Cross Reference
New member
In a few words:
"Salvation" and being "born again". . .
"Salvation" and being "born again". . .
Being born again or being made regenerate is a one off. Regeneration is the start of salvation, but salvation is a process.
Your lack of understanding proves your lack of experience.
They are not the same.
So I, by saying grace at my dinner table or maybe by going to church on Sunday on religious holidays, profess to be saved though that is the all the time I spend acknowledging God.
People say I am blessed because I am materially prosperous. Question: What am I if not interested in committing more of my life to God's way for my life by concealing my lack of interest by being an usher in church or serving on the board but, because of believing that is all there is to being saved, never contribute to the teaching of newly saved souls - - what am I if believing for my salvation is all I am? What problem could there be if that is the extent of my religious life?
You people make me laugh when I hear the word committing. As if by your will you can perform anything that pleases the Father.
As for the rest of your post, it is crammed with hypotheticals and a tangle of gibberish.
In a few words:
"Salvation" and being "born again". . .
Too bad you have nothing to base your findings on. God is always looking righteousness from man. What do you say to that fact?
Do you want to edit this post so that I can read it?
Your mean this typo:
"God is always looking for righteousness from man".
No. Learn how to read for understanding, in this case, your lack of, instead of gleaning to refute.
Your lack of ability to communicate coherently is your problem, not mine.
In a few words:
"Salvation" and being "born again". . .