nice to see the barbarian is against police killing dogs
he also claims to be against killing babies
And unlike Chrys, he doesn't vote for those who advocate abortion. Chrys opposes abortion.
Unless the abortionist is a republican.
nice to see the barbarian is against police killing dogs
he also claims to be against killing babies
Did anyone watch the news reel? Neighbors had called police about several loose pitbulls - pitbulls are large dangerous dogs and they should not have been out off a leash, they were keeping neighbors from being able to get out of their car with a child and an elderly person.
Animal control should have been called to get them though - a guy saying they are friendly because of a wagging tail means nothing, wagging tails do NOT just mean friendly, nervous dogs wag them too.
The owner of the dogs needs a little jail time too for not containing their dogs.
I can only imagine how frustrated the barbarian must be after white liberals like him and their black radical allies were able to figuratively lynch George Zimmerman and Ferguson MO police officer Darren Wilson
Yes, the Judeo-Christian right of self defense won out in those cases,
Keep trying barbarian, you'll eventually get to lynch a police officer.
I have deep sympathy for the person who does not understand the relationship between humans and dogs. He misses a part of being human, and something important about God's creation.
I have deep sympathy for the person who does not understand the relationship between humans and dogs. He misses a part of being human, and something important about God's creation.
Why dogs?
Why not the relationship between humans and goldfish?
There were actually two lynching parties. One out to get Zimmerman, and one celebrating the death of Martin. Neither of you knew what really happened, and you still don't, (I wasn't the only person who reminded you).
Anglo-Saxon. Our right of self-defense is based on Anglo-Saxon common law.
Seeing as he's been placed on leave by his superiors, and is under investigation, let's just let due process play out. And thank God for body cams; otherwise, this guy would have gotten off with no consequences at all.
I have deep sympathy for the person who does not understand the relationship between humans and dogs. He misses a part of being human, and something important about God's creation.
did you know about the three pit bulls?
your opening post does not mention pit bulls
the link you provide does not mention pit bulls or the number three
don't you think that is significant?
didn't you know about it?
the police were responding to a call that said
"next door to us there's 4 to 5 pit bulls out and I have an elderly woman and an infant baby in the car "
the barbarian cares about pit bulls
Barbarian observes:
I have deep sympathy for the person who does not understand the relationship between humans and dogs. He misses a part of being human, and something important about God's creation.
Because we have a pervasive symbiosis with them. It appears that dogs are the only domesticated animals which chose to become associated with us. And we have adapted to them, as much as they have adapted to us.
We can learn much about what it means to be human by looking at them and our relationship with them.
There are other animals with which we can become friends of sorts. I have a pair of owls living across the street that raise a brood every winter. They have become very tolerant of me walking around under the trees with my camera, so much so, that it's funny when the fledglings get all worried and the parents pretty much ignore me.
But we just don't share as much with other animals as we share with dogs. I am sad that not all people are capable of having relationships like that. I believe God loves animals, who are wholly innocent, and that cruelty to them is deeply offensive to Him.
lots of unanswered questions for the barbarian
your opening post does not mention pit bulls
the link you provide does not mention pit bulls or the number three
don't you think that is significant?
didn't you know about it?
(Connie projects his mentality on Barbarian)
By now, Connie, no one give your fantasies any credibility at all. You're angry and trying to lash out, but you've got nothing left.
Hope you get better someday. it not creepy that CW signs on for a child abuse thread?
Only CW would consider those things opportunities for the stuff that obsesses him. Yeah, creepy plus. I'm sure glad he lives half a continent away from my neighborhood.
And that made it OK to kill a friendly pit bull? As I said, it's not dumb to be wary of pit bulls because a few people have trained them to be mean and aggressive. But as you saw from the video, these were friendly and gentle with people. The worst thing they did was jump up on the officer when he approached making a friendly noise, as any dog will when it thinks it's going to get kindness and attention from a human.
Seeing as the first one calmly allowed someone to collar it, and put it back in the yard, I'm wondering what you thought was "significant" about that, other than to demonstrate that the dog was not dangerous.
I suppose it is. Since the officer saw that, it makes it even harder to understand why he decided to kill one of the other dogs he lured close to him by pretending affection.
But I don't see how that helps justify your enthusiasm for killing.
Just didn't think about it at the time, but yes, it does make the officer's behavior more deplorable.
I've been meaning to ask you barbarian:
Remember that thread where a bunch of us were talking about professional football player Adrian Peterson who was charged with abusing (beating) his young child?
Well you wrote a couple of things that I would like clarified.
Are you saying that I beat up children?
Are saying that if I came into your neighborhood that I would sexually molest the children that live there?
Of course I don't expect an answer from you, as you're too busy figuratively lynching people that adhere to their God-given right to self defense.