This day have I begotten you


It does not work on my Samsung or my iPad no matter which program I use. Don't be so lazy. Do your job to convince me you are right.

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My job is to Love you as you are and testify of my Hope to you. My Job is to silence the mouth of people that distort the Gospel and Grace.

Convincing you? This is not my Job. There is only one that is appointed for that Job. You. You either believe that He is He, or you don't. If you testify of Him and deny Him, it is worse than if had never believed.

Jesus did enough and you have read about what He did. You even have innumerable verses that tell you that He is the very presence of God. He did the convincing... It is up to you if you "believe" or not.

All sincerity,



I know that I am not capable of keeping His Laws. He alone is worthy. I glory the Glory. To be a creation and claim to keep His Laws is to be under the Law.

Two Words... B-A-D I-D-E-A

This idea is the root of corruption of your churches.

You simply deny His simple and clear word of "if you love Me, keep My commands".

If you don't love Jesus, there is no salvation.

Remember Jesus says "with God, anything is possible".

You keep on denying Him with your lazy faith.


Well-known member
My job is to Love you as you are and testify of my Hope to you. My Job is to silence the mouth of people that distort the Gospel and Grace.

Convincing you? This is not my Job. There is only one that is appointed for that Job. You. You either believe that He is He, or you don't. If you testify of Him and deny Him, it is worse than if had never believed.

Jesus did enough and you have read about what He did. You even have innumerable verses that tell you that He is the very presence of God. He did the convincing... It is up to you if you "believe" or not.

All sincerity,

We can agree on this. I see him in a different light than most. I try not to assume anything in scripture. Most just sit and soak in what they hear in church, I don't, I question all that I was given.
Keeping the commandments is to love the creator and the folks he put in our lives. It is that easy to please him who gave all that we may live.

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Well-known member
I know that I am not capable of keeping His Laws. He alone is worthy. I glory the Glory. To be a creation and claim to keep His Laws is to be under the Law.

Two Words... B-A-D I-D-E-A
To be under the law is to keep it for gain not to please the creator. Love brings obediance. I keep them in spirit only because I love him who loved me first.

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Well-known member
My Job is to silence the mouth of people that distort the Gospel and Grace.

That is your choice of employment but has nothing to do with the Gospel of Messiah. Anyone who silences his brother is considered a murderer in the kingdom of Elohim, (how many times does this need to be explained from the Testimony of Messiah? Oh yeah, you reject that Testimony). You are therefore just as your fathers who also silenced Zechariah the son of Berechiah by slitting his throat; for that is exactly the supernal meaning of the statements given by Messiah: they slew him between the naos and the altar. The naos is the mind and the altar is the altar of the adamah-soil of the heart, (Parable of the Sower, Exo 20:24, and its companion passage Deut 5:29). You are therefore no different from those who slit the throat of Zechariah because you have no understanding of supernal things written in the holy and spiritual WORD which you claim to know, love, and follow. The Master never told you or anyone else to go around silencing people. You think you do God a service but in reality it is for your own gain because you attempt to silence only those who disagree with your interpretations of the scripture while you say nothing to your murderous friends who reveal they are murderers by the murders and evil thoughts coming forth from their hearts just as yourself, (AGAIN, Mt 15:18-19, 1John 3:15).


Well-known member
I know that I am not capable of keeping His Laws. He alone is worthy. I glory the Glory. To be a creation and claim to keep His Laws is to be under the Law.

Two Words... B-A-D I-D-E-A

Of course it is a bad idea to you because it means you would need to stop killing. :chuckle:

Ask Mr. Religion

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Our Lord's Active and Passive Obedience

Our Lord's Active and Passive Obedience

Remember Jesus says "with God, anything is possible".
Actually, the point here is that it is God who is working within His workmanship, the believer (Eph. 2:10), to make all things possible—not inevitable—for man. Our Lord is not teaching that we are one-hundred percent capable of fulfilling what He fulfilled by His active and passive obedience. Rather, that our focus is to be upon the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, and not upon ourselves.

If man were capable of perfectly meeting all the demands of the Law, which Our Lord fulfilled, we would not need a Savior, for we would be our own saviors. Beware the sin of perfectionism.



Well-known member
My job is to Love you as you are and testify of my Hope to you. My Job is to silence the mouth of people that distort the Gospel and Grace.

Convincing you? This is not my Job. There is only one that is appointed for that Job. You. You either believe that He is He, or you don't. If you testify of Him and deny Him, it is worse than if had never believed.

Jesus did enough and you have read about what He did. You even have innumerable verses that tell you that He is the very presence of God. He did the convincing... It is up to you if you "believe" or not.

