Whew! Close call
Yes. My concern is that we not limit atonement to one aspect at the expense of another. There is indeed an expiatory nature to atonement, Christ becoming the sin offering on our behalf and in our stead. At the same time he is also the scape goat, he the one the sins of the world were laid upon who carried our sin to the far country, never again to confront them. He of course also is the priest, the one who mediates those offerings to the Father on our behalf.
There are other aspects of atonement as well, aspects that overlap each other but are distinct in themselves, but we'll save that for another discussion.
I think I understand you and I think based upon that understanding I agree. I get very disturbed this time of year when I hear preachers elaborate and build upon his death, those agonizing hours on the cross when Christ became sin for us that he might bear the wrath of God, he dying in estrangement (the guilt we should feel!). Blah, blah, blah. I actually get angry when I hear this. Why are preachers so much better at describing his death than they are his resurrection? It's morbid ... not to mention schizophrenic, the rip it tears in God is satanic ~ Is he not Triune? There can be NO forsakenness in midst of that union! ~ ~ the person of Jesus split apart ~ Was he not God hanging on the cross as well? Don't tell me God can't look upon sin and that he forsook his Son, then uphold Trinity and Hypostatic Union in the very next breath ~ the most important days of creation and Satan stabs a lie right in the middle of it. We with our somber faces eat it up. I digress.
When I say he became sin, I mean whatever that part of humanity that is our nature, that is what he became. If we are fallen, he was fallen; if we have a sinful nature he had a sinful nature, this that he might wage war against those things that take us down, he being the one, not we, who was without sin, in that he overcame it.
I've got to think about this one, work it out a little more in my noggin. Think with me. He was the scape goat too, you know.
You better watch it, brother. You're startin' to sound like a Reformer...
Yes, but only in
his power over it.