That is NOT what Jeremiah NOR Hebrews says. This is just another of the MANY cases where your made up fairy story must take precedence over scripture (in your feeble little mind).
Sure, just throw ANY old reference to a covenant in there. Nice work DingleBerry.
You are a HOOT!
Anticipated, YES.... it's PROPHECY. "Acted upon".... DINGLEBERRY!!!!
God said I WILL MAKE.... it's not here yet no matter how twisted your fairy story gets.
I hope that you ditch that nonsense and agree with God and His Word.
On the pastor, if you don't supply his name here, I'll ask others here to ignore, like Mt 18 says.
Yes God said I will make Christ the covenant. He said that in the pre exile prophecy of Isaiah. There is no reason on earth it cannot have been fulfilled in Christ.
Christ is the other party in all the well known Psalms about the event: Ps 2, 16 and 110, which your club avoids.
The sacrifice was the plan from the foundation of the world, or as this OP says, one of the things known for ages. Except in your club.
Christ is the other party in Hebrews, which is why the covenant is also called eternal. It had to be Christ who performed these things on behalf of both Israel and the nations, Rom 15.
You are not very familiar with the NT; no wonder it sounds like 'greek' to you (pun).
The providing Christ with burial herbs was a way of 'acting on' the new covenant/death before it happened. That is what I meant about things happening (like the conversation in Jn 4) that brings in Gentiles before the covenant maker/testator is dead.
You routinely ignore the non-Hebrews-8 references to the new covenant, which is that it is a current ministsry and is for the sins of all people.
Pastor's name and location, please.