All sincerity,


The He and he are the Amen-amen, and Rev 2:18 combined with Rev 3:14 informs the faithful as to which one is the Son of Elohim and which one is a Son of Elohim. You should have paid better attention to this thread and likewise all of the other things which have been posted to you for your own benefit. Your own pride is killing you by causing you to close your own eyes to the truth.

Yohanan 3:1-36
[01] Moreover, (during the same week of the feast of Pesakh Matzot from the previous chapter), there was a certain man from the Perushim, his name Nikodemo,
(Shimon Yoseph), Archon of the Yhudim:
[02] This one came to him by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you are a Teacher come from Elohim; for no one can do these signs which you do if not immo·El, (El is with him).
[03] Ι̅H answered and said to him, Amen-amen, I say to you, If one is not born from above the same cannot see the kingdom of Elohim.
[04] Nikodemo said to him, How can an old man be regenerated-reborn? can he enter a second time into the cavity of his mother and be regenerated-reborn?
[05] Ι̅H answered, Amen-amen, I say to you, If one is not regenerated by Water and Spirit the same cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim, (thus the answer is, Yes-amen, one must go back into the cavity of his mother, that is, mother-covenant, and relearn all things: for Yerushalem above is our mother-covenant, Gal 4:22-27).
[06] That which generates from the flesh is flesh; and that which generates from the Spirit is Spirit.
[07] Wonder not that I said to you, You must be born from above:
[08] The Spirit blows wheresoever He wills, and you hear His voice, but you have not known from where He comes and to where He goes: thus is every one being generated out of Spirit.
[09] Nikodemo answered and said to him, What makes it possible for these things to come to pass?
[10] Ι̅H answered and said to him, You are the Teacher of Yisrael and do not know these things?
[11] Amen-amen, I say to you, We speak that which we know, and we testify of that which we have seen; and our testimony you do not receive, (for He and he are the Amen-amen).
[12] If I told you earthly things and you believe not; how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
[13] And no one has ascended into the heavens if the one who is from the heavens has not descended: the Son of Man.
[14] And just as Moshe lifted up the Seraph in the desert, in the same way must the Son of Man be lifted-up-exalted:
[15] That all who put their trust in him may have life aionion.
[16] For in this manner Elohim so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten one of a kind Son; that all who put their trust in him should not perish, but have life aionion.
[17] For Elohim sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world through him might be delivered.
[18] The one trusting him is not judged; but the one not trusting is judged already because the same is not trusting in the name of the only begotten one of a kind Son of Elohim.
[19] Moreover this is the judgment; that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.
[20] For anyone practicing wickedness hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his works should be reproved.
[21] But the one doing the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be made manifest, that his works are engaged with Elohim.
[22] Amidst these things Ι̅H and his talmidim had come into the land of Yhudah; and he was wearing through the time there with them, and immersing.
[23] Moreover Yohanan also was immersing in Aenon, next to Saleim, (that is, Shiloh), because there was much water there: and they came and immersed:
[24] For Yohanan was not yet cast into prison.
[25] There came up therefore a mutual disputation of the talmidim of Yohanan with a certain Yhudi concerning purification.
[26] And they came to Yohanan, and said to him, Rabbi, he who was with you on the other side of the Yarden, he of whom you have testified; behold, the same is now immersing and all go to him!
[27] Yohanan answered and said, A man can receive nothing if it is not given him from the heavens.
[28] You yourselves bear me witness that I said, I am not the Meshiah, but that I am sent before in front of that one.
[29] The one having the bride is the groom; but the friend of the groom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the voice of the groom: this therefore my joy is fulfilled.
[30] That one must increase, but I myself must decrease.
[31] The one coming from above is over all; the one being from the earth is of the earth, and of the earth he speaks; the one coming from the heavens is over all:
[32] What he has seen and heard, of that he testifies, and no one else will receive his testimony:
[33] The one therefore accepting his testimony has set his seal that Elohim is true.
[34] For the one whom Elohim has sent speaks the words of Elohim, for He does not give the Spirit by measure:
[35] The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.
[36] The one faithfully trusting into the Son has life aionion; but the one not faithfully trusting into the Son shall not see life, contrariwise, the wrath of Elohim abides upon him.

Lazy afternoon

Actually, the point here is that it is God who is working within His workmanship, the believer (Eph. 2:10), to make all things possible—not inevitable—for man. Our Lord is not teaching that we are one-hundred percent capable of fulfilling what He fulfilled by His active and passive obedience. Rather, that our focus is to be upon the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, and not upon ourselves.

