It could not have been the view of those who had lived prior to 1948 who had believed in an Israel to be regathered one day.
Not even Darby could have held a 1948 view.
And it has never been the view of all Mid-Acts Dispies (as if all are some sort of a one size fits all).
Actually, you're (mostly) talking about Futurists and Acts 2 Dispies as to this issue.
Do your homework.
The futurist and A2D's you mention where can I find more information on them? You said that once to me(a year or so ago) about the A2D's and the 1948'ers but not of the Futurist so it is new to me.
I had always noticed two distinct groups in Christianity,one group who sees Revelation and the other prophecies as being all fulfilled in the past,Lutherans,Methodist,Episcopalians,Catholic ect and then the others who see the prophecies in a future fulfillment aspect,,Pentecostal,Baptist,Nazarene ect...
So I suppose if I described mine own self I would say I was in the second group who see some prophecies future,so hence futurist in that aspect.
It I think is good you note that Darby could have not been an 48er so to speak,that event taking place long after his death he would have had no idea it would occur in 1948.
Speaking with elder members(born prior to ww2) of different churches I attended across my life several spoke of the controversy surrounding the events of the creation of the state of Israel. It at first was to be called "the Jewish state" but was crossed out on the document and the name "Israel" was handwritten in at the last minute’s-decision-to-recognize-israel/
Truman was an "southern Baptist" if he was A2D I do not know,I've not read that he was. It though was interesting to me that there were large groups of people who were against the recognition of Israel as a state both Christian and Jews.
I have noted also that it is well as easy if I myself speak of 1948 as a fulfillment of prophecy that it is at times confused in that I believe that the nation of Israel created in 1948 is the "Israel of God" being regathered. I do not think that it is but I do believe it could not exist if not permitted by God Romans 13:1 KJV
The nation of Egypt rose to power,Assyria,Greece,the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar ect. and all were permitted to do so by God. At times this was an blessing to Israel but for the most part it was an form of punishment but none the less they all rose or fell as willed by God.
There Is an Israel of God that he will set up on earth again(future),and there is also another nation who refers to themselves as the nation of God and are also called Israel(1948).
That nation(1948) is the one that received its deadly wound in ad70 and ascended out of the pit(1948) Revelation 17:8 KJV . I say this because I notice there are many 1948ers who see and believe that the Israel that now is in the earth is God regathering those scattered into "the restored kingdom",I don't believe (it) is,but do believe (one) will come.
There was an Israel that denied that Jesus was Messiah. They in my opinion did not worship Caesar as God nor see him as fulfilling their prophecies as messiah. They also did not see Jesus as to be worshiped, as king nor as Messiah. In fact who they looked for coming to fulfill this they still to this day are waiting for and needed an nation for him to come forth in,that false Messiah. John 5:43 KJV
Any way,lol I thought I should say that about myself it seems that you saw me as an group who call themselves "futurist" But I am not.
lol,You have made me curious though about them if you know of information regarding them I would like to glance through it. I suppose it best to say bluntly instead of the discrete way I have in the past,that I think that Israel(1948) is not the Israel we see God restoring,but rather the final head of the beast,the seat where that man of sin will rise and the temple he will build and God permitted it to come in it's time.
I agree that books about are not the final authority but the scriptures are. In fact the books about are no more or less than any one of our post. We call it the "book of TOL"(so to speak) and the chapters we call threads. Then there are the characters in the book of TOL(our screen names) and we play out all our roles in the book about.
All these names we hear are no more or less than another post we come across and read. There is the post in a thread and a man with the screen name Darby said in post #152...and then the one with the screen name Russel in post #162 said... There was one with the screen name Calvin,and white,and Johnson and Flemming and they all posted in the thread. Those threads go back in time to Clement, or Irenaeus or whoever made the post number 14 in the book of the opinions in the discussion about the letters written in the bible. So it then is so that the scriptures are the calibrated weights weighing all of our post in the books about.