You are right, that is exactly how I understood him too.
Thank-you - It was a big AHA moment for me, and I was beginning to think that I was the only one who got it, or that perhaps I had gotten it wrong...
The way of penance and flagellation is not the way to victory.
Penance properly understood CAN be a way of victory, and under this, flagellation only rarely if at all, and then NOT as punishment of the flesh, but as a counter to the pleasure impulse imparted by the demon of fornication, and normally not with a whip but with some counter imposition of pain that neutralizes the noesis of pleasure abiding in one's members... Paul spoke of it as the subduing of the body, and not as a shadow-boxer only striking the air...
But the point here is that because Salvation came in the flesh, Christ our God, we will find it in overcoming the tyranny of the flesh, because pleasure and pain die at death, and we are baptized into the Death of Christ, and are to conduct ourselves accordingly, which invokes the issue of Christian virtue entailing courage and steadfastness...
But YOUR answer [if I may respectfully point out] is but a milder form of penance and flagellation for you say the answer is "lifelong struggle"
Mortification of the flesh is a feature of living a repentant life, and is an ongoing practice of the saints who live ascetic lives. Paul tells us we are to "mortify our members"... And Christ tells us that we are tot take the hard and straited Way of Salvation... He asked regarding John the Forerunner: "What did you come expecting to see? Soft and royal robes and cushions and sumptuous fare?" [at least words to that effect] "A reed shaken in the wind?" And I do not know if you have ever girt your loins in 1st century leathers, or worn a camel hair shirt... One of our very highly ascetic fathers, elder Joseph the Hesychast, tried wearing one... He did not last two days in it...
The bible way is by revelation.
And the Revelation is Christ IN THE FLESH... THAT is God's Revelation of His Word and our Lord...
We must allow the revelation to take firm grip of our hearts and mind.
It cannot take that particular firm grip if we are still submitting ourselves to our flesh... There IS a mind of the flesh, and there IS a mind of the Spirit, and they are not co-equal...
"They overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" When we fully understand that those sins which once had domination and beset us have been WASHED AWAY and we confess it and embrace it and rejoice over it...the devil must back off.
Salvation is not a merely mental exercise... It is not merely an IDEA... It is an ontological condition of a soul in union with God and thereby making no provision for the flesh... That is why the very first word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is: REPENT! It is through repentance that God saves us... For we are saved by God's Grace, through the Faith of Christ which disciples us to repent and be baptized, every one of us... And we know from Paul that we are Baptized into Christ in the Holy Spirit... Paul Himself baptized a few, though that was not his particular calling...
He KNOWS he was defeated at Calvary. The cross is our victory over sin.
Satan WAS defeated at Calvary, but NOT in YOUR flesh, and not in MY flesh, but in the fleshly Body of our Lord alone... The victory over sin was Christ's bodily victory, and that is why we are BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST, because His is the ONLY Body in which sin has been overcome, and we in Him can then find our own victory...
But the Cross of Calvary will NOT hand us victory UNLESS we take up our own cross each and every day and follow Christ... It is called living a saved life, or a Christian life, which denies self and embraces union with our Lord in constant prayer without ceasing...
The only thing lacking in the sufferings of Christ for our sakes is our own sufferings for Him... And this is what Paul was "filling in", and it is what we are all called to do, for in this is the joining of our marriage to the Lamb of God...
In the world, you WILL find tribulation...
It is IN this tribulation that you will find union with God...
The Joy that is NOT of this world...