Third Temple Before the Second Coming, Temple of Ezekiel During the Millennial


God doesn't build physical temples anymore and he hasn't for 2000 years. Any temple that is built in the last days will be an abomination and a rejection of Christ and the gospel. The gospel commission from Christ is to take the good news of the gospel to the world not animal sacrifice! Go back to your cult, blind guide leading no one!

I'm a blind leading the blind, yet you have rejected plain scriptures that clearly indicate that a temple to the LORD will be built, that Jesus Christ will rule from on the earth? HA. If believing in the scriptures is being part of a "cult" and being "blind", then sure, I will gladly remain in my blind cult. Even Jesus Christ was called the leader of the demons for teaching contrary to what the Pharisees taught, sounds very cultish, eh? You are no different than them, hurling insults at someone for teaching the truth of scripture, which oppose the lies you believe. Tisk tisk tisk, I wonder what you will say in the day of judgment when everything you believed was a lie? We shall see. Repent! Sober up! And learn the truth, before it is too late!