If man were capable of perfectly meeting all the demands of the Law, which Our Lord fulfilled, we would not need a Savior, for we would be our own saviors. Beware the sin of perfectionism.


Do you not believe that the believer can fulfill the law of Christ by and through the Spirit within them?



Well-known member
Actually, the point here is that it is God who is working within His workmanship, the believer (Eph. 2:10), to make all things possible—not inevitable—for man. Our Lord is not teaching that we are one-hundred percent capable of fulfilling what He fulfilled by His active and passive obedience. Rather, that our focus is to be upon the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, and not upon ourselves.

If man were capable of perfectly meeting all the demands of the Law, which Our Lord fulfilled, we would not need a Savior, for we would be our own saviors. Beware the sin of perfectionism.


Actually we are capable of walking out the Torah in Spirit and in truth, unto the Father, becoming pleasing vessels. But this is not possible without the Testimony of Messiah which expounds the fullness of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. If Messiah had not come we would absolutely never be able to understand the Torah; but being that Messiah did come, we now have less excuse than the Pharisees and Sadducees had in the days of the Gospel accounts. Yes, that is true, and it is called grace, for those who came before Messiah could not possibly have understood the Torah because of the plague of the carnal man mindset, (and it is worse today in this society and culture than it was back then for sure). However the Testimony of Messiah changes all of that because the Master, as the author of our faith, has shown us how to walk according to the Spirit so as to be pleasing unto the Father. Messiah therefore is the one and only author of our faith and his Testimony is the only acceptable Way for us to walk the Spirit of the Torah in uprightness and truth. So essentially what your theology does is to deflect away from a responsibility to be walking in the Light of the Testimony of Messiah, and instead, you refer "the walk" to the Master, as if it was all done for you vicariously; and the obvious conclusion to such thinking, whether it is openly admitted or not, is that you need not worry so much about changing your own ways and ways of thinking. In short; your theology downplays your own responsibility to fully understand and believe the Testimony of Messiah, (and by believe I mean a belief like Paul which amounts to a change in life-course, actions, and deeds, not just a simple one-time assent or "bow of the knee"). However that all-important Testimony of Messiah is the real and true salvation and deliverance, which Testimony he paid for with his own blood, and which Testimony was given him from above, and was not even his own, and which Testimony is the only Testimony sealed by the Father. That holy Testimony found in the Gospel accounts therefore equates to the blood of Messiah: and therefore those who do not observe and carry out the Testimony of Messiah do not have the atonement covering of his blood. It is therefore not a wholly vicarious kind of atonement concept but rather Messiah admonishes all his congregations to purchase from him gold, (which is a similar metaphor), having been tried in the fire, (Rev 3:18). It is not a difficult principle to understand and is shown in various places in the scripture: testimony is water, is blood, is Spirit, and these three testify, and these three are one: for testimony is Spirit, just as the words of Messiah are Spirit and they are Life. The Testimony is the Bread of Life, the Living Water, manna from the heavens, all metaphoric symbolism:

1 Chronicles 11:16-19 KJV (2 Samuel 23:14-17)
16 And David was then in the hold, and the Philistines' garrison was then at Bethlehem.
17 And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, that is at the gate!
18 And the three brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but David would not drink of it, but poured it out to the LORD,
19 And said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest.

The water from the well of Bethlehem is here counted as blood, (and do not neglect the other obvious symbolism involved), because of the actions and the deeds of the "three mighties" who jeoparded their lives to obtain the water from the well. The water is not literal blood but is counted as if their own blood was spilled because of what they did in risking their own souls to obtain that "gold having been tried in the fire". :)


Actually, the point here is that it is God who is working within His workmanship, the believer (Eph. 2:10), to make all things possible—not inevitable—for man. Our Lord is not teaching that we are one-hundred percent capable of fulfilling what He fulfilled by His active and passive obedience. Rather, that our focus is to be upon the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, and not upon ourselves.

If man were capable of perfectly meeting all the demands of the Law, which Our Lord fulfilled, we would not need a Savior, for we would be our own saviors. Beware the sin of perfectionism.


Whatever you are saying I know it is not scriptural.

What I understand is that if we are striving to be true to Jesus, the HS will fill our imperfection and we will be sinless and acceptable to God.

Lazy afternoon

And where is the Father above the Heavens or in you?

2Ch 16:7 And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand.
2Ch 16:8 Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge host, with very many chariots and horsemen? yet, because thou didst rely on the LORD, he delivered them into thine hand.
2Ch 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
2Ch 16:10 Then Asa was wroth with the seer, and put him in a prison house; for he was in a rage with him because of this thing. And Asa oppressed some of the people the same time.