
We make a living, they're having sex
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

They demonstrate and aggravate
Hey white man, you know that it's true
They integrate and agitate
And make us hate the things that they do
Lord they do

They know the system, they get it free
They keep on taking from you and me
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

They got the food stamps, we got the cash
They're eating T-Bone, we're eating hash
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

They're getting the goldmine, we're getting the shaft
They're taking our handout, we're taking crap
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

They demonstrate and aggravate
Hey white man, you know that it's true
They integrate and agitate
And make us hate the things that they do
Lord they do

They know the system, they get it free
They keep on taking from you and me
Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

Ain't nothing but ni**ers
Trying to get under our skin

"It's The Attitude, Stupid!":

It ain't the big lips
It ain't the nose
It ain't your kinky hair
Or your clothes
It ain't your dreadlocks hangin'
Or the way that you walk
It ain't the smell
It ain't the black
White people might probably
Learn a little bit better
But if you wanna know ni**er
I'll tell ya what *****s us off

It's the attitude stupid
It's what's inside your brain
It's the attitude stupid
Ain't you ever gonna change
You keep thinkin' everything
Is black and white
Don't you know the difference
'Tween wrong and right
It's the attitude stupid
We don't owe you a thing

It ain't your looks
And that's a fact
It ain't your ***
Ridin' up on your back
It ain't the way you say "argh-a"
When you spell out a word
It's the things you say
And you do
Thinkin' white people
Still owe somethin' to you
Well listen to me ni**er
This is somethin' you've never heard


Well-known member
Zoo it appears. After all, he keeps repeating them. Perhaps you as
well, if you enjoy reading them?

Why wouldn't you take issue with Traditio, who's actively promoting his racist garbage, when I've said that I think it's ignorant and twisted? I'm just exposing what he's promoting.

When someone praises it but you don't have to see it you don't care? But if you're confronted by what it actually says, you kill the messenger? Strange, strange people. Shoving things under the rug doesn't work.


New member
Who's stopping you? If you'd actually love to be segregated from liberals, why in the world do you spend so much of your time on TOL, in threads with liberals? It's not like anyone is making you sit at your computer, every day, for hours, day after day, interacting with liberals, are they? Go be segregated. Be happy. There are plenty of right wing forums and chatboards out there that segregate themselves from liberals.

There is a mind set which believes in its own superiority over any and all challengers.
It sneers, obfuscates, twists and through snide innuendo seeks to blacken the good name of those with whom they disagree.
It is not discussion nor is it classical argument.
It is an attempt to silence and eliminate any who stray from their particular party line.
The very mud they sling at others comes from deep within the toxic pits of their own souls.
Sadly, they do seem to have monopolized this board.
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