The instant we make Jesus our example and link righteousness to obedience (ours now), we place ourselves under the very law that he ~ and only he ~ fulfilled, the covenant of which Paul calls faulty and obsolete (Heb 8).
If that is true, then why does Christ command the Apostles to disciple all the Nations in obedience to all His Commandments?
Adam disobeyed God... Do we heal from that wound without obedience?
How can we follow Christ without obedience to Christ?
Furthermore, had we only needed the Holy Spirit to live in obedience to the Law, then Christ died in vain.
Are you equating obedience to the instructions of Christ to His Apostles with obedience to the Levitical Law of the Jews?
It is true that both are obedience, but in terms of belief only, it is the Levitical Law-abiding Jews who only need faith, but it is those who are NOT as the Jews who need THE Faith as discipled BY the Apostles... Law abiding Jews are saved simply BY faith because they are already discipled, and the Gentiles are saved THROUGH the Faith of Christ as it is discipled TO them BY the Apostles... It is the discipling of the Faith that prepares the Gentiles for Salvation BY Grace, but the Jews are already [if they are practicing] discipled...
God should have just sent his Spirit and saved his Son the anguish. NO! Christ did what was impossible for any of us (post Adam at least) to do. PERIOD.
Restoration to the Garden is but ONE phase of what Christ did for us, and this he established in Himself when he offered Himself to His Father on the Cross... We regain Adam, by the remission of our sins, through the crucifixion of Christ, into which we are baptized... But we are also entered INTO Christ's Holy Body, and in this we surpass Adam in the Garden, because we are ontologically JOINED with Christ-God, and not merely created humans receiving forgiveness and a lot of Grace...
It was not primarily as example that he came.
But is WAS... That is what you are not getting yet... He came that we should walk as He walked... And IN ORDER TO DO SO, we HAD to be cleansed from our sins first, and THEN ONLY could we be made ONE with Christ...
He came because we have each of ourselves found ourselves in a dilemma that we cannot possibly ever resolve: our own human condition. Because He was human as we are, He could represent us in that very condition. Because he was God as well, he could represent us there successfully. As man, he could sin; as God, he was able not to.
As man, He was obedient to the Father unto death on the cross... And He suffered... As the Person Who IS BOTH Logos AND Man, He could not sin... He did not come to "represent us" in our fallen condition to the Father at all, but instead to ELEVATE us FROM that condition, which we will exit by death, and which we DO exit by our Baptism INTO His death...