This Week's Male-Female Hour one of the best ever


Well-known member

I don't think you can go right to the hour (from Wed. 29th at 10am PST) without joining.

Topic: what men want most from their woman is admiration; what women want most is to be able to admire.

While Prager is a very reverent conservative Jew, it was a Christian caller who showed that this proposition is why Eph 5 says what it does about the complimentary tasks of men and women in marriage--Men: love your wife; Wives: respect your husband. Contempt is usually insurmountable, and the wife's verbal admiration of even the smallest good thing in a husband is extremely powerful and launches a positive cycle that men cannot launch.

This last line about contempt explained to me why there are many successful men (with incomes and estates to show for it) who are not failures in marriage, but whose wives have been contemptful and thus started a negative and/or overwhelming process.

One counselor I heard speak in public described a suggestion game that a wife came up with and consistently used on several levels of the relationship, and saved their marriage and changed him into a very accomplished father.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Karl Barth wrote, "Man is unsettled by woman and woman by man." ("Church Dogmatics")

Makes sense to me. I just say yes a lot. Always use a quiet tone.